God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 452: Tengu's greedy wolf

Chapter 452 The Greedy Wolf Whose Tengu

Asked the Tian Military District, some shouts from the Tengu Special Forces' secret training camp were even sorrowful.

This unit, which has only 500 troops, lives in a camp that can accommodate 1,000 people. The extra space is all modern training venues. They even have artificial lakes up to 30 meters deep for extreme frogman training.

After learning that the exception was to participate in the red-blue confrontation exercise, the soldiers here were boiling. Although everyone here is full of unique skills, all of them are full-time soldiers, but there is not much opportunity to show up, even if it is a secret combat task, it is a squadron. Only a few people have the chance to go out and fire.

This time is different. The team ’s confrontation exercise can carry out large-scale tactical drills. It can also advance and retreat with teammates. It feels as exciting as brushing a large copy of the team.

On this day's wind and sunshine, when everyone was actively training, several army green trucks drove directly to the camp's school yard, and a group of curious special combatants surrounded them.

On the other side, a small soldier with a height of only 160 ran on the asphalt road. The speed is as fast as a cheetah. All corners bounce off the trunk wall.

The passing teammates hadn't had time to say hello to him, he had already run away.

He is the famous Scud, the captain's chief deputy, Chihuahua, in this dogfight.

The Chihuahua rushed to the desert terrain simulation training field and shouted to the center of the field, "Head! The ammunition for the exercise has arrived! It is a new guy, never played!"

At this moment, I saw a dark-skinned strong man with a red trunk in the middle of the field, carrying a thick trunk with a foot in his arms and practicing a frog jump. The rubber ground behind him was covered with sweat marks like a stream, and the perfect muscle body was covered with all kinds of scars that could compete with Shen Ming.

"Are you there? It's fast enough." The man called "Head" turned his head, a face that was not 30 years old, and a scar on his right eye from his forehead to his cheek. It was really curious that he How did this right eye survive?

"Everyone has passed, and I'll wait for you." Chihuahua smiled narrowly.

"Go right away and let the group of rabbits come to the school yard." The head banged and lowered the trunk on his shoulder. The sand on the ground was depressed to a small part, and the trunk weighed at least 400 pounds.

The greedy wolf, this is the code name and everything in the Tengu Special Forces. He lied at the age of 15 to join the army and has always been a thorn. From the ace company to the independent barracks with the frontiers, he survived alone for 2 years in the most severe environment of the frontier. The supply department even forgot that there was such an independent purgatory barracks, so all supplies were sourced. For his own hunt. Most surprisingly, his position was met by a group of terrorists who crossed the border.

The greedy wolf relied on only one bar and twelve magazines to go around the Gobi in the barren mountains and mountains with one enemy and one hundred rounds. After half a month, one enemy never let go.

For this matter, the greedy wolf became famous, took special medals, and held commendation conferences throughout the country, which became a fragrant rush for all troops to rush for. In the end, he chose the Tengu special team, that year he just turned 20 years old ... and today, he has no doubts that he has become the head of Tengu, leading the most recognized soldiers in the Tianchao, but this does not allow He meets ... because there is no opponent.

When the Chihuahua was in front, the greedy wolf was behind, and when it came to the school ground, 500 special war soldiers were already standing in line, waiting like a robot to wait for power to turn on.

On the military vehicle, the soldiers on the truck were carrying a box of ammunition down. Obviously it was a few recruits. It was a laborious task. When two people carried a box, it took half a day to unload three trucks. One of the goods.

A little brother slipped and fell to the ground under his feet, and the ammunition box in his hand tilted and smashed into his head. If it is sincere, then it will be guaranteed to spray 2 meters away.

When the little brother thought he was dead, a big hand approached the corner of the ammunition box, and one hand held the ammunition box weighing 200 pounds in the air.

"Children, are you okay?" Greedy wore the box aside with a smile, and helped Xiaobing brother again.

"Thank you, sir!" Xiaobing blushed for his quick salute.

"Hey, I said you bastards! One by one stand like wooden stakes, posing poss? Seeing these little brother brothers tired and still not coming to help? Give you 2 minutes, you will be unloaded Unloaded! "The greedy wolf ordered a group of elder brothers with large waists and rushed towards the truck like crazy, and the movement was just like unloading the car together.

These guys even neatly unloaded the goods, and dragged a 200-pound ammunition box with one hand. It looked like the muscles on them were not soft.

At 1 minute and 30 seconds, the three large trucks were unloaded, and the vehicle quickly left the camp, leaving ammunition boxes stacked in small hills and a group of big men like a wolf.

"Let's take a look, what good things did they give us?" The greedy wolf raised his hand and opened a box. Inside it was densely packed with 5.8 mm rubber paintballs wrapped in oiled paper. This is the first batch of ammunition sent by Shen Ming Nirvana camp to Luoshen, which he commissioned to rush to work overnight in the army factory.

Knowing that new ammunition had to be exchanged for military exercises, Zhao Xiangqian, who was afraid of losing money, asked Luo Shen for this batch of goods and immediately sent them to Tengu to adapt to them.

"Boss, rubber paintball is a magic horse? Can this stuff be used for military exercises?" A big man picked up a bullet and turned it around for a long time.

"Sled dogs don't rush to spit, try it, you will know." The greedy wolf smiled and took a 95-type assault rifle directly from the soldier's hand, skillfully pulled the bolt to push the bomb, aimed at the sled dog. There was a shot in the chest.

The sled dog weighing 200 pounds was beaten back a half step, rubbing his chest and shouting, "Oh, my milk! It's all swollen!"

A group of people around looked at the red right chest swollen by the sled dog, and smiled together.

"The recoil is awesome! It is exactly the same as the real recoil of a bullet. It feels more than an empty pack! Try range!" The greedy wolf was sitting on the ammunition box, there was a rubber paintball filled with a magazine, and he aimed at a distance of 200 meters. Target, slap! Snapped! Snapped! A triple shot, the target's red heart was beaten into a more gorgeous red.

The accuracy within 200 meters is so good that you can't lose a real bullet, but at 200 meters, the power of the bullet is greatly reduced. It is only enough to burst into color on the target, but it cannot cause physical damage to the wooden target.

Tried at 200 meters, then 250 meters ...

The greedy wolf continued to shoot at the target, but after the rubber paintball passed 200 meters, the accuracy dropped extremely fast, it could no longer be used, and even the inertia was lost very quickly. So the greedy wolf immediately understood that the effective range of this rubber paintball is only 200 meters, and within 200 meters, it can come to almost 100% of the battlefield live ammunition.

It is far more realistic than a game-style exercise that uses an empty bag to fire randomly and use laser smoke to judge.

"Assault rifle bullets have a range of 200 meters, sniper-type rubber paintballs have a range of 400 meters, howitzers are calculated according to the actual angle of use ... and rubber bazookas, anti-infantry mines ... I went there. This exercise is really cost-effective. The cost of these ammunition alone is definitely more expensive than that of serious ammunition! "Chihuahua sighed while looking at the instructions in the box.

"Do you know why it was so big to develop new ammunition for the exercise?" The greedy wolf stood on the ammunition box, and asked with a single pistol to all the soldiers.

At this time, everyone who was relaxed immediately stood neatly and neatly waiting for training.

"Because General Luo, a representative of the Blue Army, has found an ultimate instructor and threatened to train a full-time 50 literary and civilian female soldiers in three months to become a full-time soldier on the battlefield.

The instructors would take them to become the Blue Army's sharp knife, tore open the blockade of the Red Army, beat us to the fart and urinate, and then pull the celestial cover of our corpse to heat up.

Believe me, my description is really very subtle. I feel defeated by this temporary trained female soldier. I would rather cut my throat and pour Xiang directly from my throat, and I would never try such a failure.

Do you want to experience this feeling? "

"Examine his grandma's legs !!!" the 500 warriors shouted in unison.

"Very well, I like your self-confidence, and your enemies like your silly self-confidence. Do you know your enemies? Do you despise your opponents just because they are female soldiers trained for 3 months? Wrong! On the real battlefield, a hairy kid holding ak may have killed your life, always fighting in awe with your opponents, actively collecting intelligence, and making enough pre-war preparations to live longer.

So now, let me share the information I have collected! "The greedy wolf is inexplicably excited.

In fact, after the start of the gambling, Luo Shen's every move was caught by Zhao Qianxiang's scout team. Although it is a serious disciplinary act to track the head, if military exercises are involved, everything can be sloppy.

They easily determined the contact between Shen Ming and General Luo Shen, and then everything about the boy was checked. The more they knew, the more Zhao Qiang had to notify Tengu in advance to get nervous.

"Shen Ming! 10 years ago, he was recognized as a shooting genius in the dynasty, and a provincial shooting competition champion. He is very likely to regain the Olympic champion. However, due to the death of his parents, he turned into a young butcher and used a sports air rifle. Hundreds of armed hooligans fired at each other, and the result was to wipe out the enemy and die with one shot. That year he was only 16 years old.

In the next 10 years, his disappearance showed a fault, and he was believed to have been sent to a secret place for inhuman training. After returning, he opened an ancestral security office, transformed into a bodyguard, and protected successively big stars, young ladies, gangsters, and even foreign princesses and national officials.

And his enemies are as many as bulls. He has fought the retired king, fought the local gangs, smashed the gangs of Vegas, smashed the killer group in Laos, and slammed the rebel forces in noodle shop. Every battle that is fought is a feat that his mother's evildoers can complete!

Do you still remember the horrible brave demon who fought against the underworld in the country? It was the demon who dared to jump down from the 30th floor with only a fire axe.

Yes, he is Shen Ming, the enemy's ultimate instructor, our biggest test. Therefore, all give me the shortest time to master the knack for using new ammunition. Don't let me collect your corpses on the exercise field. I can't afford to lose this person. "

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