Chapter 370: Regrouping

Shen Ming drove out of the hive by himself. He carefully placed the iron box containing the fetters on the co-pilot and dialed the mouse directly via Bluetooth.

"Mouse ... I need your help." When Shen Ming was about to form a team, the first teammate to think of it was Mouse.

"Your sister! You call me a woolen phone in the sphere of influence of the hive! It will be monitored! Once they are found to be alive, the happiness of the rest of my life will be in your hands !! "Mouse cried on the phone without tears, just blame yourself for being low-handed, and when he saw Shen Ming's phone call, he found out that his signal source came from such a terrible realm, now Even if you hang up, it's too late.

Helpless, he can only answer the phone while packing important information, ready to run at any time.

"Mouse, the hive was raided, An Qi ... An Qi is now a vegetative." Shen Ming said directly.

"Well, who did it? Such awesome? Even the hive of one of the three major bases of Nirvana Camp can be rushed in!" The mouse once invaded the entire database of Nirvana Camp. For the mouse, the deleted thing is the same as the lost **, there is always a way to find it back → _ →

"The leading invader is Lan Long, an old predecessor in Nirvana, and they rescued a man from the hive, and that man was called ... the prophet ..."

"The Prophet in the Turning Event ?! Isn't that guy dead yet?" Perhaps the mouse knew more about Nirvana than their internal programmers. No way, who is called Nirvana camp is the biggest threat to his life. If you do n’t study hard, you may be killed at any time. This learning motivation is different from the internal programmer.

"There are indications that the worm division has also become a group of them and provided technical support for the prophets. How strong the prophets are now, I do n’t know. To be sure, I ca n’t do the task of hunting him alone. . "Shen Ming began chatting with the mouse about the subject of the mission.

"What do you want?" The mouse felt awful.

"Have you copied all the personnel data of the Nirvana camp, including the Nirvana species?" Shen Ming straightened.

"Do you want to find someone from this team to blame? Don't be kidding. If this kind of data let Nirvana camp know that I have, unloading 800 yuan will be considered to be insufficient.

Shen Ming, we are indeed brothers fused with water, but I really want to help you, you know my end. "Mouse sighed helplessly.

"The future is not as pessimistic as you think. This attack on the hive exposed their serious flaws in the base system, and special talents are extremely needed to help fix it. As long as you help me complete this task, I believe Kaos is very Is willing to absorb you into Nirvana camp as a special technician, then you will no longer have to worry about being chased and killed by Nirvana camp. Kaos, are you right? "Shen Ming knows that someone is eavesdropping on this call.

"I won't answer any of your guesses, but I do have a contract like this on hand, waiting for the master to pick up the work." Kaos's voice also appeared on the phone and gave the mouse Reassuring pills.

"I see. It seems that I can't help you. But Shen Ming, I must make it clear that the master who can invade the background of the hive must be a master. My remote support is no longer meaningful, and it may be disturbed at any time. Sending the wrong information leads, this will lead to your death ... so I asked that there must be a place for me in your team. "Shen's request surprised Shen Ming.

"Aren't you greedy for fear of death? Forgive me for being so straightforward." Shen Ming curious.

"The greed for fear of death does not mean that I am an idiot. The remote support signals provided to you can be tracked. At that time, someone will send me a team of tracking signals to find me. I will not die? You think it is staying with you. Is it safe around me? Or am I hiding alone in a bunker that can't be resisted by long-range ballistic missiles? "The mouse's chicken thief is amazing.

"Understood, I accept your team request, and now I will give you a request, a total of 3 places, a melee master, a driving wizard, a heavy fire cover specialization." Shen Ming laughed.

"Is that enough? Will there be too few people?" The mouse was worried about his own safety at the moment.

"Of course not enough, there is also a long-range fire protection expertise, I already have the right people ..." The team in Shen Ming's mind was composed of six people.

"Wait a minute, in order to ensure that the person you are looking for is not potentially bought by the Prophet, I need to screen the connections of the people on this list. To put it plainly, it is to investigate their ancestors of the 18th generation, which takes about 5 hours. "This is already a huge network operation.

"As soon as possible, I'm really in a hurry to get the guy's head." Shen Ming couldn't wait.

"By the way, how are you going to find that guy? Nirvana is a hidden expert," the mouse wondered.

"You don't have to look for it so hard. The prophet escaped from heaven not to sit comfortably in Starbucks and drink coffee Xingbingle. He will soon come out to find something." Shenming's premonition was more accurate than that of a woman.

"Then I'll help you find someone securely, Shen Ming, I'm sorry about An Qi," the mouse sighed.

"Without regret, the prophet will soon regret it," Shen Ming said firmly.

Later that day, on an unknown island in South America, a night watchman wearing a priest's suit was cleaning his church. A wedding has just been held here, and the petals on the ground still bring the joy of new marriage. As long as everyone can be happy under the shelter of God, he is also happy.

During the cleaning, the vigil's phone rang, and the contact person showed Shen Ming, but the new number of the vigil didn't tell him. Obviously, he could find himself. Shen Ming must have used some special doorways.

"Friend, let me guess, you must not be looking for me to invite me to a bar?" The night watchman smiled slightly.

"Instructor, the Prophet just fled from the hive base not long ago. It was a team of Nirvana fighters. The king's head died and An Qi was vegetated." Shen Ming explained the situation with the shortest speech.

The smile on the vigil's face disappeared, and he asked calmly, "What do you want to do?"

"I want his life, but I can't do it alone, help me, please." Shen Ming said sincerely.

"Come with me less, and we'll give you your life if you're not good enough, but you need comrades in arms, never die." The night watchman agreed without hesitation.

"Thank you, instructor, and sincerely thank you," Shen Ming said gratefully.

"Don't just thank you, you have to pay." The night watchman quickly stopped.

"You can drive as much as you want, and my counteroffer is your grandson." Shen Ming said generously.

"No money, but the last drink was not good. After the incident is over, you can ask me for another drink." The vigil laughed.

"Sure! Do not get drunk." Shen Ming promised.

Shen Ming's requested list was sent to him one after another, and the mouse was selected according to his requirements, but these people are not the cutting-edge talents that can be absorbed by a phone call.

Shen Ming and the night watchman quickly gathered together and began to collect people around the world.

Their first stop was at a private mine in Australia. This is the dark side of capitalism. It is a cancerous place of modern civilization. A large number of black market workers smuggling into Australia have to sell themselves to work and do the most heavy manual labor to avoid investigation by customs police. They work 7 times a day. Hours, no dessert in the afternoon, no union organization, monthly subsidy is only issued, operating various air-conditioned machinery and equipment, blowing a cold will not let sick people to work, you must not rest, the salary is only 80%, Shows the exploitative nature of capitalists.

All the workers can only have fun, don't look at them with a smile and look out of their eyes. No salary is left. All of them are mailed back to the country for the mother-in-law to build the villa. Anyway, in this wicked capitalist private mining area, they can't buy anything, everything is free, and they eat big chicken drumsticks every day. Who knows if it is a chicken injected with hormones in foreign countries?

"Strength heavy fire specialization ... this is a good place to hide." The night watchman next to Shen Ming looked around with the Bible in his arms.

"I haven't said that I came here to find a heavy fire cover." Shen Ming grinned.

"Then you?" When the night watchman wondered, a 797-type giant mining truck rushed over, and a monster of 4,059 horsepower and a height of 7.7 meters slammed the speed to 80 kilometers per hour. With this tonnage and Speed ​​sprint, even the locomotive will be easily knocked out.

"Lu Li!" The foreman rushed out of the shed and shouted exhaustedly, but the voice was drowned in the roar of the diesel engine of the mining truck. Numerous workers were frightened by the 624-ton truck.

Who would have thought that the kid in the cab laughed wildly and struck the steering wheel, letting this steel giant flick in his hands and rolled over the narrow road between the gravelly mountains, and rushed directly to the excavator without deceleration, steady. Stopped calmly.

The dust that was rolled up by him was like the dust storm of the imperial capital for a long time ...

"Specialization in driving ... hmm." The night watchman knew what kind of talent Shen Ming was looking for, except that the mouthful of sand was really disgusting.

"Lu Li, Nirvana code et, known as a super-driving talent to be shown to you even if there is a flying saucer. Although Nirvana period is only 5 years, but he is proficient in all mechanical driving skills in the world. The hangar freak, Nirvana expired 2 years ago. Because he served at the second base of another Nirvana camp, we do n’t know his existence. ”If it was n’t for the mouse to give him information, he would not Will know the existence of et.

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