God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 383: Prophet's Bodyguard

Chapter 383 The Prophet's Bodyguard

"I have let the keyboard collect your information. Your life is very special." The prophet held his cheek with one hand and looked at the deep smile in front of him. There was no consciousness as an old enemy. Chou, broke into the hooligan den alone, and was also the first man to be killed within 500 meters of Kaos.

Nirvana has killed a lot of people and saved a lot of people in ten years. The nirvana has always valued his own life. Even when forming a team, you must be uncharacteristically every time you must ensure that your teammates return to the team safely.

For this reason, you have also suffered a lot and taken unnecessary risks many times. It is also a miracle to succeed in Nirvana.

They evaluate you as a rare sniper genius in Nirvana camp. With a micro-evolutionary body such as a body with zero recoil, you can not only take the first rank from a kilometer away, but also do not avoid the close-range fighting and killing method. "

"I won't be happy if you praise me so much." Shen Ming raised his **** with a stern face.

"I'm not bragging about you, but just lamenting the educating strength of Nirvana Camp. Although I extremely dislike its system, I have to admit that many of the best talents have come out of Nirvana Camp." The Prophet was filled with emotion, " I used to think that only Nirvana camps could save the world. Through the intervention of super soldiers, the relative potential local war threats were relatively balanced, the terrorists were eliminated, the killing warlords were killed, the drug gangs were cracked, and world peace was maintained.

Later, I discovered that ... I was wrong. The people in charge of this world should be the ones in charge. They are sitting in the world ’s most horrible nuclear arsenal. The war caused by the weapons and values ​​delivered in one year requires It takes two years for the nirvana to resolve.

It feels like constant destruction over there, constant construction over here, exhausted and no end. "

"Then you want to destroy the earth?" Shen Ming despised.

"It's not about destruction, but saving, eliminating nuclear weapons all over the world, is a way to end human self-destruction. I always thought that the Nirvana camp would support me to do this until I was cut off and held at the hive base. Bottom ... I understand that, in fact, Nirvana camp is not a place for peace.

It never thought about ending war because Nirvana needed war and conflict as a catalyst to help Nirvana complete Nirvana. This is like a symbiotic relationship. Yes, the nirvana is a tumor that parasitizes death and war, and absorbs blood as a nutrient until it grows into a nirvana. The Prophet said later that his tone became abnormally solemn.

"If you want to brainwash me, I'm afraid it's a waste of effort. I just can't find a way to kill you without killing myself. I think we can talk about **** you safely." Shen Ming No interest in the values ​​of the prophet.

"Calm and calm, in fact, you don't have to be so excited. Drink a cup of coffee first." The worm division has already brewed the coffee and brought it to the table. He gave Shen Ming and the Prophet a cup while holding the cup himself. Sitting in the next position, it seemed that I did not want to participate in the conflict between the two.

"I am not the owner of worrying about the country and the people. I care about the comfortable life of one acre and one third of the land in my family. I do n’t have many friends, but I can be regarded as a daring brother who can dig my heart. I used to owe them Help has survived to this day, so it is worth my life to protect this group of friends. I don't care how magnificent your righteousness and righteousness, I only know ... you owe An Qi a life, I'm here to collect your body. "Pluto King Take a sip of coffee, "Bugmaster, it's too bitter ..."

"I put the sugar on my own, and I like to drink pure, bitter taste like life." Zushi shrugged helplessly.

"I like your simplicity, but unfortunately you have been involved in a war destined to be complicated. This thing is not for you, but for the Nirvana camp that will arrive in about an hour." The prophet said, knocking on the metal detonator on his chest. "Everyone said that I was against the world. In fact, what I want to end now is only Nirvana camp."

"For revenge?" Shen Ming did not understand the prophetic thinking of the prophet at all.

"To save the earth, too, you know too little about the truth of the world. In the next 3 days, I will gradually tell you everything I know. I hope you will not be afraid." The Prophet sold Guanzi.

"I have scared him now, who said that I will stay with you for 3 days?" Shen Ming said shamefully.

"You don't want to be willing, my people are about to evacuate, and they will leave the island with the worm division, because I don't want to take them to death with them.

Among the Nirvana fighters who came to take my life, it is estimated that many of them are also your friends. I believe they must have no patience to sit down and chat with me for coffee. Once I have been killed ... they will all die.

The hydrogen bomb I buried on this Monte Island was dismantled from a steel-wood missile. Although there is only one, I promise that all living things on this island will die. The prophet looked at Shen Ming, and a pair of beautiful blue eyes raised his mind and immediately turned into a bad idea. "I heard that Mr. Shen Ming is now a bodyguard, isn't he?" I have a job to do for you. I wonder if you are interested? "

"What the **** do you want to do?" Shen Ming had a bad hunch.

"Protect me for three days until representatives of various countries come to talk to me about anti-nuclear matters. I know that it is impossible for them to surrender a nuclear bomb, but let them unite to resist Nirvana camp compared to this It's much simpler.

What I want is to drive Nirvana to death. "The prophet was whimsical.

"Oh, let me protect you in the face of the Nirvana camp's army? Not to mention that I can't do it, can you afford the price that makes my heart beat?" Shen Ming despised.

"Don't you really want my head? As long as the task is completed, my head will be held in both hands, and I will not detonate the nuclear bomb for you to accompany me to death. If you want to take the head by yourself, don't say I look down on you. As far as you are concerned, you really don't have this ability. "The price quoted by the Prophet really made Shenming be impressed.

Protect the Prophet? !! It seems like night and day, but it is currently the only option that seems to be in the interests of all parties. In this way, not only can the security of Nirvana friends who are about to be on the island be maximized, but also their team members will not die.

It's just that ... and Mengna, King of Power, Shadow Demon, these demons are facing the front ... The difficulty of the task is no less than taking the prophet's dog life without killing himself.

Shen Ming really hesitated. Regardless of whether the advance or retreat was desperate, it seemed to turn out to be the difference between being killed by a good friend or being killed by a prophet.

"Shen Ming, think more about it if you want to. I don't have time to spend with you anymore. Don't stop there." The worm division put down the coffee cup.

"Zushi, I still don't understand why you chose to help him?" This was the doubt in Shen Ming's heart.

"Silly boy, the reason for helping him is the same as helping you, because you can all achieve my science." The Worm Master nodded with a smile and said goodbye.

"Hope we have a chance to see you again," Shen Ming said softly.

"Why am I not so hopeful, thank you for everything you have done for me." Mushi left the cafe after finishing talking.

The members of the Shenming team, who had been in a state of relaxation and vigilance immediately, became energetic. After a brief communication between the worm division and Lan Long, a pair of men and horses left their boss, the prophet, walking away from the volcanic ash. go with.

"Shen Ming, which one is this singing? Have you already conquered their leader with charm?" The mouse asked in the intercom.

"No ... we're in a big deal." Shen Ming finished, and the prophet accompanying him came out of the cafe, and his face was as uncomfortable as he had just eaten a pound of rice.

Shen Ming didn't want to say anything. Instead, the prophet introduced the situation to everyone. Everyone opened their mouths with big eyes and small eyes. Fortunately, they were wearing respirators or they would be filled with volcanic ash in minutes.

"Is this what happened to him? Aren't we here to make this guy? How did he become his bodyguard?" Black Pearl couldn't accept this reality.

"Protecting him is not the most disgusting. The disgusting thing is to fight against the elite team of the Nirvana camp for 3 days ... Is it too late for me to quit now?" The trial scalp was numb.

"Shen Ming, can't I choose another possibility? For example now ..." The watchman's look was taking advantage of no one, and everyone joined hands to make the prophet.

"Unfortunately, there seems to be no other option. He installed a pulse detonator with a hydrogen bomb on his heart. Once he hangs up, none of us can run out of this island. If the guy in Nirvana camp kills him Now ... we and our friends will all die. "Shen Ming frowned deeply.

"Can I stop playing? How do you feel that playing is a dead end?" Et said the voice of everyone.

"Actually, I feel the same way. Now that I am in a personal sense of responsibility, I am already tied here by the **** who killed a thousand swords. I ca n’t go, but you can, from now on, I do n’t force everyone to be with me. The team continues the mission, you can choose to leave, even if the Nirvana camp fighters who followed immediately said that they should be able to evacuate safely in your capacity. "Shen Ming said calmly.

"Although it is tempting to leave you with this proposal, I'm sorry, since I promised to team with you, I don't have the second option to quit temporarily. Monte Island is so large, shouldn't it be difficult for 3 days?" The mouse figured it out.

"I'm willing to stay, too, the group of funny Nirvana camp fighters, really watching them play to death, I feel unhappy." The night watchman also said to stand on the side of Shen Ming.

"Also, I already like to fight with a hundred enemy, so many enemies, really did not play with my colleagues in the Nirvana camp, I should practice." The trial said, holding his head.

"Temporary resignation is not my style, it's my one." Black Pearl agreed.

After everyone said, all looked at et.

"Are you this guy? Do you have to bend my rhythm ?!" sweat dripped from the top of et's head.


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