God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 494: Train interception

Chapter 494 Train interception

Yuncheng is very big, but it can only be regarded as a second-tier city in the dynasty. Not only does it not have high-speed rail, trains have to roll out in mountains, which takes a little longer. If it weren't for Ruo Tong's weird habit of flying, Shenming's private jet would have flown away.

Now they have to take a train for up to 12 hours to a nearby city, then transfer to the high-speed rail to the boundary where Fengjia Villa is located. After getting off, transfer to a long-distance bus, tractor, or ox cart.

Shen Ming estimated that it would be a miracle to be here these days.

They stepped on the train before six o'clock in the morning, and were a bit lost, because the green leather carriage was almost exactly the same as she had been when she was a child.

"Why hasn't the train changed after 20 years?" Ruo Tong was slightly lost.

"Master, do n’t you feel strange if everything has changed? It ’s not just this partial train, their service attitude is also worse than it has been for 20 years, and you must have never booked a ticket "Stand ??" Heming said.

Fortunately, Shen Ming bought a soft sleeper ticket, and bought four tickets at a time, which is exactly the same as a car.

They got on the train too early. What they didn't notice was that Jin Lian, the fisherman and the thirteen eagle carrying large bags were on the same train.

The train left Yuncheng Station in a humming and punctual time. It didn't take long for the train to turn into the rolling mountains along the Panshan Railway.

"It's time for practitioners to practice." Although Ruo Tong had a lot of fun, he promised to teach Shen Ming but he never forgot about it for a moment. It is necessary to educate his apprentices, and it is necessary to maintain this teacher-apprentice relationship.

"Master, Feng Xijin's formulas have been memorized, and I have a sense of vitality in my practice. Even if you no longer teach me more practice in the future, you can master it!" Shen Ming means that he can stop and stop.

"Is the anger feeling so fast? Sure enough, you are talented, but your inner strength is the main, and martial arts is also supplemented. Seeing you fight, there is no rule, let me teach you a set of physical skills!" If Ruo Tong is usually a person who is very boring, it is also very interesting to have a child.

"Master wants to teach me posture? Isn't it great, the place is so small?" Shen Ming was still worried that she would not be able to hold it, and it was necessary to reduce her physical contact.

"The warrior can attack, retreat and defend, expand and contract naturally, and the size of the world can be fought! Look at the trick!" Ruo Tong, wearing a hot pants camisole, rushed straight up, and took a shot to stop, but his hand had not touched the master yet. Has been detained by Master.

Lock technique? Shen Ming instinctively used the skills he learned to fight back, but after struggling, his other hand was locked by Ruo Tong, and the two silent bodies were entangled together.

Although the two were wearing thin clothes and rubbing their bodies against each other for a long time in the hot summer, Shen Ming's head was free of mess, and he focused on breaking Ruotong's lock technique.

The general lock technique requires the use of large joints to lock small joints. It is purely local strength to oppress the opponent to win. However, the difference between Ruotong's lock technique and the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu learned by Shen Ming is that she can use With the same joints, you can even bend your thighs with your arms!

Reinforcing the local muscles throughout the whole body with strength, he turned his fingers into iron clamps and turned his arms into thighs.

"Master, can you come down first? It hurts a bit ??" Shen Ming was locked and rolled a little, because Ruo Tong rode on Shen Ming's head and clamped Shen Ming's neck with his feet. His His hands were locked and locked in midair. Not to mention, the feeling of cheeks against his thighs was painful, but it was also very cool.

"If you don't suffer, you're a good person. If you feel pain, you can try to break free!" Ruo Tong smiled proudly.

"You forced me! Look at my tongue!" It is clear that Ruotong's thigh pinching has cured the deep cervical spine, but who can think that this guy's tongue is so long that he can lick his nose! He even licked Ruo Tong's thigh.

"Yeah!" The unmanned girl couldn't stand being treated like this. Ruo Tong's strength was instantly dissipated, and Shen Ming threw the master to the bed. The whole person pressed it down, and never locked her again. Opportunity.

"The stubborn is not Kung Fu at all!" Ruo Tong blushed and taught.

"Whoever stipulates that they must use hard work? Is it okay to win?" Shen Ming didn't feel that he was shameless.

Just then, the flight attendant opened the door to check the ticket. The scene was rather embarrassing, but the stewardess was not surprised.

"It's really not what you think." Shen Ming explained while checking the ticket.

"Come on, don't explain to me, just remember to lock the door next time, and don't stain the sheets, it's not easy to wash." The ticket inspector despised Shen Ming, changed them to sleeper license plates and left. Already.

"Do you continue?" Ruo Tong asked with a smile when the flight attendant was gone.

"No longer, your lock technique is already a vigorous technique, it is too difficult to learn." Shen Ming shook his head and sighed.

"It's because of the difficulty that we need to strengthen our practice. This set of martial arts is called" Lishou ". It took me 3 months to learn it. It depends on how long you can learn it!" Ruo Tong said and started his own teaching. A pair of masters and apprentices played in the room happily. The golden lotus and fisherman, Leng and other eagle members in the two sides of the room all heard black lines.

Ruo Tong can be regarded as their elders. When they listen to the elders' sounds, there is always a feeling of being "hit your sister".

"I'm going to do this shameless dog man and woman now!" The fisherman could not help but let go of Jin Lian in his arms, and when he got up, he wanted to do it.

"It's a little safe and impatient, it's really unwise to do it now." Cold was comforting, but in fact he wanted to vomit the old and unruly dog ​​men and women in front of him, and what kind of face to vomit other dogs and men, "We You have to wait for the two to separate before you can start. "

"Fisher, Leng said that although the third aunt is not on check, but it is our elder and cannot be killed. And the kid also has a strange transformation ability. If we do it at the same time, we have many people but the war zone is too small and not too big. Convenient. "Jin Lian spit out the spot, Ruo Tong might have laughed at Jiuquan.

"Well, just let the kid live an extra stick of incense, my lotus girl really has a kind heart, and the fisherman is still too impatient compared to you." The fisherman took Jin Lian back to his arms. in.

"Fisherman Chemo said so, in fact, you are just pure-hearted." Jin Lian said with a pleated face.

"Which **** arranged for me to live with them? Does he want to completely destroy Lao Tzu's ability to fall in love?" Leng was so angry that he went violently. Don't talk about seeing the live spring palace these two days, it's just a zombie version. "Jin Ping` Mei ", has made the cold look want to die.

Tossing till noon, Shen Ming was tired and panting, and the sleeper car became messy.

"Master, are you hungry?" Shen Ming lying in bed asked.

"Of course, I'm going to have lunch!" Ruo Tong lay on another bed.

"Okay, I'll buy it now, then you should stay in the car and don't run around." With the last experience, Shen Ming decisively assigned a phone card to this master so that they could contact by phone so that they would not find anyone again. .

"Xing Xing Xing, what the child taught was to go!" Ruo Tong urged.

Shen Ming went out and walked to the dining car behind the two carriages. Although the reputation of the train package Ruxiang has never dissipated, every hungry passenger came to smell Xiangxiang and dance.

At the same time, there were two guardians and the Thirteen Eagles of the Feng Family. The policemen who remained in each compartment were almost stunned and locked into the utility room at the same time. Even the cab was occupied by a hawk member.

The entire train was silent, but it has become the occupation of the Thirteen Eagles. It is inconclusive as to where the end point will go.

"Beauty, come for a tomato fried tomato and potato burned potato set!" Finally it was Shenming's turn.

"What weird dishes you say, there aren't any, just scrambled eggs with tomatoes and roast beef with potatoes." The aunt who sells rice yells.

"Look, are there any eggs in this tomato? One hundred tomatoes besieged one egg. Which of the potatoes is beef, and is it beef froth?" Shen Ming has eaten high-end lately and can't help it Go to Tucao.

"Love to eat, go without eating." Dasao was not in the mood to tease with him.

"Beauty, I was wrong, here are two." Shen Ming still bought two boxes and turned towards the door, but the coldness of a black leather suit at the door of the compartment was already blocked there.

And the fisherman finally untied his bucket outfit and sat at the door like a normal old man eating peanuts.

"Is he really the master of ghosts?" Shen Ming glanced back, two people stood at the exit on the other side.

At this moment, there are as many as 40 people in the dining car compartment, either eating or buying. There are also children who are a few years old. They really start to work and do not want to hurt innocent people.

Shen Ming took out his mobile phone and called Ruo Tong, "Master, there are many people. I want to line up. You have to eat some snacks and starve yourself. I guess it will take a while to come back."

"I do n’t need to bring it back. I have a little personal business to deal with. When I ’m done, I just go to the dining car to find you." Ruo Tong, who had opened the room, said that he hung up the phone, and saw that the two sides of the narrow carriage corridor were full With the members of the Thirteen Eagles, Jin Lian was also listed.

"Auntie, please don't be obsessed anymore, that boy is not a good person, and he is the enemy of Feng family!" Jin Lian bitterly said.

"Well, when did the Feng family start to become so worthless, a group of slaves, bold backs also dare to claim to represent the Feng family? I am the third aunt of the Feng family, it is my freedom to whom I would like to dance, you dare to intervene in my Decided? "Ruo Tong always smiled at Shen Ming, but once he calmed down, he still shivered.

"Third aunt, we are not trying to offend deliberately, but now Shen Ming must die." Jin Lian decided that he would not give in.

"Is that right? I'll go now. If you want to stop me, just stop me. It doesn't matter how many people are, but remember, my affection for you was already paid back in the forest last time, and I won't keep my hand again. . "Ruo Tong had already warned.


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