God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 513: Heroes of Earth

Chapter 513: World Heroes

Feng Qianchi is definitely a martial artist. As long as he has the opportunity, he is willing to fight against each other, whether it is a beggar, a teacher who needs to be shaved, and as long as he has superb kung fu, he is willing to meet for a while. Can be divided into victory or defeat.

But only the Shenming in front of him, he was no longer a pure human being, and Feng Qianchi even lost his interest in passing with him.

"Let her go," Shen Ming warned.

"Guess, if you do it at the same time, will you save her fast or I kill her fast?" Feng Qianchi smiled with Xiao Yi's face.

"Shen Ming ... Do you lack a woman? You have never lacked it, please? Leave me alone and kill this one." Xiao Yi yelled.

"It's a wild horse. There is no grassland in the house. How can I pretend to be you? But it doesn't matter. My Feng family has a great career and can bury your scenery when you die." Feng Qianchi didn't care if Shen Ming wanted to spit fire Come eyes.

"Look, I have no resentment against your Feng family. Take Feng Jiayin and find the third aunt. This is just to complete the entrustment with my friend Feng Quan. I had already finished my job, but you broke into my house. , Why tied my family to force me to take a shot! "Shen Mingxiao said with emotion.

"What about me forcing you? What about being innocent and innocent? The things you care about are in my hands, but you don't have the things I care about." Feng Qianchi won the ticket.

"This, don't you care?" Shen Ming took out Feng Jiayin, who let all Feng's souls linger. "Use the seal for my family."

Shen Ming did not forget Feng Quan relentlessly, but there were three aunts, and there were people who turned over for him at Feng Family. This seal was kept, but it was a trouble.

"Feng Jiayin? Keep it if you like it. You can destroy it or sell it. What strength does a stone have for everyone to surrender? Only genuine martial arts can govern Qiankun. As long as I am strong enough, even if I pick up the block Stone said that he was Feng Jiayin. Would anyone dare not follow it? "Feng Qianchi's ambitions for the position of owner were so great that he did not conceal it.

"You won?" The first thing that Shen Ming learned at Nirvana Camp was to analyze the situation, and only fight wars that can be won, even if the hope is small, there must be a winning face.

But now, his most beloved is in the adversary, and the rivalry may be invincible, but his lover is undoubtedly dead.

In this case, nothing matters, except for the lives of family and lovers.

Shen Ming took off the inverse scale evolutionary arm of her body, and knelt down on the ground.

"With Xiao Yi and Waner, you can do whatever you want me to do." Seeing here, Xiao Yi bit her tongue in anger, but fortunately Feng Qianchi's eyes quickly opened her mouth.

"Little girl, you are born so beautiful, why should you be light?" Feng Qianchi looked sad.

"He is my man! Except for his parents and heaven and earth, he must not be allowed to worship anyone!" Xiao Yi cried, she just did not want to be the only weakness of Shenming.

"Coincidentally, I didn't intend to watch him go wrong. I thought of a new way of playing. As long as your man can win, I can not only kill you, but I can also send you out of the villa. You will be my Feng family. Guest of honor! "Feng Qianchi's eyes flashed with a different luster.

"I'm willing to do whatever I want, thank you for your kindness." Shen Ming even scratched his head, even the scalp.

The third aunt couldn't stand it anymore, and she wanted to go up when she raised the sword, but was grabbed by the wrist of the Supreme Elder.

"Why Lord Feng, why did you stop me?" Ruo Tong was incredible. The Supreme Elder in front of him was called Feng Ye in Feng's family. He was also the only brother of Feng Wanli in the Presbyterian Church. high.

Because of justice, Ruo Tong is also the most respected person in Lao Feng's house. Others may turn to Feng Qianchiyang Fengyin, but really didn't expect that even the elder Feng Gao had gone.

"If you can't bear it, you will make a big deal. Now is not the time to do it, and watch it change." Feng Ye whispered in Ruotong's ear.

"Hey, young master, how long will it take you to break through the peak of martial arts?" Shen Wan'er hanging in the air asked softly.

"It has opened up 80% of the new meridians in the body. It should not take long before there will be nothing to trap me in the world." Feng Quan said.

"Very well, you better be a little faster ?? My fire is already exploding fast. This world is more annoying to me than being looked at by my **** brother, is watching him being bullied. "

My brother may have fewer strings on his head, but no one is allowed to bully him. "Wan Er's face at the moment made Feng Quan shudder when he saw Feng Quan.

That Shen Feng, the eleventh child of Feng's family, could not take care of himself, but was finally handcuffed by two small guards. Take it down.

On this day, the riots in the Tian area can no longer be masked. Many outsiders saw the war in the Tian area, and noisy guards ran away.

Everyone asked many times what happened? The Feng family kept silent, just to appease everyone to go to Wendou to win the gold medal for tomorrow's admission. The rules of the World First Martial Arts Association will change, and the winner may get more rewards.

It is the so-called serving other people's bowls and serving others. If these visitors from all corners of the world are compared to begging for food, the old Feng family is naturally a member who can eat enough food. Although everyone is worried, they do n’t dare to say more. The 18k 5 two gold medals are more important. It did n’t take long for the running seats to become very lively. This kind of confrontation will continue until 2 am, and the world ’s first martial arts It will start at 8am.

You can only give everyone a maximum of 6 hours of rest time. Who can fight to the end, 7 points depends on strength, 3 points depends on luck.

At the time when Renhe District was full of voices, it was located above the square in Feng's back garden. Shen Ming was being pressed to the ground alive by a boulder weighing 3 tons. Except for the neck being able to move, even Ding Ding was an unspeakable pain.

Fortunately, there is a human-shaped mold under the boulder, otherwise Shen Ming now estimates that besides his head, his body will become a pool of blood.

The moon is rare, and when everything is asleep, Feng Jiaren, carrying a bowl of abalone porridge, crossed the plank path in the garden and came to Shen Ming. She had already sent her Chinese ghost ghost house slave to hook up the guard here, making the back garden temporarily a place for the two to have a private meeting.

"It's so late, does Miss Seven have no intention of sleeping?" Shen Ming, who was lying on the ground, was like a turtle, and could not even lift her head, but she smelled the smell of the stuffy horse fleas in the air and knew it Who is it?

"You seem to be in a good mood, and you can play with me when you become a lamb to be slaughtered?" Feng Jiaren leaned on the boulder with a bitter smile and sat beside Shen Ming.

The abalone porridge in the basket was placed in front of Shen Ming, and he could only eat it with his mouth. He had not eaten for a long time, and he was almost exhausted, and he ate it regardless of whether it was hot or hot.

"Why do you say this? You obviously have the power to defeat the thousand-foot bastard, even if you are on the front of the bar, but in the end you are subdued without even moving your hands. A woman is worth your life to fight?" Feng Jiaren Helplessly sighed.

"Xiao Yi, it's worth it." When Shen Ming ate, he took a moment to answer.

"Although it is stupid, but which girl does not imagine that such a worldly hero can bow for herself? That girl is really happy." Shen Ming's stupid behavior should have been scolded by Feng Jiaren, but only At this moment, Feng Jiaren's long-dead girl's heart was resurrected a little.

"Thank you." Shen Ming said as little as possible, and eating abalone without holding his hands was a bit tiring.

"Eat and eat, eat more, tomorrow is bound to be very lively. Not only Feng Qianchi will announce himself as the owner of the Feng family, give the world the first prize, the elders of the Supreme and the second, third, fourth and fifth collusion, as if still I found the third aunt to go to the meeting. "In fact, the news of Miss Qi in Fengjia Villa was more informed than Feng Qianchi. At the time, Feng Qianchi knew that the owner had intentionally passed on to Feng Quan, but she actually leaked it. .

Feng Jiaren originally wanted to make Feng Qianchi angry and furious and made Feng Quan, and then the homeowner fired Feng Qianchi's identity as the first heir, making Feng's choice more confusing.

Who would have thought that Feng Qianchi was so ruthless that even his father had killed it, and then played the trick of marrying a woe, and never stopped doing hard work as a homeowner. The Supreme Elder certainly can't stand it, but unfortunately Lian is quite old-fashioned. If he wants to fight against Feng Qianchi's power in the family, he is still insufficient. So he joined up with Master Fang and wanted to besiege.

The reason to find a young master is that they can be the next generation of the Feng family, and Feng Jiaren is not even qualified to participate in this kind of civil strife because she is a woman.

She always dreamed that she would become Wu Zetian of Feng's family one day. Later, when she met Shen Ming's kneeling, she realized that all her efforts were just to want others to care more about herself, even if there was only one man, and she cared about herself. .

Tired, tired, and tired, she just wanted to take a look at Shen Ming at the end, and finish it all quickly.

"Tomorrow, Feng Qianchi intends to let you challenge everyone, and it is not good to see you being killed alive. If you beg for mercy and fight for the first place in the world, Feng Qianchi is glad to announce that he is the owner and they will Will do it, and by then, you and your lover will still have a way to go. "Feng Jiaren's help is not to be repaid this time.

"Thank you," Shen Ming said sincerely.

"Don't say thank you, I like what men owe me, and conscience men owe me, will they always think of me?" Feng Jiaren smiled and put away the bottomed bowl, turned around and got along. The boardwalk left.

At this time, in an unknown small restaurant in Feng's family, several young masters and Supreme Elders plus Ruo Tong gathered together to convene a meeting.

"Tomorrow, listen to my orders. When the time is ripe, everyone will work together and be sure to smash the unscrupulous Feng family on the Fuji stage!" The elder Supreme Supreme ordered coldly.


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