God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 368: Return to the hive

Chapter 368 Return to the Hive

After a 12-hour international flight, Shen Ming once again set foot on this hot land with an average annual temperature of 30 degrees.

The fresh air here makes it an extravagant hope to breathe two haze, but the worthless human life makes death everywhere. Diseases, famines, extremists, civil wars, all kinds of harsh environments imaginable by humans are intertwined here, civilization is carefully built on the scarred earth, and only hope that many of its dark-skinned descendants can enjoy it A chance to grow up peacefully and happily like any other child in the world.

Shen Ming and An Qi have different styles of sneaking nibblers. Most of the places where their combat power is exerted are galloping on this kind of land, and fighting with the rebel leader and all the demon real swords that claim to be God.

So during the ten-year Nirvana period, he was half the time in the most dangerous virgin jungle and wilderness in the world, and no one knew him better than him.

After getting off the plane and reporting to Xiao Yi a phone call, Shen Ming spent 40,000 yuan directly outside the airport to buy a second-hand pickup. The owner saw that Shen Ming was so generous and gave him a private 81-bar assault rifle as a gift.

If you change to the usual Shenming, the transaction will be made more hidden, avoiding some unnecessary trouble. But this time he was really in a hurry, so when the two same pickup trucks followed up like tails, Shen Ming was not surprised.

In the city, they were very restrained and did not show any intentions, but as soon as they left the city and drove on the dirt road towards the grassland, they drove unscrupulously to the side of the Shenming vehicles.

The black man in the front passenger's seat raised his pistol and aimed at Shen Ming's head, saying in jerky English, "Stop by the side, we only need money."

Shen Ming was really obedient. He stepped on the brakes and suddenly stopped in the middle of the pickup truck, throwing two chasing pickups to the front.

The companion in the back of the container had aimed his gun at Shen Ming, but Shen Ming responded faster.

I saw Shen Ming smashed his windshield with one fist, supported his steering wheel with his feet, and continued to look at the car. His free hands held the 81-bar assault rifle flatly, and the half-shuttle burst out.

The four companions in the two containers were all knocked to the ground. The tires of their pickup trucks were also burst. Although the domestic pickup trucks were durable, they lost their balance and hit the roadside trees.

It took only 5 seconds for Shen Ming to get rid of these annoying flies and to grow towards the depths of the grassland. He still didn't kill, and all the bullets hit were not the key to those gangsters. Not killing ... has become his instinct. Shen Ming has started to worry about his new habit. The life in the city has smoothed his fangs. It will not have any impact in the face of ordinary city battles. But in the face of the prophet who can kill ... An Qi, this is definitely a fatal flaw.

In the sky, there are planes flying towards the center of the hive. Shen Ming certainly knows what is loaded on it, and on the ground he can only push forward with four wheels, and he is afraid to drive at the fastest speed. Because the pavement of the grassland is already in danger, and a lot of dust will be sucked into the engine. Once the car is broken, his efficiency will only be slower ...

This anxiety, but also the slow emotion, is a kind of suffering to Shen Ming.

From the scorching sun to the moon until the stars were thin, Shen Ming finally opened to an area 40 kilometers away from the hive. In principle, the ground alert line was 20 kilometers, but at this time, Shen Ming had to suddenly lower it. At speed, Pickup rushed into the trap with a howling noise.

I saw 4 wheel locks popping up on the flat ground, and fixed the pickup truck's wheels firmly on the ground. If the speed didn't slow down, this sudden stop could let him fly straight out of the car and roll over ten A few meters hung up.

The vehicle just stopped. From the jungle around, one by one, ghost-like figures stood up. A squad of up to 10 people held various weapons and aimed at the truck where Shen Ming was.

"Are you all rookies who have just joined the Nirvana camp? The trap is so rough, I found it 50 meters away." Shen Ming took the 81-bar assault rifle with half shuttle ammunition left and stepped out of the car.

"Put down your gun and raise your hand to show your identity!" Ordered the captain, whose face was even more brilliant than Hua Leopard.

"My Nirvana is codenamed Pluto. Putting down the gun can't do it, after all, you are hostile." Shen Ming single-handedly replied coldly.

"Captain, he is so shy, interrupt his feet first, then ask questions!" A nirvana soldier standing on the back of Shen Ming threatened.

"If I were you, I would never say my plan so loudly. If you want to fight, say it first." Just as the scene was tense, from the dense jungle, a man with golden hair The girl stepped out, and behind her was a heavy slasher that was longer than her height, and stood out in the moonlight.

"Mengna ... When was Nirvana camp so short of people? It actually let a group of rookies take charge of the ambush task." Shen Ming knew the man who was his comrade in Nirvana.

"Brother, the defense distance has been extended by 20 kilometers. Even Aunt Pa, who was sweeping the ground, was pulled out for searching. Although I know there is no use for this, the modularized cleaning work still needs to be done." I saw my comrades in the past. Meng Na is also very happy.

"Meng Na, An Qi ... how's it going?" Shen Ming was still dreaming about something.

"Sorry Pluto, you know, Nirvana camp news is strictly forbidden to disclose to Nirvana, you and we are no longer a kind of people. In addition, it is illegal for you to appear here, go back." Mengna advised.

"You know, since I'm here, the rules can't stop me, this group of shrimps can't do it. If I have to force me to do something, I can bring down everyone here and go to the hive." Shen Ming said calmly A group of rookie nirvana has aimed at his whole body, but in the world of Shen Ming, they are all furnishings except for Meng Na.

"Pluto, wouldn't you be serious? Are you really going to do it with me? I'm a melee specialization, and you never won me once in this distance." Meng Na looks like a child, but she There was no bullying to look at, and the small palm naturally held the handle of the horse-sword behind the waist.

Shen Ming stood there in such a daze, fearless.

"I'm afraid of you ..." Finally, Meng Na still compromised. She let go of the knife handle and pressed the communicator, and communicated with the high-level headquarters.

It took a full 10 minutes for Moina to turn around gratefully. "Kaos agreed to let you pass, but you need to disarm all."

Meng Na just finished speaking, Shen Ming's right hand turned into an inverse scale dragon type, tearing the Bayi assault rifle into a pile of debris. The rookie nirvana at the scene was stunned, never seen such a monster's human body.

"You should know that my biggest weapon now is my body. Unless you kill me, you cannot completely disarm." Shen Ming is frank.

"You, I didn't expect that in the ordinary city, you can continue to grow stronger and play happily." Meng Na shook her head and sighed, "Let's go, you and me."

In this way, Meng Na and another rookie nirvana drove to the hive in a car and the others continued to search forward.

Although the Prophet and his team ran away long before they arrived, they still had to comb through the base thoroughly to avoid leaving their backdoors or reconnaissance equipment, leaving loopholes for the later defense.

Shen Ming hasn't been to the Hive Base for more than half a year, and vaguely remembers that this is a permanent logistic base located underground, with a high level of confidentiality, and even Shen Ming knows nothing about it.

But now, it is no secret at all, and you can see it a few kilometers away, and the fire flames everywhere on the base of the base and the thick smoke floating upwards have not been completely extinguished until now.

The father-in-law agent team seemed to ignite the arsenal of the hive base before leaving, and added a lot of white phosphorous bombs to it, which caused the fire to burn for 12 hours and was not completely extinguished. Rescuers did not dare to get too close, because explosions still occurred from time to time.

Although the corpses in the passage through Shen Ming had been removed, the smell of blood and smoke had not yet disappeared. The air alone could know how terrible it was at the beginning of the war.

As the largest logistic support base of Nirvana Camp, Hive Base is an important organ for handling Nirvana personnel and providing weapon intelligence support, but there are not many Nirvana garrisons inside. Its defense mainly relies on advanced modern armed systems. The number of standing guards is around 500, and all are soldiers with good military literacy.

Originally relying on the characteristics of modern equipment and bunkers, let alone insist on waiting for Nirvana reinforcements to arrive, even if they were self-sufficient for a year and a half, it would not be a problem. It can be completely conquered in just tens of minutes for only one reason. The attacker is the nirvana or the nirvana itself, and the in-depth research on the hive is a long-planned raid.

Shen Ming didn't have the mood to ask who did it, and didn't want to know how many people died, so please forgive his selfishness. Now all he cares about is An Qi's life and death.

When the jeep stopped, Kaos was standing at the entrance waiting for him.

"I knew you would come, but I didn't expect you to be so fast." Kaos greeted softly.

"If you're still a friend, please don't hide anything from me." Shen Ming said after the ceremony.

"You have never been my friend, but my brother." Kaos raised his fist and rubbed his deep chest, "Come with me."

Kaos personally led the way and walked towards the interior of the hive base. Originally in accordance with the rules, after the Nirvana that completed Nirvana had completed the procedures for leaving the team, he could no longer come back here, but at this moment, Kaos let the rules go to hell.

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