God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 485: Looking for Aunt Feng

Chapter 485: Looking for the Third Aunt Feng

"In your words, Feng Jiayin has fallen into the hands of the boy named Shen Ming, and this nirvana has no fear of being hostile to our old Feng family." Sitting in an antique upper room, Feng Qianchi Faced with a bronze mirror, he was talking on the phone with a speakerphone. Four girls stood behind him nervously combing shawl long hair for the young master and choosing exquisite accessories and suits. Well, he has regarded himself as the master of all people's life and death.

"Yes, young master, the Feng Family Thirteen Eagles will arrive soon. As long as you say a word and immediately set foot in his house, Feng Jia Yin will be taken back. It's just that."

"But what?" Feng Qianchi frowned.

"The rules of our old Feng's family are not to kill, but this person is extraordinary, not taking life as the premise, it is difficult to succeed." Fishermen rarely see young warriors with such skills.

"If I remember correctly, not killing is a rule set by the previous generation of homeowners. Even the previous generation of homeowners have become ancient, and this stale old rule should change with the times ... as long as you can Feng Jiayin was brought back. I don't mind the death or death of the Nirvana. "Feng Qianchi smiled." Remember, there are 7 days before the First Martial Arts Association will be held. Before that, I must see Feng Jiayin in me. Within Feng's territory, otherwise, you can mail your head back. "

"The old slave understands that I will take my Feng Jiazhibao back, and will never disappoint the young master's request." The fisherman hung up the phone after speaking, Feng Qianchi couldn't help but bemoaned, knowing that he was the default owner of everyone, However, there is no Feng Jiayin in hand, nor has it been recognized by the parents of the parents. Everyone still instinctively uses the name "big master".

There is only one difference in title, which made Feng Qianchi wait for 40 years, and he could n’t change it after his own uncle.

On the other side, the fisherman who hung up the phone took out a piece of one hundred and put it on the counter of the store. In the face of the scornful look of the fat lady boss, "Hello, checkout, please write a receipt to the old man, old man. Go home and get reimbursed. "

"Boss is not young anymore, what cosplay do the school students play? Who are you cos? No one can see how well it is? Make a long-distance phone call and receive a receipt, do not lose it?" I felt ashamed.

Feng's four major defense methods are masters in the master, but the more masters, the less they know about the outside world. The Feng family has always maintained the ancient way of life. The use of electric lights in the town is taboo, and few people have telephones. No matter the architectural style or the dress, it gives a feeling of crossing.

If it is not a special task, they will not leave Feng's family for a long time until they die. The understanding of the world only comes from a simple "Mundane Survival Manual" that was handy when they came out. Most of the content is to call 110 for an alarm and fire. Hit 119, ask 12580 for directions ...

Fortunately, the old Feng family also has people who are fully adapted to the outside world, such as Feng Quan sneaking over the wall, and the Feng Family Thirteen Eagles who are responsible for hunting down the Feng family's traitors.

The old Feng's family is prosperous, and people's lives respect each other like guests, like a paradise, but there are always people who think the world is so big. I want to go to Langlang, so I often lose some domestic slaves in the task of returning love. These traitors thought that hiding in this world would be fine.

The Feng Family Thirteen Eagles are their nightmare. These cold-blooded killers who grew up with modern education since childhood, everyone has passed Level 6 in English. Killer.

The fishermen and they have already met in the barren land kfc. Once they meet, all the embarrassment will be gone, and the dead time will come.

In Shen's family, Charm fell into a coma again, but there was no danger to her life.

"Shen Ming, what should I do now?" Xiao Yi had just seen Shen Ming fighting with that weird old man through monitoring.

"This thing is a hot potato. As long as it is there, the old Feng family will chase it like a dog, endlessly." Shen Ming said, throwing the seal into Xiao Yi's hands, "I have already Director Zhao was notified and asked him to send someone to provide protection. Although the old Feng's family was strong, they did not mess with the official family rules. When they saw the police, they would still give in.

"I'm asking you, what are you going to do?" Xiao Yi was worried about Shen Ming, because she had never seen an old man who could have done a hundred tricks with Shen Ming, and it was only one person. There are so many warriors in the old Feng family?

"Although I don't like Feng's stinking boy, he is too arrogant and needs to be educated, but he must not bear the crime of his uncle and be killed by his elder brother. I must save him." Shen Ming With both hands in his trousers pockets and standing on the head of the charming bed, the unhurried words involved himself in trouble again.

"I knew you would do this ??" Xiao Yi sighed helplessly.

"Xiao Yi, don't you want me to care about this gossip?" Shen Ming wondered.

"Nonsense, who hopes that her husband will be fine every day, the hero saves the United States and beats and kills, but what can you say about your friend's righteousness? Mei was commensurate with me and my sister at the beginning. Seeing her be bullied like this, I I can't get through. "Xiao Yi clenched her fists.

"what do you mean?"

"Under the premise of paying attention to safety, teach the group of bad guys to be good people." Xiao Yi exclaimed.

"Observe, my wife." Shen Ming smiled slightly.

What Shen Ming has to do now is to take Feng Jiayin to find the legendary third aunt Feng Family in Zhongnan Mountain, and rush to the world ’s first martial arts convention to expose Feng ’s boss Feng Qianchi ’s scheme in front of many heroes.

Shen Ming, with simple luggage, drove a white Lamborghini out of the underground garage. Facing a seven-seater van across the road, his fists were stretched out, and the seal between Feng Jianu's soul was pinched between his fingers, like a raised middle finger, and he flew away.

"It's that kid! He took our Feng Jiayin! Quickly chase!" The fisherman sitting in the co-pilot position angrily.

"Yes!" The thirteen eagle boss in the driver's seat-cold, quickly started the engine to catch up.

But chasing Lamborghini with a seven-seater van? Everyone is tantamount to watching Shen Ming gradually leave.

"Why not come on! He is already escaping!" The anxious fisherman urged.

"Adult, it's not that the lazy man is lazy ?? The car is too far away. The one he drove is equal to the level of the Red Rabbit. We can only be regarded as lame **** ?? And you look at the back ??" Leng said himself They were all crying, because their twelve five big and three thick men were all squeezed into the back of the five-seater, and seeing their distorted faces was more uncomfortable than practicing.

"Then why don't we also prepare to sweat BMW?" Fisherman blame.

"I don't know, the car is an extraordinary thing. A car costing 6 million yuan is equal to our 100-year-old Lulu?" Leng helplessly sighed. "And the car can seat up to two people. To chase us, we need seven cars. "

"People in this world are really ridiculous. If they do so, they will suffer retribution." Fishermen can only launch curse attacks, but who knows that Shen Ming has a rebound special effect, and the van was stunned by the van when chasing to a crossroad. Stopped ... severely overloaded, the cold twelve points were depleted.

In fact, the old Feng family has a wide range of guests in this world. Every time they go out, they can enjoy the highest standards of treatment. They will pick up and drop off Jinyi and food, and they will also give a big gift. They rarely encounter such an embarrassment. . It ’s all because the family is ugly, and no matter how serious the trouble is inside the old Feng ’s family, they do n’t want to let the outside world know about it. Therefore, the relationship between the guests is not allowed.

Shen Ming was too lazy to care about this group of teasers, went to the airport and took his own private plane to fly to the area where Nanshan was located. Looking at the beautiful stewardess randomly given away, go wherever you want, and never have to worry about crowding around. Fat cockpit, this is the difference between rich and no money.

"Shit ... you owe me too much this time ..." Shen Ming looked at the clouds outside the window and sighed. In order to help Feng Quan, he used all the private jets, the fuel was so high, the runway rental was so expensive. Hundreds of thousands fly once. Shen Ming made a total of one million Feng Quan last time, and this time it is estimated that it will be fully compensated.

Zhongnan Mountain, the first blessed place in the heavenly dynasty, the birthplace of Quanzhen Taoism, is also a retreat for hermits that hermits prefer to choose. According to incomplete statistics, more than 5,000 hermits have been cleaned here in the past. There are also unknown passers-by, and everyone chooses here for basically the same purpose, to stay away from worldly disturbances, collect the heaven and earth aura, and realize the path of life.

Of course, this is also the realm often mentioned in martial arts novels. Various magical martial arts mentalities, intertwined love and hatred, and it also enveloped it with a mysterious atmosphere.

Shen Ming's plane is good enough, the sports car is cool enough, and the money is enough to repair the highway ... But in the face of the secluded place of the third aunt Feng's seclusion, he still can only climb with bare hands and carry the weight.

When the sun had not yet set, he had reached the top of the cliff, watching the immortal mountains and jungles, and only missed the 32-story mattress that Iglioli imported and massaged at home for two days.

Putting down his backpack, he set up a simple fire, cooked a bowl of instant noodles for dinner, and was 10 kilometers away from the GPS calibration position. No one had ever walked through the mountain road. Although there are many hermits in Zhongnan Mountain, most of them are close to the divided scenic area, because no matter how high they are, daily diet, sick belly, or contact with people.

Shen Ming is facing the primitive jungle established as a closed area. In this position, the self-sufficient survivors can stay away from electricity, medical care, and food, which is an extremely powerful existence in itself. At least Shen Ming feels that letting himself stay in such a place for 10 years is definitely not as good as death, but the legendary third aunt Feng has already lived here for 20 years ...


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