God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 457: Man vs. Wild

Chapter 457 Survival in the Wilderness

Zhao Linger flew between two high mountains and landed in a tall forest. The parachute was torn apart by towering trees more than 20 meters high. When he stopped, Zhao Linger was 5 meters from the ground and cut the umbrella rope by himself. To the ground.

The jungle at night had a bone-chilling chill, and Zhao Linger quickly counted the contents of the tactical backpack without even shuddering. Sure enough, it was so rare that people wanted to scold mothers. Except for a small amount of emergency medicine, a map, a tactical flashlight, and a saber, there was nothing left. Food and water must be solved by themselves, even the southeast and northwest rely on their own geographic knowledge to judge.

The meeting point marked on the map is not as far away as imagined, only about 100 kilometers. At their current level, this distance can be completed even in 2 days. However, Shen Ming limited the time to 3 days, which shows that this journey is not as simple as imagined.

Zhao Linger first determined the geographical location, put the flashlight on his shoulders, and began to collect ingredients and water. To survive in the wild, food and water are always the highest priority. Only after this can we embark on the journey to the end.

What the 50 players did was surprisingly consistent, even though everyone suffered from the fear of death and acted independently, but did not lose their calm.

The only two things that stand out from the crowd are Spirited Away. They look for each other over food and water. In order to test their true and false perception, Shen Ming also deliberately dropped them two people apart, and the two were more than 10 kilometers apart. However, the two can still accurately determine each other's position and meet in a straight line at high speed.

Maybe for each other is the air and water of each other?

This was the first night everyone spent in the forest, and no one dared to rest even a small amount.

Shen Ming didn't attack. He found a big tree leaning against it, and used the individual computer on his arm to retrieve the area where the teammates were located, as well as the specific situation of each person recorded by their collar camera.

This night, everyone was embarrassed, and Judy, the most efficient, just moved forward by 5 kilometers. Everyone's preferred food is fruit, because it is easy to obtain and it is easy to distinguish whether it is poisonous. It can be used as food or water. But Zhao Linger, as well as Judy and Chiyu Chihiro, mainly collect meat, because meat can provide more calories and protein to the body. In terms of viability, people who eat meat in this forest must live more than fruits. Long.

Shen Ming uses habit to judge each person's performance in the face of crisis, which also affects subsequent special training. In the face of danger, some people choose to avoid, some people like to face challenges, and some people can feel ahead of time.

Every act of them is exposing their own characteristics, and these are real data that are impossible to be found in the materials provided by Luo Shen. It is the relevant parameters that Shen Ming must know in advance to provide support to the team during the red and blue confrontation exercise.

Zhao Linger has been moving for 11 hours without a break since the night. The bright moon in the sky has been replaced by the noon sun. The cold air in the forest at night is now heated to steam. Like a sauna, the whole body cannot help being Sweat soaked.

The wound under her arm was tingling with sweat, and she could only stop from time to time to treat the wound, apply anti-perspirant ointment, and reduce the movements of her hands. Shen Ming had the most bandages and medicines for her, but it was still her who was most uneasy.

"11 hours, 12 kilometers ... It's really slow." Standing on a reef, Zhao Linger, holding a map, judged the position by the position of the sun and the time of the collar on his neck. "Now, find a good place. Take a nap ... a place that will never be disturbed by other predators. "

When Zhao Linger talked, he looked back at a cave, and the smell of the pungent fur of the beast came out from the cave. It was this smell that made no snakes around the cave mouth.

It is just that the original owner of the cave did not like the new guest very much and walked out of the cave with a heavy step. A black bear weighing 300 pounds with a white crescent on his chest is far more cruel than that seen in the zoo. Look at the stinky saliva dripping down the fangs, and you know that the guy in front of it is definitely not Will perform acrobatics with her.

"Hey, friend, I want to borrow your stuff for a sleep, brother, can you?" Zhao Linger took a deep breath and pulled out his saber.

"Stupid." Shen Ming ... There is no appreciation for Zhao Linger's behavior. Going to challenge wild bears when his physical condition is not at its peak is definitely the first trick in tricks. Zhao Linger's behavior was also related to the first day of training.

Recalling that she went out to collect bamboo shoots on the first day, she was attacked by a panda, and was scared to pee. She also made Shen Ming criticize severely.

When I came out this time, I was going to be ashamed, and I would get back my lost face. But she obviously found the wrong object. The black bear in front of her was not a panda, but she was absolutely not a pure meat-eating aggressive beast who would not eat bamboo.

It was too late to dissuade or rescue him, and the huge black bear growled and opened a bear paw larger than Zhao Linger's head. Zhao Linger did not evade, even if he wore a high-intensity training belt on his lower body, his leg muscles gave a faster push than the black bear.

Dynamic vision allowed her to capture every movement detail of the black bear without any reservation, and the instantaneous explosive power allowed her to go behind the waving bear's paw in a posture that fits the black bear.

Shen Ming's heart tightened into a ball when he watched it, because as long as Zhao Linger felt that he had won, or that he launched a sneak attack from behind, the result would only be a delicate dinner by the ruthless killing of the black bear.

Because Zhao Linger's flexible posture can only have an effect before contacting the black bear. Once she starts, she will be killed because her arm strength is not enough to penetrate the bear's thick body.

Amazingly, Zhao Linger did not attack the black bear with arrogance, but rushed directly into its nest and slid into the pile of black bear's feces at a speed of 100 meters, putting anything that would cause nausea to vomit , Covering his whole body, including his neck and face, even the black bear who turned back was disgusted by the scene.

However, Zhao Linger was so happy that she smeared the black bear's hair on her hair, and then started the reverse raid. She was still so flexible, she cleverly used the rebound of the rock cave wall to jump over the black bear's huge body, and then escaped.

The Black Bear couldn't figure out what the unexpected guest wanted to do, especially after seeing that it was all his own heat, and there was no interest in catching up to eat her, after all, the Black Bear would not wash his food.

"That's right ... quite imaginative behavior, it seems you are better than my professor." Shen Ming smiled happily. That's right, the survival of the jungle needs the most food and water, how to grow yourself and avoid the threat from various other creatures.

The general method is to gather people or create weapons to strengthen themselves. Like Qianyu Qianhun, they strengthened in a coordinated way. Judy used bamboo, thorns, and a captured poisonous snake venom to build a simple blow arrow weapon. Yourself.

Each goddess has his own way of protecting himself from danger. Zhao Linger's self-protection method is very disgusting, but it is very efficient. The horror of black bears in the forest has laid the foundation for other animals to dare not approach. Whether it is a wolf or other fierce beasts, they will avoid it, even if it is extremely toxic. The poisonous snake would not want to go to the black bear later.

This is the rule in the forest. The unbreakable food chain structure is not actively attacked by predators of a higher order. The animals in the lower layers are as far away as possible.

Zhao Linger made herself an invisible armor with the taste of the strongest predator, which could save him the time to prevent other biological attacks for the next 2 and a half days, and make her sleep deeper and better. Rest.

Anyway, in this session, Shen Ming, who was the teacher, gave him extra points.

Over the next time, Shen Ming witnessed how his students were transcending themselves. They capture their most feared snakes, peel and eat meat, and carefully extract venom from highly toxic plants as weapons. Their original cleanliness, elegance, stubbornness, and temperament all disappeared from the dirt, dirt, and fear of death.

Shen Ming entrusted what she was going to teach them to nature to teach them. Life should be like this, always living in a state of fear, and being vigilant about everything to live longer. Those who do not know how to be in awe of the environment will eventually be replaced by other creatures, become food, and nourishment to maintain the awesome.

These cannot be taught in words, and can only be learned in a living environment. Some soldiers like to yell and fight without fear of death and move forward. They have too many heroes to imitate, too many fantasies about becoming a savior, and despise their lives to just try their best to smash a position, or a fortress.

Brave but stupid behavior is to give up life easily. The most powerful weapon on the battlefield is never bravery, but the resilience to never give up thinking about how to survive.

Shen Ming wants to let these overlords know how to cherish their lives and do everything they can to protect themselves. This is what his soldiers should look like.

But under high pressure, not everyone can reasonably turn it into motivation, and some of them will face it in a negative, self-defeating way.

For example, the one Shen Ming found from a tactical computer, she did not move too much after a few hours of going forward, but the camera was constantly shaking other people up and down. She tried to get rid of the source of fear on her neck and chose the wrong way.

"It's time to hit the student's ass." Shen Ming sighed and started his own attack in the forest.

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