God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 365: Nirvana Prophet

Chapter 365 Prophets of Nirvana

This is an unprecedented crisis at the Hive Base. The alarm was not only received internally, but quickly passed to the headquarters of the Nirvana camp. Because there are fewer than ten Nirvanas left in the hive, the combat effectiveness is the weakest of all Nirvana camps, but Because of this, it relies most heavily on technology defense systems. Hacking has weakened their defense by more than half.

Because of this raid, the Nirvana camp canceled the vacation of all the Nirvanas, and all flew into the plane as soon as possible and rushed to the hive. However, the fastest batch also arrived in 40 minutes. There will be no room for reinforcements.

Lan Long's plan was to use the other three teams with a total of 75 players as the bait to maximize the consumption of the hive's defensive power and draw their attention to them. With the main force of Lanlong and Mushishi, they chose the sidewalk to quickly transfer to the underground cell.

This plan has high requirements for bait. It must actively seek for defensive forces and hurt them and disable them.

The story of no injuries will only happen in the movie. Under the rain of guns and bullets, no one can do it 100% empty-handed.

After just ten minutes of fighting, there have been several casualties in the father-in-law and spy team. Watching the close friend fell beside him, the bait did not have the slightest regret, and the expression was like saying, "My friend takes a step first, and then I will follow up."

That's why it created a great infiltration environment for the main force.

The worm division was always holding the metal box and walking forward wearing a white coat. Unconsciously, he had reached the lowest level. At the gate of the prison, the garrison set up a line of defense, and the small fresh meat was in the line of the team. The corner is operated by m14 automatic sniper rifle.

"Shoot." Without any warning or hesitation, Xiaoxianrou issued an order as a nirvana. For a while, the sound of gunfire rang continuously, and fierce firepower could break the tank into a sloppy horse honeycomb.

The worm division did not wince, and the two players had set up bulletproof shields in front of him before firing on the opposite side. Not only that, many Nirvana soldiers with shields used more fierce firepower to fight back. In the straight pain channel that was not more than 50 meters together, the marksmanship, tactics, and abilities had become insignificant. In the end, it was only who was compared. The determination is stronger. Obviously, these guards cannot be compared with the Nirvana warriors who have been waiting for twenty years. Their personnel are diminishing, Xiaoxianrou has no time to take care of the loss of his teammates, and can only do all he can to dump ammunition. His sniper talent is not as deep as Shen Ming, and he joined Nirvana's team for a short time. His ability can only be said to have just surpassed these special forces.

But this was not the reason he could be scared. In the chaos of gunfire, he found the position of the enemy hacker hiding behind the shield. The keyboard holding the notebook is quite obvious. Small fresh meat aimed at the corner of a shield, and shot the same part again and again with armor-piercing bullets. Although it was not possible to maintain the superimposition of the bullet points on top of each other like Shen Ming, it was only a few dozen meters away. From a distance, he can do the same.

Finally, after the collision of the sixth armor piercing bullet of Ma Zi, the corner of the shield protecting the keyboard was cracked into pieces, and Xiaomei flirtly aimed directly at the keyboard's head. He just wanted to pull the trigger and a slim mother-in-law blocked it. Above the trajectory, the Barrett m95 unsupported anti-equipment sniper rifle was held in the hand. The 12.7 mm caliber ammunition and the small fresh meat m14 ammunition were fired at almost the same time, and the trajectory was superimposed.

The bullets collided in mid-air and emitted a grenade-like explosion. The little fresh meat was incredible. The manual loading speed of the old woman was faster than his automatic continuous shooting sniper rifle! By the time the little flesh corrected the trajectory, the old woman had completed the second shot.

"Ah!" Xiao Xianrou screamed and fell to the ground. The two arms holding the guns were blown up with flesh and blood, and immediately lost his fighting ability.

"Thank you, Snow Fox ..." The keyboard was too focused on operating the computer just now, and did not notice that it had become a sniper's prey.

"I can save you once, I can't save you again and again, grow your own heart." Xuehu taught coldly. Carrying the sniper quickly retreated to the back of the team.

As a sniper, Snow Fox rarely shows up in front of people. She is different from a guy like Shen Ming who often charges, and is also different from a night watchman such as a line of sight sniper who is 3 km away. Snow Fox is a control type The sniper genius, while concentrating on sniping, can also grasp the overall situation at a glance, and is also known as the most trusted protector of teammates.

In the era of Snow Fox Nirvana, teaming with her is almost a mission that every Nirvana dreams of. After 5 minutes of shooting, the battle fell into a state of dumb fire. Lan Long lost 5 fighters, but the guards of the 50 people on the other side were all in the end. Xiao Xianrou tried to crawl away from this area, but Lan Long was Came to him.

"You won't end well." Xiao Xianrou looked at the old man in front of him and declared angrily.

"Born in peace, and died in sorrow, this is exactly what we are after. Goodbye, little brother." Lan Die pulled the trigger of her pistol and sent Xiaoxianrou, who had never met her, to the road.

"Keyboard, open the door." Lan Long finally stood in front of the gate of the super-alloy dungeon, commanding a flat trembling voice.

"30 seconds." Everyone's attention was on the door. No one noticed that the body of a Nirvana warrior was dragged aside in the distance.

After the keyboard quickly hit the computer, the door that was stronger than the nuclear arsenal quietly opened, and a cold air came out along the crack of the door, and a group of nirvana soldiers with ammunition and live ammunition became extremely excited.

Older fathers have to take quick-effect Jiuxin pills to calm down their excitement ...

Inside the dungeon, there is a spiral ring structure all the way down. Next to the stairs is a white to dazzling prison cell. The cell is all made of high-strength bullet-proof glass exterior walls, so that the prisoners inside can alleviate the dislike of iron railings Sense, but it can not give them the slightest freedom.

There are 199 dungeons in the hive, and the 50% occupancy rate is maintained for a long time. They learned extraordinary fighting skills from the Nirvana camp, but they were only used in the wrong events that disrupted world order and killed and enjoyed fun, and then they were sent to this dungeon for a walk.

Seeing this team of fighters rescued, those prisoners who had been locked up for so many years were crying with joy, they were cheering, begging, desperately hitting the glass door, eager to be released quickly.

But apparently, when the pair of horses and horses passed by them, there was no hesitation or pause, and there was only full contempt for these criminals.

In their view, the existence of the hive dungeon is necessary, and the black sheep should be permanently detained here, but only one person was left here because of persecution. They quickly reached the deepest part of the dungeon, and in front of the last cell.

Unlike the other four cells, the place where the "Prophet" was held ... It was just an upright glass trough. The prophet who had been cut off with both hands and feet had only a torso floating in the nutrient solution in the glass trough. He looked skinny. With his eyes closed, he is more like a horrible specimen.

And the prophets who made these old men religiously follow are far younger than imagined ... He is only 40 years old, but has a young face in his 20s. He is the best person in charge of the Nirvana camp history. He joined the Nirvana camp at the age of only 10 and was promoted to become one of the three leaders of the camp at the age of 18. But after only 2 years, he accepted the interior of the Nirvana camp. During the trial, he was found guilty of "****", "anti-social crime", and "anti-biological crime". Basically, the verdict found that he was released, and the danger was more dangerous than toxic nuclear waste.

In principle, killing him is far safer than holding him in this way. But even so, the superior decided to just cut off his hands and feet, and he must survive. Because, the prophet's prestige among the Nirvana below was extremely lofty at that time. Many people were his most loyal subordinates. Once he was killed, the Nirvana camp was likely to fall into civil war.

After the trial in the Nirvana camp called the "turning point", all the Nirvanas accepted psychological intervention to determine their views on the matter, and the believers of the Prophets were the key review targets. Then, many nirvana nirvana periods were completed ahead of time, and the observation period after becoming nirvana was extended to 10 years.

"His vitality is really exuberant ..." Zushi has never seen such a detained person. In the 20-year immobility life, even the most steel-like life will give up the desire to live. This mood can affect viscera function and brain nerve activity. Symptoms manifested are decreased accumulation of the endocrine system, autonomic heart failure, liver dysfunction, and so on.

Basically, after more than 10 years, you will "end" your own life. But when the worm division just touched the glass trough, the prophet in that trough suddenly opened his eyes. The characteristics of the European race made his skin white and flawless, and the big blue eyes were sharp and beautiful like gems.

"Master Prophet, we're late." Lan Long took the lead in one knee to worship, and a group of members of the father-in-law special task force also bowed down and saluted.

In the same year, the prophet was betrayed by the king, and his extreme thoughts were learned by the high-level officials, and he suffered an injustice. At that time, the trial required him to confess the names of all his affiliates, but the prophet did not say a name before he could guarantee that these brothers could support them outside today to this day.

And because of his secrecy, the upper level cut off his hands and feet with resentment, and has been imprisoned to this day.

"Don't worship, come and help me take this apart and let him out first." The worm division knocked on the shell of the glass trough, his eyes excited about science.

The butcher put down his Vulcan cannon. Stepped forward, with gloves with sharp metal diamond horns, blasted the surface of the glass trough into broken glass, and the nutrient solution gushed out like a flood of a dike, and the prophet that rushed out was taken up by Lan Long The former hugged in his arms.

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