God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 398: Inverse scale evolution!

Chapter 398: Inverse Scale Evolution!

It is not impossible for the four gods to appear at the same time, but for them to appear as entities, the prophet needs to return to the posture of only one trunk again. At the same time, the four beasts that were liberated at the same time showed fierce light. They were bitten by the inverse scales, and they were very revengeful.

"Hey, my king, are you dead?" Shen Ming asked the status of the inverse scales in his heart. From the beginning, Shen Ming's feeling of the inverse scales became very weak.

"Uncomfortable, tired, and want to sleep." Niu yawned.

"Sleep you paralyzed (????) ?? Hey! How can you let the pigeons out at this time? There are only four to fight!" After hitting half dead, if it wasn't for Inverse Scale's final close, he would have hung up.

Now he wasn't facing four. Even if he was divided, he didn't eat enough of any of the four.

"I can only hold it for another minute."

"One minute, one move, that's enough." Shen Ming clenched his fists firmly and ran forward, the speed was already very slow, just as tired as a marathon runner. In the palm of his palm, an agitated dragon ball was condensed early. This move will be won and lost.

Qinglong, White Tiger, and Suzaku, all launched at the same time. The prophet actually sunk directly. The entire torso merged into the basal body, and now it felt like the connecting ducts of the other three divine beasts extended from the basal body.

What Shen Ming needs to protect is not himself, but the dragon spit in his hands. He no longer has the strength to generate another one. This is a nirvana left to destroy the prophet's body.

The Suzaku soaring in the sky spewed down the blazing flames, burning the volcanic ash extremely brightly. Shen Ming stumbled to avoid sideways and continued to charge forward.

The giant white tiger's claws inspired by Shenmian's elbow against the scales. It's okay, you can rush! But just three meters away from the bulky basalt tortoise, a giant dragon's tail swept across. Shen Ming was so reluctant, but he was thrown back from the ground and flew out for a long, long time. When he fell on the ground, he felt that he was not far from death even if he did not die.

Shen Ming spent a lot of energy to keep the dragon ball unbroken, but now he has not been able to protect his body and was beaten to the end.

"Sin beast, in front of our Four God Beasts, you are just a clown jumping clown." Qinglong shook his long beard and arrogantly with a magnetic voice.

"Joke, if the King is a clown, you would be a **** at best, even a group of scorpions? Come on, let the King teach you what deserves to be called a god!" The inverse scale supports the deep body and lets him from the earth Quickly stood up.

"My lord, can you do it? There are 30 seconds left, 4 to be killed, plus the prophet ..." Shen Ming wondered in his heart.

"Never question your king, those flocks of creeping beasts are the king's prey. All you have is the stick hidden under the turtle's shell. Come on!" The red eye of the inverse dragon head flashed.

"You command! I do! My king is high energy!" Shen Ming spread his legs and rushed towards the basalt giant tortoise.

The green dragon and white tiger pinched left and right, and the Suzaku in the sky came down. Any one of them can now kill the weak Shenmeng ten times now. In order to avoid the instinct of the body, he even closed his eyes and turned his own Life and death were all entrusted to the inverse scale.

Such trust can be found only in the presence of affliction, and the inverse scale has never let Shen Ming die. What can the inverse scale after evolution do? In fact, even the inverse scale itself is not completely clear. The only feeling is that at this moment in the world, there is no rival!

The black scales of the inverse scales grew along the back shoulder of Shen Ming's right arm toward the other arm. Immediately, Shen's left hand was also wrapped in clusters of black scales and turned into an inverse arm like the right arm.

The white tiger rushed to bite when he opened his mouth, manipulated his left arm against the scales, and actively pushed into the white tiger's mouth, allowing the sharp fangs to bite into the scales.

The white tiger deliberately strengthened the jawbone. After the huge tiger's head, four extra large bones were born, pushing the bite force to the point where the alloy armor plate can be chewed by fudge. However, the scales of Shen Ming's left arm exuded a layer of turquoise-like turquoise green under pressure, showing a strong defense.

"Have a good bite? Kitty!" Nianlin smirked and flung to the side, Bai Hu was thrown away and flew out a dozen tusks.

Qinglong attacked from the other side, like a snake from the world, twisted towards Shenming with that snake-shaped body.

The inverse scale could not bring the dragon toad and the blue dragon to fight, the black hand shook, and the dragon toad flew straight into the air like a cannonball.

Qinglong also wrapped Shen Ming's entire body into a mass in a flash. The contracted dragon body could twist the steel beams of the magic sky building and twist the armored car into a twist, but Shen Ming could not be harmed in the slightest. Just when Qinglong was about to shrink for the last time, numerous blue knives protruded from the inside, bruising the dragon with thorns, and forcing Qinglong out of the tens of meters away.

In the sky, Suzaku chased the dragon spit bead that fell at a height of 20 meters, just like the little one who likes to chase the falling feathers.

The black scales operated by the inverse scales extend down from the back shoulders until the dark feet are turned into black scales. The scales instantly turn into the white color of the white tiger, and the inverse scales shrink the deep feet. , Vigorously jumped directly into the sky.

The wind that whistled over Shen Ming's face let him know that he had flew into midair, but he could not imagine that he could leap to a height of 20 meters. Like a superman, he opened his right arm and took a step ahead of Suzaku. Long Tuzhu held it in his palm again.

"Birds, let's fly tired, take a break!" Reverse the scales and turn back the deep body, hit the top with a white foot, kick the big bird in the air like a ball directly to the side, and the big red bird mourns One smashed into a building on the side of the road.

The whole process took only 20 seconds. Shen Ming's battle has ended, and his body fell freely toward the ground, only to hear the inverse scales whispering in his heart, "Shen Ming, you can open your eyes."

Like a child who can see the birthday gift, Shen Ming opened his eyes and saw the basalt giant turtle crawling slowly on the ground to hide from it. It had felt the danger, but unfortunately the movement force was too great. Strengthen and strengthen to protect the prophets below.

"My King, how strong are you?" Shen Ming sighed open her arms and looked at her black inverse scale arms, cyan dragon hands, white white tiger feet, and turquoise basalt legs. This kind of unprecedented strength, feeling ... ... It's so cool!

"Not enough! There is still this!" The inverse scale chuckled, but the inverse scale turned into a reddish color, and the blazing flames scorched around it, like from magma red to shiny, without such strength, nor Measures to ensure that the dragon spit beads penetrate the basalt heavy armor defense.

"The Prophet ... I'm here." Shen Ming whispered this, waving the Suzaku inverse arm, and blasted the red dragon on the back of the giant basalt turtle.

A loud bang! Shen Ming hit the basalt tortoise into the ground. The crack centered on his body and spread out for more than 50 meters. Even the 8 houses on the roadside were shaken and collapsed. Encountered a directional blast.

The tortoise shell disintegrated and dissipated under the impact of the dragon spit beads, exposing the prophet lying below.

"You did it again, an impossible miracle happened to you again, congratulations." The prophet did not have the consciousness of being killed halfway, and his smiling face was still as brilliant as when he wanted to eat hot pot.

"Prophet, give you a chance and say your last words." Shen Ming raised his arms wrapped in inverse scales and aimed at the Prophet's neck. Now for him, taking this guy's head is as easy as a palm.

"I have no last words and no regrets. In the past, I felt that the world ruled by the Twelve Demigods was very pathetic. Everyone was puppets in shackles and had never lived their own lives. I tried to save This world, even if it is to eliminate some threats to the world like Nirvana camp, I feel that no one except me can do this.

But now it seems that I overestimated myself. The world is not pathetic. It also has an existence like you, a man who can continue to create miracles.

Promise me to take care of the world when I'm away, my big bodyguard, accept my commission and be a bodyguard for this earth. The prophet's smile is still bright, but also pale. DNA's telomeres were quickly extracted for repairing the wounds of the Four Gods, his skin became dry, and wrinkles appeared in the slightly upturned mouth of the 80-year-old man. A blonde hair quickly turned into white hair.

"My charges are very expensive." Shen Ming didn't know why, but he couldn't help looking at such a prophet.

"It doesn't matter, the world you protect will compensate you with something called the future. I believe there is nothing in return that can be compared with the future. It is really God to treat me like you at the end of my life. Thin, if I have my own hands, I really want to hug you. "The Prophet was a little sorry, the vitality in his eyes was gone at this moment.

"Sleep quietly ... dead guy." Shen Ming's time for reversing the scales is long over. He is weak and can no longer kill people with bare hands, but still has some strength to close the eyes for the prophet.

The prophet died, but he did not directly die in the hands of Shen Ming. Shen Ming did not keep his promise with An Qi and took away the prophet's skull. After all, the tinsel and the head of the prophet ’s body belonged to him. Taking things from other people, what do the relatives of Lanlong rely on to recognize the body?

A torture, like a farce, made the whole world restless, and at this moment, like the giant volcano on Monte Island, it finally returned to silence again.


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