God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 471: Tengu's counterattack

Chapter 471: Tengu's Counterattack

If the Red Army camp was taken aback as a result of the torrent tanks being fired, the attack on the current supply armament was equivalent to the Red Army's blast.

The order given by the superior was to take back the armament from the enemy at all costs.

The so-called "all costs" of course also include their small lives, even the bayonet has to be rushed up.

The garrisons in the various dark posts and whistle in front of the armament all jumped out. They gave up their superior fortifications and rushed back to the battlefield to join the battle group with light and heavy armed forces, but they did not play a fundamental role in the battle. They don't even know where the enemy is, what they look like, and how many people they have, they are not prepared.

Judy even put on their clothes and got into the crowd, dropping high explosive grenades.

This is the most frightening battle in the history of the Tianjun Military District. Even Zhao Xiangqian, who has always been proud of himself, sneered and ridiculed, "Dearest soldiers in the Tianchao, you have the best soldiers, the most powerful weapons, and the most powerful weapons in the Tianchao. Dominant terrain, you claim to be able to beat the US emperor, and you can turn the pirates into dogs, now? What do you see? After an impossible sneak attack, those who screamed 'invincible, invincible' Ke's elite was savagely beaten like a bright doll.

They only have six people, not enough people in one class, but they terminated our tanks and climbed up the cliffs of your terrific heavens, and started from your chrysanthemum, and they all played. Yes.

Do you think that my old face is pumping for others? No, we asked the Tianjun District to be beaten! The chiefs of all military regions across the country are watching, watching how we are slain.

You do n’t have to accompany them to dinner. I still have a meeting with them. How can you let me face them again? Zhao Xiangqian didn't like to talk nonsense or educate anyone on the battlefield, but now he has a rare opportunity. He must be disgusted with them, and the officers who ask themselves invincible in the world know what it means to be embarrassed and shameful. Only then will quit pride and irritability, and continue to train their troops more deeply.

"Commander! Let me take someone! I won't take back the armament, I'll see you up!" A teacher already in his fifties growled.

"No! Let me go!" Another older division commander stood up, and at one time officers at all levels asked to take the team to look like a daredevil team, and it was a bit of a Rambo feeling to paint them a camouflage to their faces. .

"Don't argue, what they killed is that the soldiers have already beaten their faces. What are you senior leaders doing in the past? Let ’s grab some light for you? I say so much, just to let you know how small we are. With fragility, we who have not participated in the war, we just want to rely on training and a brave word to ask how ridiculous is the world ’s first? It is subtle to learn, to understand the real war, and to fight the least likely war. What the army was like.

Think about our martyrs. Why did the armed forces of Laos face the victory of the Anti-Japanese War? Why did you create a new dynasty, and why can a bald eagle draw 38 lines?

We've been fighting, aren't those six female dolls fighting now?

Find a way! Find loopholes! Look for the negligence of your enemies, find what they are most proud of, and then pump your face fiercely! This is the Red Army, it is what we should have been! At this moment, in fact, as the fighters under the name of the Red Army, their hearts collapsed. They were ashamed and angry. They were speechless in the face of Zhao Qiang's reprimand, let alone their faces were fiery, but whenever there was a gap on the ground, they also Go inside.

"Commander, what shall we do now?" The old chief of staff came out to ease the atmosphere.

"The officers and men of the first and second lines of defense must not move. They are the front forces that resist the Blue Army. The officers and men of the three lines of defense are too far away to save the near fire. Only Tengu ... can maintain mobility and suppress high combat effectiveness. The greedy wolf had him arrange for his troops to attack the supply depot, and he must take back the position in the shortest time. It has nothing to do with the victory. The Red Army can't afford such a big face. It is very easy, because he knows that this is also the result that Zhao Linger expects to see. The Tengu who is drawn out of the hive matrix circle will definitely reduce the pressure on their colleagues. Wei Ling saved Zhao ’s hand, and Zhao Linger used it well.

Even this grandpa had to write her the word "service".

Tengu received a new order, and it was a death order. The greedy wolf assigned the task to the current Tengu deputy leader in charge of the hive matrix, VIP, and he was also the only soldier with glasses in the Tengu special operations camp. he

The distinguished guest enlisted in the army from the age of 18 to 28 today and has been a soldier for 10 years. His shooting results can only be regarded as ordinary special forces, at least not enough to meet the standards of Tengu, but he can enter Tengu because of his excellent united combat ability and command. Prior to joining Tengu, VIPs had been asking the General Staff of the Tianjun Military Region for a post, discussing military ranks and shoulders of greedy wolves, and were equally convinced by the team members.

Tengu was originally the king of soldiers in the king of soldiers. Everyone had the arrogance of "the world's number one in Lao Tzu." Convincing these soldiers was definitely not an easy task, but the VIP did it.

"How many people do you need me to take?" The VIP asked softly in the communicator.

"At present, the 6th opponent is known, including the commander's granddaughter Zhao Linger. They once picked our torrent tanks and killed six armed helicopters in an instant. The combat effectiveness is definitely the best in Overlord Huali. Strong, how many people do you need? "Greed Wolf asked all the information he could provide.

"In fact, it is enough to give me six, so that you can maintain the strength of the hive matrix, attract more overlords, and destroy them bit by bit. But this is not the case, and you hope to give them with reasonable reasons. They leave a way out, otherwise you won't just talk to me nonsense to emphasize how stubborn they are. "The VIP sighed and pushed the tactical glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"It's annoying that you know me this way. In fact, I and their instructors are a little bit intertwined. We will meet to find a chance to fight a good fight. If I have a soldier at that time, he will not have soldiers, how to bully people." Abacus.

"As a commander, you're too wayward! Actually, I'm arbitrarily arranging contracts around me, without organization and discipline!" The VIP criticized and educated angrily.

"I know I'm wrong, I won't dare in the future, what are you going to do this time?" Greedy Wolf looked forward to it.

"What else can we do? The 180 people who just came back are too tired, and temporarily put them into the hive matrix to rest and cooperate in combat. In addition, I dispatched 300 people to form a team and immediately set off to brush the copy of the armament. Now you are satisfied. "The players who need to rest naturally will not have too much fighting intensity, and the number of encircles will also drop directly from the past 300 to more than 180. This can be said to be a 30% discount. Those surrounded by overlords should also Thanks for your tears.

"Thank you," said the greedy wolf.

"Don't rush to thank you, where are you and Chihuahua? Why haven't you seen back? The other players have already arrived." VIPs don't want to be a commander, especially when the genuine commander is lazy.

"It's hard to come back, let's take a break? It's tiring to chase after soldiers." The greedy wolf lazily said.

"Hey ... is it difficult for the so-called ultimate instructor to deal with it?" The VIP knows what the wolves' physical fitness looks like, and laziness is not his habit. He always has only one purpose of rest, that is, a more saturated state. Go fight.

Need to keep him in the state to face the deep, in fact, VIPs can already imagine how powerful this enemy is.

"Yeah, very strong. I have never seen a soldier like this. All around him is a beast-like killing intention. Staying beside him feels like being led into hell. Obviously a sniper, But he has more terrible physical and melee strength than us. Fighting with him requires more than courage. Without the awareness to kill him, he can never win him. "What the greedy wolf didn't say was that he wanted to kill His people must also have the consciousness of being killed by him.

"It seems that you fell asleep and met the pillow, and Xiaoxuan met the old pervert. Come on, you rest, don't just end up playing it." After finishing speaking, the VIP hung up the communication, quickly organized the team, and hive The matrix encirclement was divided and reintegrated for a period of time. 300 Tengu soldiers were quickly drawn from it, and the entire team advanced at high speed towards the supply depot.

Judging by their distance, the average army takes at least 2 hours, but for them, guys who can't catch up within 30 minutes should interrupt their legs and then retire.

It is with such powerful strength that they dare to call the strongest troops in the dynasty, special forces among special forces. And Zhao Linger and others have caused themselves the biggest trouble.

Fortunately, their raid was very successful, sweeping the battlefield in just 20 minutes, and as they had requested before the operation, "do not stay alive."

"Tired old lady! Hey!" Judy sat on the back of a "dead body" on the buttocks in front of the base, his hot assault rifle fell to the ground, and his protective protective suit was soaked with sweat. . She really took the body next to her, unzipped her chest, revealing the perfect bikini career line and the sweat on the vest line.

The soldiers below have been slumped on the ground by the scene in front of them and want to lift their **** ...

"Tired and tired but very cool!" Li Meng was also very happy, the ammunition behind was cleared no less than two-thirds.

"We can't rest yet. The enemy is coming. We are running out of time." Zhao Linger, like an inexhaustible machine, dragged "corpses" and piled them together into a wall of human flesh.

"Friends and sisters are here for information. The pressure on their siege has dropped a lot, but our troubles are not small. According to their information ... there are at least 300 Tengu soldiers who came to us for fun. Is he really? Deserves us ... "Nonoha scolded everyone.

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