God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 465: Endless Fun VS Torrent Tank Company

Chapter 465 Endless Pleasure vs Torrent Tank Company

At dawn, the sound of gunfire all night came to an abrupt halt, and the warring area was blown into various colors by various paintballs. Looking at the big pink tree, I don't know what the bird thinks?

The effect of the exercise of the rubber paintball is much higher than that of the past with a laser gun, approaching the true explosion effect, and the pain of hitting the body with the warhead has restored the essence of the war very well. The disadvantage is that these pigments require a lot of effort in the later stages to be completely cleaned, and they pay for themselves and that's it.

The chiefs of the military regions who stared at the night were tired and exhausted, and wanted to take a break, but could not walk away. The first squadron of the Overlord Flower had arrived at the forefront of the Red Army's first direction.

The guides used a flat icon to indicate their positions, and the team name ... "The Overlord and Its Infinite Team". The feeling of being too spoof made these old heads laugh. They are so concerned about Bawanghua's first battle, not only because they want to review the true combat level of this team, but also because of Zhao Linger, and Zhao Qianqian's granddaughter is in the endless team of joy. Everyone wants to see what they think about the attack of their granddaughter?

Everyone just thinks that the old boy of Luoshen is really too bad. Zhao Xiangqian was so shameless that he transferred Tengu into the exercise, and Luoshen was so bad that they let their grandchildren kill each other.

On the battlefield, no matter how many people such as Zhao Linger were watching the live broadcast, they started to carry camouflages in protective colors, affixed to the middle of a hill, and looked down the hill. However, one kilometer away was a position of the Red Army's tank company, with a total of 8 tanks and more than 100 marine soldiers.

Although the Red Army lineup has reached 10,000 people, because the defense line is too long and the depth is too deep, sporadic positions like this are the main body of a defense line.

Don't underestimate the position of more than a hundred people. Their banner is "torrent steel armor company". They are asking the ace company in the ace tank division of the Tian Military District. One thousand steps through Yang is not enough to describe their precision artillery capabilities. In the fighting last night, they once participated in the bombing of the infiltrated Blue Army, and the Blue Army did not dare to approach.

The layout of their positions is also very particular. The outer layer is barbed wire, and there is a square trench in the trenches. There are soldiers on duty in the trenches. Two highlands are stacked inside. The 99a2 main battle tank is parked on top for tactical duty. The other 6 The tank is in a random standby state.

Tank shifts are conducted every 40 minutes to ensure that the tank driver has the most mental energy to maintain the highest offensive capability. When changing shifts, all trenched fighters will come out to alert. The positions shown to you are only appearances. There are dark whistle at a position about 500 meters away from the position to avoid the blue dogs jumping from the wall to attack the positions.

This kind of firepower is definitely not what the soldiers want to mess with. They may be more willing to fight with 500 simple road combatants. They also don't like to fight with company with tanks. The firepower is too different.

However, after examining the tank position, the Qi Le Infinite Team showed no signs of leaving, and several sisters planned in the communication.

"It's a torrent, the ace of the trump card, and the artillery of tank shooting are first-rate." Zhu Di said after observation.

"The frontal advance is too dangerous, you must sneak in, and silently kill them in the trenches.

"Once they start fighting, they will ask for help from all around, and we can't resolve the fight within 10 minutes, we will be all over." Li Meng sighed.

"Leave me for help. I have a way to make them‘ no sound. '”Nono laughed mysteriously, carrying the radio.

"Even if the problem of the signal for help is solved, the battle cannot be prolonged too long. Once the fight is started, the battle must be resolved quickly." Zhao Linger said extremely solemnly.

"Let us be pioneers ..." Qian Yu said.

"After tearing the breach, Judy and Li Meng can quickly cut in." Chihiro added.

"I'm a sniper and I'm in charge." Zhao Linger also found his place.

"It's all over, let's do it. It's time to let those big masters know what the overlord is!" Judy couldn't be excited.

They started advancing all of them, and the three soldiers in the whistle had not found that their movements had all been brought down, and they were shot dead in the heart socket.

It's not even dead, a few girls are worried that this group of guys will not follow the rules to ventilate and report, they must be stunned.

One of them was fat. He was unconscious after being hit by Judy 3's knife on his neck, and his neck was bruised. Presumably even in a dream, he cursed the girls' cruelty?

Silently they continued to advance. At a distance of 380 meters, Zhao Linger climbed up an uncle more flexibly than a monkey, quickly set up his sv-98 sniper rifle, adjusted the sight to load the bullet, and entered instantly. Sniper status.

Chiyu and Chihiro, who started the protective color camouflage, touched the side from the side. The action was slow like a snail, but it was creeping to the barbed wire. Using frozen spray, no pliers or clicks were needed. The barbed wire was cut off by a gap, Chiyu and Chihiro, and quickly cut in. A patrolling soldier standing on the trench turned around with a gun, just right Seen two raiders rushing forward with their bows bowed. Before he shouted, a blue sniper bomb hit his heart socket and ended his life.

He is no longer able to speak, and anxious students fall backwards, intending to fall directly in the trenches to make movements to remind their companions.

It's a pity that Chiyu and Chihiro's movements were too fast. One skid hit his feet and let his body fall forward naturally. The other took his neck and pulled him forward more than 1 meter. , And fell to the ground.

"Play tricks ..." Qian Yu said.

"It really kills you," Chihiro added.

After speaking, the two quickly jumped into the trenches, using a silent pistol to advance left and right, and point at the sight of the person, one shot at the other, they must be anti-human.

However, the difference between using rubber paintballs and real bullets is that these guys are obviously dead, but they still try to ventilate their companions. A soldier saw Chihiro and was clearly shot in the heart. Under normal circumstances, even if he did not immediately Death, pain, and impact have long made him unable to do anything, but the kid just imagined that he was a superhero, and boldly pulled a grenade out of his chest. Where do you go?

There was a loud bang, and the pan exploded in the trenches. The entire position was shocked, the tanks were started, and the soldiers quickly searched for the enemy to fire.

Chihiro was so angry that he grabbed the "corpse" of the grenade and slaped his head a few times, hitting the soldier who had been blown up into a minion.

"What are you snoring about! Slap is a corpse!" Said the soldier, depressed.

"Does the corpse speak? Have you heard the whip corpse?" Chihiro kicked him and changed his pistol into a submachine gun with full firepower.

"Li Meng, do it!" Zhu Di shouted with open arms, throwing a cluster of smoke bombs into the sky with one hand, and a small smoke bomb exploded quickly covered half of the position. The soldiers who rushed to the front of the trenches found Judy. He wanted to shoot with a gun, but the faster Li Meng was firing a burst of fire with a gun at a distance of 200 meters, still not exactly like a human, and several soldiers were immediately laid to the ground.

They are good at hitting people. How about hitting tanks?

The turned muzzle aimed at Zhu Di and Li Meng. Zhu Di pulled Li Meng and jumped into the trenches, waiting for the soldiers nearby to react, they had already entered the trench.

There was a loud bang, and the cannonball exploded near the trenches, not to mention how many companions were sprayed with the colored paint, and even the rising dust was buried alive. If it was a blasting bomb, it was inevitable for Judy and Li Meng to escape. Injured, but a few comrades-in-arms were incomplete.

So in the final analysis, they still did not take the exercise as a war, because the tankers who really dared to play this way, not to mention the military court, had been killed by their teammates' black guns.

"Zhao Linger!" Zhu Di shouted from the soil.

"No need to call, just wait for the angle, it's just right now." Zhao Linger sat on a tree branch and raised his muzzle with his knees, elegant like singing. Pulled the trigger with Shenming's breathing method.

There was no flare at the muzzle of the flame arrester, and the paintball hit the laser sighting probe of the firing tank. When another raised tank turned the muzzle to search for the sniper, the probe was also shot.

Originally, the firepower of Zhao Linger sv-98 could not penetrate the bulletproof shield on the probe, but the paintball didn't need to be exploded at all, it only needed to slap your face.

Some tankers did not believe in evil, opened the hatch and wiped the probe. As a result, it was conceivable that Zhao Linger did not give them a chance to go back.

The other tanks immediately knew the existence of the sniper, could not accurately find the existence of Zhao Linger, and covered with random fire. Zhao Linger immediately jumped off the treetop, and the zigzag high-speed attack shifted the sniper position.

The torrents of communication soldiers quickly contacted their superiors, and the signal had not slipped out of the two miles and directly transferred to Nono.

Hello, this is the customer service center of the Red Army Headquarters. What can I do for you? "Nuo Nuo's sweet voice and good attitude drunk the opposite correspondent.

"Hello! This is a torrent, and we encountered an enemy attack and asked for support."

"Your opinion has been received, please provide your user number so that we can confirm your identity." Nono was kind.

"Number? I don't know what number! I don't know which customer service you are!" The signal soldier was almost peeing and just fell to the ground in a comrade who was just five meters away in front of him.

"Dwarf oil, the user number is our communication password number, please report it to me again." Nono is like a professional phone scammer. In one fell swoop, he has obtained the extremely valuable communication password of the communication soldier. You must know that this thing is more valuable than the position It is still high, even if the enemy **** the signal soldier and hanged him to death.

With this gadget, Nono began to use his talents and began to undermine the Red Army's command system. For this reason, the unfortunate telecommunications soldier was ordered to retire early. Not to mention, the entire army later conducted a month-long study of anti-telecommunications fraud knowledge, ha ha.

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