God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 438: Don't mess with me, demigod

Chapter 438 Don't mess with me, demigods kill

The inverse scale full armor posture ... When Shen Ming found that the inverse scale could be extended to both hands and feet, he considered whether it could be done. This time, the suicidal infiltration, the inverse scale has confirmed the possibility for him.

It's just that the requirement of the nano-liquid for the full armor package is too high, and the inverse scales have to weaken the thickness of the nano-shells of the hands and feet, and evenly distribute them to the whole body.

Although thin and thin, the defense is not bad. At least, the special warhead of the 12.7mm anti-equipment sniper rifle cannot penetrate this layer of scale armor, and the dead light rays of cannonballs, missiles, and bumpy man can still be killed. his.

"What you make is really hard to kill, but it seems that the stomach is not very good." For example, in the blooming flower, Shen Ming raised his arm forward with a smile, and the black nano-liquid dripped from his fingers. "It can digest Steel, but it ca n’t digest my king ’s nano-liquid, it just spreads a few milliliters, and it just hangs the poison. If it was in the dynasty, it would be enough to die three times.

"Kill him!" Zhu Zhiyu no longer thinks about the significance of what video praises his work. He now has only one idea, which is to kill him.

When the brain waves were ordered at the same time, the six soldier ants, regardless of whether they could fight or not, aimed at Shenming with all their guns, but the Shenming movement only shook their fingers and condensed a drop of nano-liquid at the fingertips into beads. , Flying out.

The small marbles rubbed Zhu Zhiyu's side brain, leaving a wound on the scalp that was not deep or shallow.

"Ah!" Zhu Zhiyu screamed and covered his wound, and continued to use his brain waves to order a shot, but the six soldier ants stood still and looked at him.

"Why are you standing here stupid? Kill me! Didn't receive my brainwave order?" Zhu Zhiyu snarled, but immediately came out and understood. He reached out and touched his wound. The chip that used to control Ant-Man was broken.

"How is that possible ?!" Zhu Zhiyu was shocked.

"How impossible? Have you forgotten that I have dissected Ant-Man? The location of such a chip has been clear for a long time. I can kill mosquitoes with a sniper bomb one kilometer away, such a large chip, the distance is still Only 10 meters, there will be ghosts missed. "Shen Ming said as he pulled his feet from the Frankenstein's body, and stepped on its body toward the ground. And the scales on his body were quickly taken off, and even the inverse scales were lifted.

A look of weakness filled his proud face. In his current state, let alone six soldier ants, even a fat girl weighing 140 pounds could explode him, but Shenming was not worried about those aiming. At his muzzle.

"Shen Ming, wait, we have something to say, our contradictions are not absolute, everything is just a misunderstanding, you need me to go, I will go right away!" Zhu Zhiyu finally began to be afraid, and his IQ was never The method brought him a sense of security, but inferred a more terrible future because of the disobedient soldier ants beside him.

"Do you think I'm going to kill you? No, I only realized after seeing you calling dog soldiers and killing Natasha like ants, in fact, some people want to kill you more than me, but they There is no chance and ability to do so. So I gave them this opportunity to see what would happen to you? "Shen Ming passed by Zhu Zhiyu with a smile, drizzling in his ear," If You are a god, and now you should fly to the sky. "

After Shen Ming left, Nick took the lead and turned towards Zhu Zhiyu.

"Nick, what do you want to do? Why look at me like this? Have you forgotten it? I gave you a new life, we are friends! Brothers who are thicker than water ?? Ah!" Zhu Zhiyu suddenly hissed and was miserable Screamed, just because Nick had slashed him on the shoulder, and the blood flew out, "What are you doing? Are you crazy!"

"It really broke. It was so easy to get out of your control. Try it, too," Nick asked calmly.

"Well." Kyle, standing behind Zhu Zhiyu's waist, gave his chrysanthemum a sip.

""what! No! I beg you not to look like this! I have money! There are many, many things I can give you! Zhu Zhiyu slipped painfully into his own pool of blood, trembling while bleeding, and crawling backward.

"Actually we do n’t need anything, we just wanted to try this. You gave us a new life but deprived us of our past memories. We do n’t know where we come from, we do n’t know if we have a family, or have done something. What, your brainwave is connected to us, you know our pain, but we take it as experimental data. We are called soldier ant's life, but they are cheaper and more embarrassing than the ants, so you should try that. How painful is this kind of pain. "Nick finished, six soldiers and ants surrounded Zhu Zhiyu, you stabbed me and stabbed them, they all avoided the key, so you can stay for a while, some soldiers Ants even bite and tasted with their mouths, and that scream was just like the biochemical crisis that broke out earlier.

Shen Ming is not interested in the picture that needs full-screen mosaic. He went straight to a video recorder and grabbed the camera to face his face.

He may or may not know, on the other side of the camera is connected to a large imax screen of a movie theater, twelve demigod audience members are holding popcorn in their hands, and slumped in the theater to watch.

Obviously, the battle duration of Shenming is too short, and they have to start playing subtitles before they have eaten two ** mihuas.

"Hey, demigods, are you watching?" Shen Ming knocked on the camera with a smile, "First of all, I am very grateful to you for your care and love for such little people as me, for making such a big game. I, fortunately, I have not been played to death, and your men have also played off, so I have the opportunity to talk to you.

I am not a man who has the ambition to dominate the world. The only hope is to make a little money, open a small shop, bring big and small girls, and spend a little time with my wife and children's hot steamed buns.

I do n’t know why you guys come to me when you ’re idle, and I do n’t want to know. The only thing you need to tell everyone is that you made your God, and I made me, and do n’t interfere with each other. If there is another time, you come again to disturb my life and involve my friends, I swear, I will definitely find you and make you die worse than that guy. "

After Shen Ming tilted the camera aside, what the soldiers did to Zhu Zhiyu was not enough to describe in words.

Although there is no lower limit for the mental capacity of the twelve demigods, many people still see their stomachs tumbling and eat a few millimeters of cornflowers.

"Shen Ming ?? I wrote you down." The demigod sitting in position one smiled with an old voice.

When Shen Ming stepped down the Eiffel Tower elevator, the police and army armored vehicles were already driving.

Not that they are slow, but that Shenming is too fast.

The police chief personally came to Shen Ming, "You really will cause trouble."

"No way, I'm in pain when I'm idle." Shen Ming smiled and answered in French, please don't ask me how to pronounce "egg" in French.

"Pinfan ’s press conference is still being held. Do you want to see it?" The director is also very sensible.

"No need, my.queen will definitely not disappoint, and I really need to be rescued." Shen Ming said as he pulled over two medical staff carrying the stretcher to go up, and others reacted. She had been lying down before, a skinless face.

"Secretary, he stunned our 7 brothers when he escaped from the hospital, and now pretends to be dead. I think it's better to lose it directly in prison." A captain stepped forward and asked.

"Do you think I don't hate this thing? But I can't move him, not to mention that he is a friend of Miss Pin van. In the upper class of our country, he is also hand-to-hand. You know who called me on the way just now Am I fully assisting him in apprehending terrorists? "The director mentioned the experience of calling just now, but he was still unconscious.

"Who?" The captain stupidly continued asking.

"People who can sit and chat with the president face to face, think for yourself. In short, he must leave here alive, even if it costs you and me to die, he must be alive." The person said by the director, in fact, It was the Gaul chicken liaison who docked with the Niger camp. The reason why he cares so much for Shen Ming ’s life is because he has seen the feat that Shen Ming did that day. Such a character, regardless of whether it ’s in the heavens or the Nirvana camp, died as his own baby. The linkage will become very troublesome, so burning incense must also provide Shen Ming as a big man.

On the other hand, at the venue, the introduction of Pinfan finally arrived before the release of the final set of underwear. Everyone's expression was like hunger and thirst after eating the appetizer and preparing to eat the staple food.

Pin Fan also came to the stage gracefully. "Before introducing the last set of works, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify. First of all, I am not lace. I just like the elegant attitude of women when they dress, but it does not mean that I want to Spend the rest of my life with women. Rumors about me have never broken, and there are entangled relationships with many stars, but that is a gossip. In the past, because of my busy work, I have no intention of falling in love, and I have never seen a man To be a lifelong companion.

Unfortunately, just a few days ago, I met such a special man who really made me understand what kind of talent deserves to be called a man. I was completely occupied, and even for his willingness to give up everything and become a yellow-faced wife of the husband and wife.

He is not the boss of any enterprise, nor is he a popular politician. He cannot give me a solid life, but he can bring me a sense of security that I have never had before. Even if there is an end of the world, as long as he is by his side, I believe that I can survive it.

And the last work ... Yes, it is dedicated to him. Vitami's first men's underwear gives men the same power of inner beauty, please see! "


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