God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 499: Detoxification in water

Chapter 399 Detoxification in Water

"Wrapped in red scales and black scales ... coexistence of vigor and killing ... non-deity, non-devil, non-human ... who is the enemy of all things?" Lying on the soft bamboo leaves, looking up at the bright galaxy, a rough fisherman Suddenly Ya Xing wrote a poem. In the battle with Shen Ming, he has done his best, and finally even broke out the twelve layers of skill that will hurt his heart and reduce his life.

But he still couldn't resist the Shen, who turned into a wicked gesture. He watched his black iron claws that could split gold and stones twist into twists in Shen's black claws, and the deadly poison spilled on his scales. Just as insignificant as dust. No matter how tough his hard qigong armor is, when the deep black fist hits him, he still breaks his power instantly and is beaten out.

His power is already a new product combining technology and traditional qigong. It is impossible for him to accurately locate him. Today, is there anything else that can win him? The fisherman didn't know, but the person was definitely not himself.

"The old man was defeated ... become convincing, kill me ..." The mission failed, but the fisherman died, and he did not want to face the ridicule and the punishment from the young master after returning home.

"Sorry, I haven't liked killing people for a long time. If I can, I want to keep my hands clean, even if I just deceive myself." Shen Ming stood in front of the fisherman, and the black scales on his body and hands faded like a tide, Reverted to the original color.

"Since ancient times, the King of the Victor, the Kou of the Loser, and the strong have been truthful. Do you say you are clean? Who dares to think you are dirty? But do n’t think you can win the world by defeating your husband. In front of you, you are just a special evil animal. "Fisherman coughed up blood and educated.

"The junior was taught. In order to ensure that you will not continue to chase afterwards, I have to do something excessive. It will be a bit painful and may even leave lifelong harm, but I believe that you can survive it. "Shen Ming pulled out his saber.

"Come on, if I cry, even if I am weak." Fisherman sneered.

"Sorry." Shen Ming does not know how to respect the old and love the young, but for the safety of the back, he can only give heavy hands to this white-haired old man.

Shen Ming severed several muscle tendons to ensure that he did not have the ability to take care of himself for at least 3 months even if he was sent to the doctor. The process was very painful. Even Shenming may not be able to persist until the end, but the stubborn old man in front of it did it.

After completing "minor surgery", Shen Ming treated the fisherman with wounds collected in advance to prevent him from losing too much blood and dying.

"Your tenderness is not commensurate with your strength," said the fisherman softly. "One day, your kindness will kill you."

"My strength is insignificant. To the world, as small as a worm, kindness harms no one, it is just a kind of false self-consolation, and let me deceive myself, after all, Master praises me as a good person." Shen Ming bandaged the wound, and after confirming that the fisherman was okay, he got up and walked towards Ruo Tong's battle.

Shen Ming is actually too easy for Master Ruo Tong to fight. Even if the fisherman is your most powerful group of chasers, after all, there are only 1 person and traps to assist him. Shen Ming is not too dangerous to fight.

On the contrary, Ruo Tong, with one enemy and nine, are all masters, and Jin Lian has known him for many years, knowing himself and others.

Shen Ming was worried about speeding up the pace. When he arrived, he was basically finished here. Ruo Tong was still strong and invincible. Seven of the nine opponents had been cut off. Jin Lian and Leng can still stand and double her.

However, both were not badly injured. The back of Jin Lian was bleeding, and a wound on the cold thigh was also deeply visible.

"Master, hasn't the work been confiscated yet?" Shen Ming smiled with his arms around his chest, leaning on the bamboo beside him.

"There is still a moment, don't worry, have you done it for the fisherman?" Qiang Ruotong, after experiencing such wars, also showed fatigue, and his white forehead was worn with a trace of sweat and tiredness, and his breath was disordered. a bit.

"Shit! What happened to my fisherman?" Jin Lian couldn't take it anymore and asked growling.

"Nothing, but you may need your help to walk in the future, right?" Shen Ming felt a bit guilty of interrogation and said with an apology in his cheeks.

"Asshole! I want you to die!" Jin Lian's anger value burst instantly, leaving Ruo Tong in front of him suddenly rushing towards Shen Ming, spear-tip boots on his feet, lightly rushing forward on the ground.

"Come again?" Shen Ming's fatigue was also on his face. The battle with the fisherman had exhausted his limit of using inverse scales today, and he could only pull out the saber behind him to greet him.

"Twelve layers of skill! Golden lotus falls to the sky!" Golden lotus rose to the ground, a distance of 5 meters, her body gliding in the air, her energy turned her body into a giant spear.

"Be careful!" Ruo Tong just wanted to help, but was dragged a bit by the cold and slowed a step.

"Get away!" Ruo Tong's intentions were high, and Leng Yijian flew out, stepping on the ground like a fairy again, and immediately caught up with the crazy Jinlian.

"Be careful!" This change of shouts carefully changed to Shen Ming, a hint of evil in Jin Lian's eyes he noticed.

The powerful attack on himself was instantly transformed into Ruo Tong. When Ruo Tong blocked Jinlian's iron boots, Jinlian's long fingertips crossed Ruotong's ankle.

"Auntie ... do you know anyone who knows you better than Lao? You say you have no weaknesses, but your weakness is too simple, everything is on your face. It's like your affection for that kid. If there is In the next life, be hypocritical! "Jin Lian whispered in Sanyi's ear like a farewell.

"Please ... take a step first." Ruo Tong dropped a sword and chopped Jin Lian's waist in the air. When the two landed, she was no longer holy, her face and body covered with blood.

Ruo Tong, standing in the **** rain, smiled softly in the face of Shen Ming, "I'm sorry, Master has ashamed you."

Qi Jusan broke out, and Ruo Tong's butterfly sword in the hand fell into the mud next to him, rolled his eyes, Ruo Tong fell to the ground.

"Master!" Although Shen Ming was exhausted, he still rushed forward, holding Ruotong together.

"Don't sleep! Don't die! Don't leave me!" Shen Ming was mad at Ruo Tong's twelve large holes on his body, limiting the flow of qi and blood, and not caring about the violent toxicity of Qi. He caught the wound on her ankle and sucked the blood out.

"It's useless ... Qi must be scattered and there is no blood solution. Your first aid can only slow down her death, but it can't save her." Leng Lai came over, regretfully.

"Do you want to continue?" Shen Ming looked at Ruo Tong in a coma and squinted coldly.

Although I have played against each other, Leng is convinced that that is the true look of Shen Ming, like a beast who can't wait to bite your throat.

"No more fights, I don't want to fight anymore ..." Leng lost the knife in his hand. "This boring frame is tired. If you really want to save him, try to breathe the body and lead the poison to yourself , She still has rescue, but you can hardly say. And the process is like a fire, if you do not cool down properly, you may even burn yourself.

That's all I can say, I don't know if I can help you. "

"I won't thank you." Shen Ming hugged Master horizontally, and flew towards the depths of the bamboo forest.

Soon he found a shallow mountain spring in the bamboo forest, looking at Ruo Tong, whose lips had become black because of poisoning. Shen Ming said nothing, first tied his eyes with a cloth belt, and then took off. Taking herself and her clothes, she hugged herself into the cold spring water, which was just enough to pass the calf.

Sitting in the middle of the spring, Shen Ming took Ruo Tong's palm, cut the palms of the two with a knife, let the wound face the wound, and began to look for luck. Although I have been learning qi for some time, it is still extremely difficult to instill qi into the other person's body. Because a little more energy hurts people, a little less useless, and the degree of delicate operation is no less than 2.5 kilometers away, you need to hit the enemy's eyes with a shot.

Changing a second qigong newcomer like Shen Ming can never do such a thing. But Shenming is good at micromanipulation, so it is not too difficult to use vigor.

The toxins diffused in the blood are subtle and seek for air. Ruo Tong has instinctively cut off the flow of vitality and reduced the expansion rate of toxins. It is not necessary to find them too hard by taking the air as a guide. Seductively away from Ruo Tong's five internal organs, began to pour into the palms of the two.

The process of detoxification seems to be relatively smooth, but the next question is what to do once Qishusan enters his body.

"Shenming, do you want to commit suicide?" Niu asked in shock.

"No, my king, I want to live." Shen Ming calmly said.

"If you want to live, do you still poison your upper body, can you really be dead if you are a monster?" Niu I wonder how to say that Shen Ming is good.

"I have a way to get the poison out of my body, but my king will help me." After Shen Ming communicated his thoughts with the spirit of Inverse Scale ... Inverse Scale only felt that he was crazy, but one life and two lives, Inverse Scale was with him Other than being crazy together, there is no other option.

If there is still a chance for parasites, Inverse swears that she must find a spare tire with no female fate, so there will not be so many peach blossoms.

I saw that when Shen Ming guided the venom into himself, the black scales slowly coagulated on his back neck, turning into a baby-like little black hand, the palm of his hand opened to the back of Shen Ming, in the palm of his heart , The true qi group of Long Tuzhu is condensing.

The qijue scattered toxins that were poured into the body along the wounds on the palms were like the vicious wolf that smelled the smell, followed the qi to run all the way, and all poured into the dragon spit beads behind Shen Ming.

With the advent of luck, green smoke was emitted from the original cold spring water, and the temperature of the water killed all the fish in it, as if it had been turned into a hot spring. The removal of toxins allowed Ruo Tong to recover his consciousness, and he could see the dreary blindfold in front of the red fruit in the blurred vision.

I felt that I should go to heaven, and in an instant I met my apprentice frankly, this feeling ... It was really shameful.


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