God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 473: Army soul

Chapter 473: The Army Soul

Its endless battle against the 300 Tengu Special Fighting Team was doomed to be a tragedy from the beginning. Judy and others used heavy fire to harvest the lives of Tengu soldiers remotely. It was a tragedy. After rushing into the camp, the Tengu soldiers became The picture of group chasing sisters is also a tragedy ... The essence of war is tragedy, and as they perform, tragedy is played to the fullest.

Every soldier, regardless of gender, is racking his brains to harvest the opponent's life in various ways. In order to avoid the damage of mines to his teammates, Tengu soldiers really lie on their stomachs, and the impact even blows them up. Even with the armor, even if it was an ammunition for the exercise, the impact force at least broke his 3 ribs, and blood ran wild in his nostrils.

Li Meng was forced into a small area to fight back with heavy firepower. The number of Tengu killed was uncountable. In the end, the opponent threw a dozen grenades and came in ... The explosion sound broke her eardrum on the spot, and blood was flowing from the corners of her eyes. .

If it was war, her body could not be pieced together, and only a **** could be used to pack the minced meat into a tote bag with the flag.

And just as everyone watched the tragedy happen everywhere, the communication channels of all the commanders of the Blue Army were invaded, and screenshots of the fighting screens were sent to their hands. It was not the invasion of the Red Army, but Shen Ming asked Nono to help connect.

"You, we are not teammates but fighting the same war. They are not defending your position, but they are fighting desperately against your enemies.

It took me three months to teach them the skills needed on the battlefield, but it was too late to teach them to kneel with the enemy for mercy.

In other words, they chose to block this convenient knowledge, because before they became overlords, their status was a dynasty soldier. The dynasty soldier can die and cannot descend ... This is actually a very stupid idea, but I have to admit it This is indeed an inspiring army soul.

As the instructor of Overlord Flowers, I am proud of them. How do you feel? Watching a few girls fight a war you think is impossible to win, do you have faces? After finishing his speech, Shen Ming hung up the communication without giving anyone time to answer.

Man is such a stupid animal, and it is easy to be confused by the pictures and words he sees, otherwise "Amway" cannot develop. Men are even more stupid. Macho makes them feel that they should be stronger than women. Once this superiority is surpassed, they will lose the basic thinking ability.

Especially when seeing the girls being hurt, the feeling of male hormones bursting into the sky can make any weak chicken male Guan Yu Zhang Fei's soul possessed instantly.

The signal of "kill the Red Army!" Occupied the minds of every Blue Army soldier like cell division, for them. This cliff is no longer an exercise, but a question of whether it is a soldier of the heavens or a man.

The commander of the Blue Army, just like the chicken blood, looked at the scene where Li Meng was killed by more than a dozen grenades, and his eyes were as red as watching his wife was killed. "Attack! Frontal! Who should he? Test the anti-permeability of the Red Army! We are not fish fry inspecting fishing nets! We are sharp knives through steel plates! Concentrate all our strength and insert me straight into the heart of the Red Army! "

Well, the exercise has completely turned into a war department, and the original friendly atmosphere of the red and blue armies has become an enemy that is not common. The organized Blue Army no longer dispersed and penetrated. Instead, it used the Red Army's strongest line of defense as a breakthrough point and began a frontal attack.

First and foremost is the hive matrix surrounded by the remaining Tengu staff. Do not say that when encountering strong soldiers outside, the overlord flower inside also cooperated in time to carry out a strong attack and tear.

"Eh! Are they crazy ?!" When fighting melee, these blue fighters even got on the knife, and they had to bite, and the killing atmosphere jumped on the screen.

Seeing such a picture, the chiefs were happy and worried, worried that they really killed their own people, but rejoiced for their bloodiness, because the Red Army of the Heavenly Kingdom in the War of Resistance Against Japan used that blood to defend The great country of the motherland.

Who said the soldiers in the new era of the Heavenly dynasty could not do it? When it's time to desperately, they are not soft! The courage to fear life and death can never be learned by the capitalist capitalists.

"Teacher ... didn't you say you didn't look for foreign aid?" Nono laughed while shooting and driving the Tengu near the door of the surveillance room.

"How can I count as a foreign aid, but I don't want to ... make your" sacrifice "meaningless, I just can't get used to the fighting virtues of these big masters." Shen Ming found a reason.

"Actually, the instructor is cute and stubborn, but he has always thought about us. A good man like you, does he have a wife?" Nonoha said.

"Ask me why?" Shen Ming shyly said.

"I just want to be your wife ... I would have minded that the boys are younger than me, but for you, I am willing to develop sister-in-law love!" When Nono spoke, the window next to him was broken, a Tengu soldier Yu Yue flew into the communication room. Nuo Nuo resisted the front-handed slinging shot and was caught by his wrist and pressed to the ground.

"Don't move! You lost." The soldier warned in good faith.

"I haven't lost my breath? How can I lose?" Nono continued to pull the trigger, and the bullet passed the soldier's scalp.

The forced soldier instinctively cut off Nuo Nuo's slender arm, and the pain was screaming even for a man, and Nuo Nuo twitched his thin body without humming.

"Instructor, I'm going one step ahead, although this is an exercise ... but I really can't lose it." Nono pressed the button in her arms with tears in her eyes, and a continuous explosion occurred in the entire communication room building. No Nuo finally took the lives of 10 Tengu soldiers.

"Rest assured, my overlord flower, will never lose." Shen Ming bit his teeth tightly assured.

"As long as you say ... I'll believe it." Nono passed out with a smile and tears.

A thousand words of Chihiro was cooperating with melee fighting to bring down ten Tengu fighters, but they were still beaten by guns and turned into a honeycomb. Both sisters were dying and holding each other's hands tightly, as if death could not separate them.

Judy refused to stay out of the tank that had lost its power, and was finally killed in the car by a grenade that was thrown in, ending his exercise.

At this point, the only team left is Zhao Linger, but she still refuses to flinch. After forcing Fawn to give up shooting, he came to the ground and continued to fight close to Tengu's soldiers with high machine power.

The VIP ordered this to stay alive, not that she was the granddaughter of Commander Zhao, but that they knew too little about the Overlord Flower, and grabbing their tongues back was helpful to everyone.

As a result ... Zhao Linger was finally forced to the edge of a desperate cliff where they had worked hard to climb up together.

Sniffing the smoke in the air, tasted the blood smell of rust on the tip of the tongue, and looked at the Tengu soldiers surrounded by him, Zhao Linger was holding the saber in one hand and the pistol that shot empty in one hand and watched carefully.

"Give up, you have no retreat." The VIP walked across the crowd and approached An'an Road. In fact, his mood was not good, because Tengu's battle damage had reached 50%, all of which were caused by 6 women. The mood was good. There is a ghost.

"Vip, do you know what the last course my instructor took with us?" Zhao Linger had seen the VIP, and he had seen it when he asked the General Staff of the Tian Military District in the depths. Although he had no friendship, he also had words and politeness. He also called his brother a few times.

"What he teaches you will kill you." The VIP reminded solemnly, feeling a touch of strangeness.

"You don't know my instructor at all, and you are not qualified to evaluate his course. In fact, the last thing I learned was torture training. He showed me a video of how the enemy treats prisoners of war, which made me unable to eat for a whole day. , Even dreaming will be awakened ... So, I will never be a captive. "Zhao Linger finished, suddenly stepping back on the edge of the cliff.

"Don't!" The VIP shouted in panic, but it was too late.

All the audience saw the heart beating, and Zhao Qianxiang felt that cerebral thrombosis was about to occur. Zhao Linger fell freely, enjoying the freedom of the wind.

After the fall reached 450 meters, Zhao Linger pulled out the saber behind her, brushed it and inserted it into the rock wall in front of her. She wanted to learn Shenming, using physical means to slow down the landing, but did not have time to calculate The difference in gravity due to height and the toughness of the tools used.

The pulling force was so bad that her arm was scrapped. No matter how hard she tried, after sliding down 8 meters, the tendon of the finger holding the knife automatically opened and opened the handle, and her body continued to fall down.

"Sure enough ... can't I do a miracle like an instructor?" At this moment, Zhao Linger had no fear of death. There was only a trace of regret. It turned out that learning an instructor was such a difficult thing.

"Little sister, just imitate my shameless face next time, don't imitate me to die." Just when Zhao Linger had lost faith, a familiar voice came from the headphones.

Zhao Linger hadn't responded yet. A strong arm sticking out from the rock wall held her firmly in her arms. The impact pulled Shen Ming down sharply, and the rock wall was suddenly torn open to five passes. Son, suddenly the dust was splashing.

After 15 meters of descending, Shen Ming hugged Zhao Linger and stopped. At this moment, they were only half a meter away from the ground under their feet.

The hidden position of Shen Ming is calculated, including Zhao Linger's weight, the timing of the shot, the acceleration of gravity carried ... the calculation formula is more complicated than higher mathematics. Fortunately, they all survived.

"Sir ?!" Looking at the familiar face, Zhao Linger, who thought he was dead, choked up, and now he knew how to be afraid.

"Teached you, don't cry, tears will affect combat effectiveness, is there strength to fight?" Shen Ming hugged Zhao Linger and fell to the ground.

"Yes!" Zhao Linger replied forcefully.

"Then let's take this exercise together ... I'm going to get your grandpa's head."

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