Chapter 415: Stealing the Corpse

The feeling of carrying bows and arrows walking through this container warehouse reminded Shen of the past Amazon jungle. The undetectable danger in the dark, as if turning a corner, it will be strangled by the python, and it will stimulate the body to produce more. Adrenaline keeps the whole body in a state of excitement in response to a war that may break out at any time.

Shen Ming asked himself that he was also a master of hunting, but the feeling of being a prey was still bad for the whole person.

When turning around a red container, the forward Shenming stopped suddenly, and he saw a two-person wide path in the middle of the three-story container on both sides, but the length of 50 meters was a shortcut to Hell.

"Really when I'm stupid." Shen Ming smiled and stretched the bowstring, and a bow and arrow flew straight away, without any parabola within 50 meters, and nailed directly into the asphalt pavement at the exit.

Ant-Man 7 and 8 hiding on both sides of the exit looked at the arrows beating down the countdown lights and, without a word, turned their heads and flew towards the distance.

There was a loud bang, and the explosion shattered the containers on both sides of the exit. It was difficult to know the life and death of Ant-Man 7 and 8.

Shen Ming had no time to applaud his wit. On the road behind him, Ant-Man 6 rushed out, holding an assault rifle equipped with a drum, suddenly burst out, and Shen Ming swiveled into the air in the barrage. In the middle, he drew the sharp arrows behind him before landing, and pulled the bowstrings towards the enemy 100 meters away.

The bullet of No. 6 scratched Shen Ming's arm, but the dreary steel arrow pierced the Ant-Man No. 6 bullet-proof vest, whether it was the barb on the arrow or the irritating potion applied by the puppet. Can cause the loss of combat power of the Special Forces King, but the guy did not blink his eyes, pulled out the sharp arrow in his chest with one hand, and kept firing with one hand.

"You ** you are fierce!" Shen Ming, after landing, couldn't compete with this continuous firepower, and rushed straight to the side.

Immediately following, Ant-Man 4 and No. 5 shot from the container to chase, and a machine-gun machine-gun chased on the ground.

In the labyrinth of this container, Shen Ming is jumping like a mouse.

He is better than anyone who knows how to survive the chase and launch a counterattack. The sharp arrows that are continuously drawn from behind him shoot non-stop, blasting arrows, burning arrows, flashing arrows, sonic booming arrows. The original tools were so amazing, even when they were in the pockets of the three, five, and six ant-man soldiers, they did not feel desperate, but the pursuers were beaten up.

After fifteen minutes of chasing, one-third of the container storage place has become a mess. There are burning container fires everywhere, and the smoke is scattered into the sky to cover the bright moon.

This movement alarmed the people a few miles away. They had reported to the police and firefighters would be here in 15 minutes. This is the time left for Shen Ming and the ants.

"This group of guys is really special. They are not special forces but cooperate with each other. They are not killers but proficient in killing. The injuries and pain are completely ignored. Is it a group of robots?" Shen Ming breathed against a dark red container.

He pulled out the saber behind his waist and stretched the blade outside to observe with reflection, but suddenly he saw a sniper on the top of the container 600 meters away.

The conditioned reflex immediately sat down on the ground and fired a titanium armor-piercing projectile.

A slamming pierced the steel plate of the container above his head, exactly where his head was just now.

"Sniper ... met again." Shen Ming smiled bitterly.

The shooter was Ant-Man 3, who had attacked him at noon. Although Ant-Man was a soldier who had lived in Zhu Zhiyu and had been transformed, the sky could do everything, but this talent could not be obtained by sniping alone. Ant-Man No. 3 is a sniper elite of one hundred miles, and through the transformation of the reflection arc circuit, he is even better.

No need for verbal communication, Ant-Man 4, 5, and 6 quickly clipped from the other three breads and refused to give Shenming a life.

"It seems that I am a soft persimmon." Shen Ming squatted on the ground and sighed. He pulled back a black arrow feather from behind. The arrow body made of alloy was longer and heavier than ordinary arrow feathers. The arrow Switch to explosion arrow. When this overweight arrow feather was put on the bow and arrow, Shen Ming suddenly missed the inverse scale.

With it, multiple bowstrings can be pulled up as easily as silk.

"Well, it depends on whether you are fast or I am faster!" Shen Ming jumped out of the floor sideways, taking a deep breath.

The biting face of Shen Ming in the No. 3 cross mirror can be seen clearly. The transformed reflection arc can process information at twice the speed of people, which also makes him see things close to slow shadows.

When Ant-Man 3 pulled the trigger, instinctively thought that Shen Ming was dead and did not make a second pursuit, but strangely, Shen Ming's slow-motion head suddenly dodged his side and dodged. The bullet hit the ground behind him, but the wind cut a wound on his face.

Shen Ming kept flying, and leaned down to shoot, the black arrow feathers flew into the black sky, and then disappeared into the night.

If Ant-Man 3 still maintains human emotions, the expression at this moment must be shocking. Omitting the surprise part, when he pulled the bolt to refill and prepare to replenish the gun, the dark black arrow feather fell from the sky, and lost his head and landed two meters away from Ant-Man 3.

But after landing, Shen Ming didn't lose the frustration at all, but waved goodbye to No. 3.

There was a loud bang, and Ant-Man 3 was blown into the sky together with the container in which he lived. God knew how much explosive equivalent Shen Ming used, just like raising and leaving a mushroom cloud.

Shen Ming escaped from the doublet with the front as the breakthrough point, and continued to play a game of abuse in the forest of this container. All kinds of traps were thrown away at random, and all kinds of sky-high arrow skills were shown again and again.

Zhu Zhiyu, who was staying in the monitoring room, became more and more excited with the smile on his mouth. He already had 3 ant-man killed by Shen Ming, but he was not a pity. He only had a crush on Shen Ming.

"It's an incredible fighting machine. I use bow-and-arrow equipment like this, and just rely on position, consciousness, and reaction to resist the attack of my six Ant-Man soldiers. Is this kid going against the sky?" Zhu Zhiyu now has a lot of thoughts in his mind. It's not just as simple as dying to death. It is best to bring him back to the laboratory for anatomy and research to transform him into an ant-man.

The last fifteen minutes was dragged by Shen Ming, thank God, when there were only three arrow feathers left, the sound of the fire truck in the distance had roared, the battle had to be ended, three people The chasing ant-man received the brainwave information at the same time, and quickly evacuated and fled. Shen Ming also called Xiao Yi, jumped over the wall again, and sat in the co-pilot with a wolf-like appearance.

"What's the matter with you? That movement is the same as the World War." In fact, Xiao Yi hasn't gone far, watching the entire explosion almost from a distance.

"I met a group of weird fighters. It was a thrilling game, but I'm fine. I survived." Shen Ming took off his combat suit and quickly wrapped up the wound, which was too accustomed to him.

"What now? Go back?" Xiao Yi was nervous about Shen Ming's injury.

"No, there is one more thing to do." Shen Ming's head already had plans for the next.

When the firefighters extinguished the fire, they quickly found the bodies of the three ant-man who remained. Among them, the bodies of No. 7 and No. 8 were kept intact, and only No. 3 Desser's body was blown up to pieces and has been burnt. .

No one knows what happened here. There are only a few corpses plus a shell case. The police and ambulance personnel rushed quickly, but the ambulance personnel could only serve as the labor to carry the corpses. These guys couldn't die anymore. There may not be any, and ambulances drove out of the container warehouse and went to the morgue of the nearest hospital, waiting for an autopsy.

Xiao Yi's car followed one of them and left quickly.

When these ambulances arrived at the hospital, a dozen ant-man soldiers in white coats surrounded them. They opened the carriages like mobs and packed away their similar corpses, which was unexpectedly found. Only the bodies of No. 3 and No. 7 are here. No. 8 has disappeared.

"It's Shenming again ..." Zhu Zhiyu sighed. Apparently, Shenming's test results far exceeded his estimates. This guy will not only survive the siege environment, but also use all his power for the next. The technical support for war preparations, the corpse of No. 8 ant-man was taken for exactly this purpose.

When human beings face enemies they do not understand, the best way to fight is to grab one back, dissect and look at it, understand it, and then defeat it.

So Shen Ming and Xiao Yi ransacked No. 8's corpse and came to a slaughterhouse that had been dozed off. They undressed the pale corpse and threw it directly onto the slaughtering metal workbench.

"Are you coming or me?" Shen Ming put on a rubber apron and gloves, and came over with a kitchen knife. The posture looked like a butcher, not an anatomist.

"You play for yourself, I'll go out for a while." Xiao Yi's ugly face was about to vomit, and she left this disgusting room.

"No way, then I will take a look at it myself." Shen Ming waved his sword and started the ant-man's exploration journey.

I was really puzzled and I was scared. The strangeness Shen Ming took out of this body was just like a grocery store! The heart is 1.5 times the size of a human and belongs to a large cat. His liver, internal organs, and even lung lobes are from a variety of different animals, and their functions far exceed human organs. Not to mention how the inventor of the inventor combined the animal organs with the human body. Look at the muscle fiber strips of these guys. All of them are denser than the hormone-struck state. The unit worked hard and punched through the brick wall. Just like playing.

Fortunately, Shen Mingqing didn't play close combat with these guys, otherwise no one can really say who died.


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