God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 469: Battlefield Elves

Chapter 469 The Battlefield Elves

Overlord flower and Tengu worked! This was a full confrontation in the 16th hour after the exercise began.

Each team of Overlord Flower knows that its mission is to maximize the consumption of the Red Army's combat power, and it is by no means the best full-time soldier king over whom. Therefore, the various teams of Bawanghua are avoiding confrontation with the Tengu tracking unit, and it is their responsibility to destroy other Red Army positions.

The Chennai Tengu Special Battle Camp did not save fuel. It divided the five soldiers on one line of defense, and maintained a 60-strong platoon force all the way. It pursued the perseverance of the Overlord flowers and pursued it. The stinking shame behind the beautiful girl ’s ass, Wannian spare tire is also ashamed.

Overlord Do n’t engage in the base team and Overlord hard-up bow team were the first to be watched. In order to create space for other sisters, they deliberately took Tengu to walk away from the Red Army's defense line, but soon found that they thought too good. These seniors The king of soldiers was not covered, and the retreat was cut off long before the start, and the encirclement was started in the form of siege, and no retreat was given to the overlords at all.

The two teams merged to start doing their best to tear the space inside the encirclement circle, using precise marksmanship and ultra-high-speed moves to tear the space and look for loopholes.

Although other overlord flowers understand that this time should be avoided, but everyone is a sister for three months, seeing sisters being teased like piglets and then slowly playing to death, some people ca n’t see it He helped out from the outside, but it led to Tengu strengthening the siege.

Tengu's new encirclement uses one side of the old encirclement as a barrier, and uses fewer people to build a new encirclement, quickly framing the overlord flower that dares to shoot.

From a high altitude, the encirclement of the Tengu Special Battle Camp is like a closely-connected honeycomb type, each of which is filled with their prey.

This is the honeycomb matrix for anti-special squad operations, and it is also the special combat that Tengu has been studying for the past two years.

All the old chief executives took a look at the air conditioners. Just as everyone was studying how to catch up with the advanced developed countries' combat sequences, the Tengu Special Battle Battalion had already been fighting with the goal of surpassing all special forces. The imaginary enemy is completely different.

If it weren't for Luo Shen and Zhao Qianqian's bet, everyone would haven't known that the Tengu Special Battle Camp today is so powerful.

Even Luoshen was particularly grateful to see the performance of the Tengu Special Battle Camp. It seems that the title of the strongest army in the Tianchao has been delicately saved by Tianguo. In their state, even if they lose the seal commando who encounters the bald eagle sauce, as long as the number Equivalent, Tengu can completely make a seal into a sponge baby, and the whole body is a hole.

Comparatively speaking, no matter how the overlord's personal combat ability has been improved in the past three months, he cannot forge a war literacy like Tengu. This kind of special forces who have been trained over time and selected from thousands of miles has already won at the starting line.

"The overlord clause team was also encircled-they were obviously told to stay away." Standing on a hillside halfway up the hill, Zhao Linger observed the situation in the encircling circle through the adjusted retractable lens.

"Don't blame them. Everyone's mood is the same. The **** instructor has been teaching us various fighting skills, but he has never taught us to die. We are all struggling under the devil's hands and have feelings "Who still speaks common sense?" Zhu Di explained for the sisters. Although everyone didn't say, including Zhao Linger, everyone actually wanted to advance and retreat with the sisters. Why not fight to death?

However, this does not comply with the orders given by Shen Ming. It doesn't matter how others are. It is a trump card of overlord flowers, and it must always implement the task of consuming the Red Army's combat power to the maximum.

"Is there any way ..." Qian Yu said.

"Help them?" Chihiro added.

"It's not without, but the risk is relatively high." Nono, who has been playing with the tactical computer, did not lock up.

"How tall?" Li Meng said nervously.

"Good luck, I can rebuild the Red Army's logistics supply line, break the forages of his army, and induce Tengu to relax the pressure on the siege of the frontline sisters." Nono said in a good direction.

"Unlucky?" Judy wanted to hear bad news.

"Unlucky, we will all confess there, and our exercises will end there." Nono said solemnly.

The so-called method of Nono is to attack the logistics supply station located on the second line of defense of the Red Army. This is located on the top of a cliff. Behind it is a cliff up to 600 meters high. On the front is an open grass field. Military vehicles are feasible. Because it is close to the center line of the second and first positions, using this as a fulcrum, it can be transported to the Red Army positions in a timely manner by mobile transport using a transport aircraft, ensuring that all Red Army soldiers are sick, hungry, food hungry, thirsty, watery, There are bullets.

And its other purpose is to ... The fat supply warehouse in everyone's eyes is a bait that deliberately seduce the Blues to attack, with its back against the sky, and the 6 99a2 main battle tanks hidden in the position warehouse, plus 400 Red Army ace troops. The elite Army's "Tiger Company", even if the Blue Army concentrated the front of a thousand special forces group, they could all use this one to supply all of the arsenal and sell them through notification.

This is Zhao Xiangqian's favorite trick. There was a case where the commander of the Blue Army went to the supply line and finally entered himself.

This is why looking at the fat, the Blues never thought about taking a bite. But now, it really matches the battle mission of Overlord Flower.

Nono successfully hacked into the surveillance network of this armory by using the stolen gear stolen by the communication password. Although there is no way to tamper with the monitoring screen, he understands the complete disregard of the place, fully understands their security loopholes, and the real Military power.

"There is no chance on the front side, whether it is a sneak attack or a storm attack, it will be beaten by various open posts and dark whistle along the way. The only possibility is to go up from here." Nono said while sending the 3D image of the enemy array to everyone's tactics. on the computer.

The image shows a route that turned out to be the cliff on the back of the supply depot.

"They made the front defense system seamless, but they were very relaxed on the back of the cliff. Only regular helicopter patrols every 15 minutes patrol the rock walls. Our protective camouflage can completely deceive at that distance. After the driver ’s naked eyes, as long as he climbs up and enters the barracks, with our skill as wolves into the flock, they can be caught by surprise. Their fortifications and tanks will completely fail us, and the supply of the Red Army will be completely cut off. . "Nono talked eloquently.

"Once this warehouse is lost, as long as we do n’t blow it up, they will come back to **** madly. As long as we stick to it for 2 hours, no, 1 hour, the focus of the Tengu Special Battle Camp will definitely shift and change. Cheng came to us first, the sisters' siege ... can be solved! "Judy already understood what to do next.

"I know Grandpa, he won't let his bait have any loopholes. There must be something wrong with this cliff." Zhao Linger solemnly said.

"There is indeed a problem. The cliff is a light rock formation. The rock structure is very fragile. The protective ropes for climbing cannot be fixed, and it is easy to fall off. It is a cliff that is definitely not suitable for rock rocks. As long as we miss it, we are not losing exercises It's real death ... "Nono said, shaking himself.

The endless team couldn't enjoy it, and everyone was lost in thought.

"What are you thinking?" Li Meng looked curiously at Zhao Linger aside.

"I was thinking that if the instructor faced such a choice, would he choose to shrink back?" Zhao Linger's question made everyone suddenly open and laughed.

"The kind of dead pervert would never be regarded as a multiple choice question. There is no second way to go except climbing." Nono sighed.

"Death metamorphosis is good. It's all over. How can you be afraid of death?" Judy stretched lazily.

"If he can do it ..." Qianyu said.

"We can do that, too," Chihiro added.

"The plan is decided, and the Overlord Qi Le endless team, set off!" Judy took the lead, and a group of girls rushed towards the deep jungle. The so-called line of defense has stopped them.

Now they are a group of battlefield elves who come and go freely, chasing the footprints of victory and wandering freely.

Time is tight, the sisters ca n’t last too long. The time given to them is only 45 minutes. Zhao Qianqian ’s deliberate fat can not be captured within 45 minutes. The efforts of Zhao Linger and others will also be meaningless. So, everyone is really very In a hurry.

Earlier, Shen Ming, on the other side of the battlefield, as well as Chihuahuas who had never stopped talking, also completed a feat.

After an hour of pursuit, they finally managed to escape the 20 km limit set by the defenders. As they crossed a stream, they were lying on huge rocks, resting fiercely like a "too", watching dozens of military dogs across the stream, more than 100 soldiers armed with teeth, and overhead The four gunships passing by can only understand how difficult their journey has been.

"I'm sorry, did he really escape?" The Chihuahua boat was about to spit out his lungs, even when he followed the greedy wolf for super invincible physical limit self-excavation training.

"How much have you killed?" Greedy wolf asked his temporary teammate.

"107." Shen Ming did not count the gunship pilot.

"Cut, is it necessary to be so ingenious? I also killed 107." Greedy wolf grumbled.

"It's okay, when I kill you two ridicules, this data will not be equal." Shen Ming breathed for a while and then stopped breathing, sitting up like no one else.

"Oh, I have a chance. I won't fall asleep without this time."

"You look so unwilling to look so beautiful. If you bring a camera, I really want to get them one." The Chihuahua's Desire raised his **** to the other side of the brook to make a face, and someone had already raised a gun across. But he was crushed by the captain-level figures beside him.

"Looking at the face of a teammate, I will send you an information. Your sisters are being tracked by my guys. Once they start to surround the honeycomb matrix, they will not play." The wolves intentionally revealed.

"You seem to be mistaken. I am their instructor, not a commander. They belong to their war. They naturally have a way to deal with them. After all, they are humans, not dogs like you." Shen Ming finished, turned and walked towards the forest. go with.

"You!" Chihuahua was angry and wanted to rip his face on the spot.

"No, our battle is not here, it is still behind." Greedy Wolf stopped the Chihuahua with a smile.

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