God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 411: Ant-Man's Quiz

Chapter 411 The Ant-Man Test

At noon, a taxi slowly stopped in front of a five-star hotel in Paris. For the tip, the doorman laughed and came forward with a flower to welcome him. A bald man in a black suit stepped down from the car and dragged out a huge golf backpack.

"Sir, I'm glad to serve you. Let me come." Yingbin came forward and wanted to go to the bald bag, but was bald in the palm of his hand.

"It's okay, I like to come by myself." The bald man said in mechanized French, already striding to walk around the hotel, and tucked a ten euro into his welcome pocket.

The bald man with the room card went directly to the 15th floor, pressed the do-not-disturb light, turned on the shower head in the bathroom, the bald man took off his suit, and had not called the lady, and put the backpack directly behind him. On the bed, huge pieces of firearms were taken out.

"Ant-Man No. 3, today's task is to test the target's response and resilience. We can't kill him so soon. We still have a lot of time to play." Zhu Zhiyu ordered at the other end of the communicator, communication The device is built into Ant-Man's ears, and the instant camera is placed in their eyes, so that even if it is thousands of miles away, Zhu Zhiyu can fully grasp his activity status.

"No. 3 understands that this is a test, not an end." The bald ant-man replied without frustration, and instantly, a giant anti-equipment sniper rifle was assembled.

This is an ultra-long-range heavy sniper equipment that appears almost on the market. It is an enthusiast-grade firearm developed by a bald eagle sauce company called Anzio. It uses 20 mm caliber ammunition and the longest effective range is also reached. It was 3 kilometers away, and it would not be a self-improving firearm like the night watchman. The sniper from 3 kilometers away made the bullet appear to hit the target with a huge parabola.

Its bullet has a smaller radian. Thanks to the latest technology of cotton wool filled in the bullet, the bullet has a very fast initial velocity. Within 1 km, even the main armor of the main battle tank cannot resist its damage. If you use it to hit people, The corpse capital cannot be recovered.

The bald ant-man mounted the gun on the window sill, and adjusted the line of sight across the floor-to-ceiling window of the room.

At this time, Shen Ming and Jasmine walked into the Western restaurant she booked. This place is not the top dining place, but it is not cheap. Jasmine and the etiquette help to keep the Shenming, the super tall foreign girl holding an Asian face, can always easily attract everyone's attention.

"They all seem to be watching us." Shen Ming was looked a little uncomfortable.

"Don't smell bad, of course you are looking at me. What do you look good on?" When Jasmine smirked, she actually watched Shenming for two days, and he was really pretty.

The waiter arranged for them by a window, but Shen Ming didn't like it and had to sit at the corners of the two walls. Jasmine thought that Shen Ming didn't want to be too pretentious. After all, she ate with her boss immediately, and it always tasted dating.

"How did you feel waiting for Queen all morning?" Jasmine asked while looking at the menu.

"It's okay, it's just a bit of a broken leg." Shen Ming smiled helplessly, just because Pin Fan's personal problems, she didn't like to call when she was assigned a task, and she called the assistant directly to convey, only the big things Ask the assistant to call someone to come and talk.

As a result, Shen Ming is not communicating the order, but on the way to convey the order.

"It's normal. Queen's hate is the mobile phone. She feels that the mobile phone is a tool without beauty. No matter how many gems are set, it can't change its ugly size and ugly appearance. So she always asks her assistant to communicate." Jasmine reminded "And this is also the biggest test. The assistant can't make the slightest mistake or delay in conveying the order, otherwise you will get out of the way like the dozen or so assistants in front of you."

"It seems that I'm lucky, not only did I make a mistake, but also reminded me of my senior's care." Shen Ming grinned.

"Isn't there a saying in your dynasty? It's short-talking." Jasmine chose a salad and returned the menu to the waiter around her, watching Shen Ming smile and said, "This is a special treat for you. "

"Thank you, thank you for not giving my predecessors such a chance, otherwise we will not be able to meet each other." The gentleman Shen Ming poured a little red wine for Jasmine, and the sound of a crisp glass sounded like a sudden heartbeat.

"Actually, I always wanted to read the journalism department of Harvard University. Unfortunately, I couldn't pass the exam. Those who got the score were all monsters." Jasmine couldn't help introducing herself, and her heartfelt seemed to be opened by the atmosphere of that date.

"Am I strange?" Shen Mingqing tasted the wine.

"Yes, obviously with such a high degree of education, but came to the underwear company to fooling around. The ability is also so outstanding, but he still needs to be a second assistant." Jasmine was clearly struggling for Shen Ming.

"It's very simple, because life has made us all better." Shen Ming ridiculously replied.

"Don't you say I know, Queen's recommendation letter, do you really believe she will write this kind of thing for others?" Jasmine frowned.

"Why not?" Shen Ming disapproved.

"Queen is a good person. Although she is too strict with her work and has a strong desire to control, she never treats useful subordinates. If you are useful, she will not recommend it to others. If you are useless, how to recommend it to others?" Jasmine smiled wryly. Road.

"In this world, doing my best, I'll try my best to do my part, and the rest depends on God's will." Shen Ming was extremely open-minded, and Jasmine could not help but develop good feelings.

In fact, she didn't know why she rushed to eat the newcomer. Maybe because there was no man to interest her for too long?

Only 200 Euros were eaten for a lunch, which is not too expensive, which shows that Jasmine did not pit him.

The lunch break was only an hour and a half, and they had to hurry back to the company so that Queen couldn't find anyone.

When Shen Mingdai and Jasmine walked past a building, the laughing Shen Ming suddenly turned his head and looked at the hotel 3100 meters away, his eyes sharply looked at the bald sniper behind the glass window. .

Looking through the scope, it's like Shen Ming staring directly at your face. In fact, the target size seen at 3100 meters without using the device is as small as sand. However, Shen Ming found this hidden sniper. hand.

"How did he do this?" Zhu Zhiyu also fought with Shen Ming for the first time, and couldn't help getting excited. Although Anne's task was to kill him, in the early stage, he asked himself to collect more data about Shen Ming for science.

After I started to collect, I found that this guy is not human at all, and his keen sense of the assassin is even more terrible than the animal.

"The night watchman? No, it's not him." The person who can complete the precise sniper three kilometers away, Shen Ming only knows his instructor, Shen Ming has no fear, but stopped and watched. To know that the sniper three kilometers away, the bullet needs to fly 8 seconds or more. For such a long time, Shen Ming is enough to think about life.

"Confirm the target to discover my existence, the response time is 0.5 seconds, and then test the resilience." Ant-Man 3 said with no frustration, and the glass curtain wall in front of the button was clicked. When the glass-like shards fell down, he had pulled the trigger, and the high-speed sniper bombs advanced straight from the height of the fifteen-story building, and no arc appeared until 1200 meters had passed. The weather vane spun wildly.

"What's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable?" Jasmine, who walked well, asked instinctively.

But Shen Ming said nothing, suddenly held her hand, and pulled the jasmine one meter away directly into her arms.

At the moment when Shen Ming took hold of Jasmine, high-speed sniper bombs flew past Jasmine's original position, punching a hole in a metal trash bin 30 meters away.

"What are you doing?" Jasmine tried to break away from her deep embrace, ashamed and angry.

"Sudden thought of sadness, so I need to hug, I'm sorry." Shen Ming, who had just finished playing hooligan, smiled like a gentleman, making you even lose the urge to pump him.

"Forget it, forgive you once, and you must tell me in advance next time. After talking, Jasmine suddenly held Shen Ming's face, and when a French deep kiss came from the street, the native French deep kiss made Shen Ming's pupils widened, as if even more nervous than when she was sniped.

French mushroom cool is so enthusiastic and direct, otherwise who would say that this is a very wavy city? Shen Ming also couldn't refuse others, after all, he had shot first, and he had to kiss him hard.

"Are you in a better mood?" Jasmine, who was half a head taller than Shen Ming with high heels, finally let go of Shen Ming's mouth, giving him a chance to breathe.

"I haven't tried such a good kiss, even if you are so distressed, have you been cured?" Shen Ming felt ashamed.

"That's good, work hard in the afternoon, queen is going out, but don't make mistakes, if you can support it for a week, I can ..." Jasmine got to the ears of Shenming and bit the ears and finished the rest, listening hard Ming also blushed and heartbeat.

"You tease me, how long have we known each other? Can this be the case?" Shen Ming said shamefully.

"In our case, as long as the girl is willing to accompany you alone, it means that you can do everything alone. Besides, I did not say that I can do it now, at least one week later, will we not be familiar by then?" Jasmine took it for granted.

"Your logic makes me speechless, let's go, let it stand for a week before I say it." Shen Ming smiled and pulled Jasmine to walk like a company.

He didn't worry that the sniper could shoot a second shot. Once the sniper beyond the line of sight was positioned, the number of bullets would be meaningless. Even if the target makes a gentle evasive action, the bullet can cause a large angle Offset.

As for who did it, Shen Ming didn't delve into it, naturally a friend helped him follow up.

"Panda, work has started." Shen Ming whispered softly in the communicator.


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