God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 450: Midnight Armed Off-Road

Chapter 450: Midnight Armed Off-Road

"The sun is shining and the chrysanthemum smiles at me. The guy said early, why didn't you pick up the soap?" Shen Ming hummed the song of the guy who just learned on bilibili, while walking through the barracks with an oily marker. Just now he had already called for an emergency assembly. Only four people could get up, Zhao Linger, Zhu Di, and Chihiro. The other girls were so tired that they almost fell asleep. Shen Ming was neither angry nor cursing, but was quiet, holding a marker on their faces to make a mischievous graffiti, while drawing a big turtle, and then drawing a ** facing the mouth, and more naughty. Naughty, the four of them standing shuddering.

Because Shen Ming not only took out his mobile phone to take pictures of the graffiti, but God knows whether this product will be used to post Weibo. If you let people outside see this kind of photo, it will be shameful than him!

When Shen Ming finished painting, he came to the four of them. "You are pretty good. You have a two-hour break and a mental emergency meeting, which shows that you are not tired. Should I increase the amount of special training for you?"

"Reporting to the instructor, we are born with light sleep and nothing to do with the amount of exercise." Judy was beguiled, at least has learned to start calling the instructor.

"Really? In order to reward you, wait for the armed off-road, each of you will add five kilograms of weight." After Shen Ming said that the faces of several sisters were all green, he turned to Zhao Linger and said, "As for you, your performance is the best. I will add ten kilos to you. "

"Observe, sir!" Zhao Linger responded respectfully.

Just when everyone was still thinking about how to wake up those girls who slept to death after the mischief was over, some of them already started to scratch the oily pen marks on their faces, the more they scratched, the more itchy, the more itchy the more uncomfortable, until "" Ah ! "

With a scream, many girls got up and rushed out of the barracks, rubbing their faces frantically with cold water outside, rubbing and scolding, wondering what was smeared on their faces, it was extremely itchy.

"I added a bit of" itchy life 3000 "to the oil-based pen. The result of a certain treasure was really good. Some treasure really sold everything." Shen Ming smiled and threw the oil-based pen aside, and suddenly found out that There was another girl who didn't wake up. It was the round face of Li Meng. It seemed that her skin was a little thicker and she didn't sleep at all.

"The tolerance of this product is also very strong! It is necessary to increase the special training." Shen Ming nodded earnestly.

Fifteen minutes later, the crowd came to the camp playground and were fully lined up. Although they have worked hard, they can't wash the marks on their faces. Some people have severe allergic reactions and their faces are swollen.

Everyone looks at Shenming's eyes without wanting to drink his blood and eat his meat, which is even more disgusting than the tangled virgin ex-boyfriend.

"Good morning, aunts and grandmothers. First of all, congratulations, you have arrived on the second day of the Overlord Training Camp. If you were a seed yesterday, then today ?? You will become fried seeds, and I will love you even more. Until you are completely out of skin. "Shen Ming smells shamelessly." Next, five kilometers of armed off-road, everyone quickly carry your bags, follow me to enjoy the beauty of the mountains under the night! "

Shen Ming drank like a pit father's guide. A group of extremely tired, sleepy, itchy face goddesses were tortured by Shen Ming to become a female nerve, carrying a 25-kilogram bag, and her back was bent to start off-road.

Although they are not equipped with firearms, a hand-holding object, each person's belt is tied with a rope around the front and back, dragging his teammates back and forth.

The so-called armed off-road in Shenming is off-road, which is simply an armed mountain climb! Out of the gate of the barracks are all sloping rocks and wet slopes, you cannot move forward without pressing the roots with your hands! The price of each step forward in this mountain forest is enough to advance 5 or 6 meters on flat ground. Shen Ming equipped their steel helmets with tactical flashlights for lighting, and also wore cut-resistant gloves, which made this team of female soldiers look like miners. I didn't know they thought they were stealing money from the mountains. Thief.

Poor women are so tired that they have no strength to mourn, and all the people are unable to talk, and their mouths are used to breathe a lot, which relieves the physical exertion. They were tired, and there were no marks on their faces. Four were more tired, and Judy and Chiyu were all carrying 30 kilograms. They were hard-supported, and Zhao Linger was carrying 35 kilograms. This is still the first to lead the team, Shen Ming is still urging her to speed up.

Li Meng was also very unlucky, not because the reaction was a bit slow, and the last one got out of bed. Shen Ming directly added 50 kg to her weight, which is equivalent to losing a girl directly to her. The magic thing is that she just With this weight, he walked at the end of the team, but did not fall behind.

Shen Ming does not have a backpack. He has a domestic 88-type sniper rifle in his hand, equipped with a saber and a tactical flashlight to prevent emergencies. Looking light, he walked in the forefront. In the mountain forest, he was as strong as a monkey. He could directly climb the 80-degree **** without using his hands. He was not human.

What we don't know is that Shen Ming's body is carrying a special lead weight belt, which covers the whole body with a weight of 100 kg. Shen Ming's special training is not only these goddess soldiers, but also herself. He knows that the fighting intensity has become more and more saturated. Without effective and certain high-intensity training on the body, there is no way to maintain his peak status.

The soldiers are trained and polished, and they can't return to urban clothing after training. They are 80 years old ...

The long late night armed off-road is no different from finding death. There are girls constantly sliding down, and even almost rolling down the mountain. If there are no front and rear rope traction, it is normal for this team to die more than a dozen.

During the day, Zhao Linger had come out once, knowing the hardships of the road, so she tried to take the better road to lead the team. But it ’s easy to walk, it ’s just relatively easy to walk. Everyone is still climbing up, and their clothes, pants, arms, and cheeks are scratched by stones, branches, and even grass.

Speaking of 5 kilometers of armed off-road, it usually takes more than 20 minutes to complete the training, but they have traveled for more than 4 hours. By the time they reached the top of the mountain, the sky was grey.

After getting the order to rest in situ, everyone lay on the ground as if they were fainted. The convulsive hands did not even have the power to unscrew the kettle.

We feed each other with water and snuggle together to warm the sweaty body.

"Congratulations, although you are half an hour later than I expected, but you are strong and no one died, it is really unexpected." Standing on the edge of the cliff, Shen Ming looked back with a sniper rifle smiling. Praise. Whenever a girl is strong, it is estimated that she will be kicked and kicked down.

"Actually, from the beginning, I did n’t see you as girls. The intensity of the special training I arranged was not at all worse than the training intensity of male special forces. Some were even more cruel and stricter than the training they did. But You're still done, I'm glad.

No matter what tomorrow, today, your efforts have brought such a view. After Shen Ming said to one side, a golden light emerged from the mountains in the distance, and the sun rose slowly, shining through the mist of the morning, shining the mountains extremely bright. Many young girls with no energy Seeing such a scene also restored a little vigor like flowers.

This old mountain in the deep mountains, which no outsider has ever been involved in, has maintained the original landscape, and all the beauty is holiness that has not been polluted. It is definitely hundreds of times more beautiful than the sunrise seen on the top of any scenic spot.

The girls are all sorry, if at this moment a mobile phone selfie stick or something is in hand, take this beauty to take a selfie with a **** scissors, and send a circle of friends immediately will attract a look of envy, and his mother does not need beauty To retouch the pictures, it is also beautiful!

After 15 minutes of rest and watching the sunrise, Shen Ming came again. "Well, everyone, it's time to go home for breakfast after watching the perfect scene."

"I can't walk! Mommy is so far away, how do you climb back! You killed me! I can't move!" Judy lay on the ground and started to scream.

That ’s right, they all say that going up the mountain is easier than going down the mountain. It took them more than 4 hours to get back up the road ... It is estimated that they can't even eat a lunch. Everyone had only slept for more than 2 hours, their bodies were extremely fatigued, and they had no strength to return to the sea. On the way to their exhausted sons, they died happily at the top of the mountain.

"You think too much. Of course I know that time is precious. How can you waste time on your return trip? In fact, I have already set up a high-altitude corridor, which allows us to fly back in a hurry, especially convenient and fast. "Shen Ming introduced, while walking to a thousand-year-old tree, the crown that needs three people to embrace, a wire rope thick with a thumb is fixed and stretched from the edge of the cliff to the bottom of the cliff. Through the thin clouds.

"You call this a high-altitude corridor?" Nono trembled forward, and touched the steel rope, and the steel rope that extended from the big tree approached the mountain in a nearly vertical way. There is no difference from jumping cliffs.

"Don't be nervous, haven't you watched The Divergent? That's how it's played inside, let me demonstrate it." Shen Ming finished, picked up a lock, clicked it on the rope, and then Gently picked up Little Lonino, and threw it out of the cliff.

Everyone was watching Nono fall off, and his screaming exhaustion was even more terrifying than a hundred consecutive vertical roller coasters.

When the cableway approached the bottom of the mountain, it deflected and rushed forward. It passed all the way through bamboo forests, caves, and rocky hills. When it was closest to the ground, it was only one arm away, and it whistled to dust the ground.

Maintaining an hourly speed of 80 kilometers per hour, it flew back to the camp, hit a buffer fence, and then crashed into a large piece of sponge. The lock was automatically unlocked, and the girl fell on the mat below. , The mat automatically raised, followed by dumping the garbage and dumped Nono to the ground, preparing for the next order.

At this time, she had lost consciousness with foaming mouth, and it is estimated that she would never go to the playground again in this life.


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