God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 515: Battle of Fuji

Chapter 515: The Battle For Two

Master Qigong came to the stage, as if walking in leisurely court, came to Shen Ming.

The old man with white beard and white hair was smiling, kind and grandfather next to him, and could not help Shenming politely hold his fists to greet him.

"Sinking, please enlighten me."

"Don't dare to enlighten me, there is one old man in the country, and he won't do anything else, so he just fights Tai Chi. If the younger brother doesn't dislike it, how about pushing the old man with me?" The old man kindly invited.

"Pushing hands? Then try it." When Shen Ming had a strong fight with Pirate Saints, he also pushed hands, but he still knew something.

This gentle way of killing is to fight with qi, which is the most direct method of qigong confrontation.

Shen Ming raised his hand and held the old man's hands together. It is hard to imagine that this old man, who seems to be over eighty years old, has red and hot palms in his hands, as if it were hot.

"Little brother, the old man's push may be a bit quick, you have to keep up." After finishing Qigong, the smile on his face disappeared.

"Fast? How fast can it be?" Shen Ming was puzzled. Pushing his hands was, in his understanding, the old man's old lady's way of entertainment. Was it the square dance before the invention of "The Moonlight in the Lotus Pond" and the tweeter?

But when the Qigong master started, Shen Ming knew that his understanding was completely wrong. Who can think of his veteran hands, his hands are as wide as lightning, holding his heavy hands to follow the turn, fast eyes are difficult to distinguish. Shen Ming only felt that the hands were inserted into the centrifuge, and his hands were no longer his own.

Only with energy keeps strengthening the veins of the arm to protect it from being torn and torn at such high speeds. No matter how much energy is infused, the hands of the Qigong master still draw away the deep energy, like a bottomless vortex.

"He can't last for 30 seconds," the second child Feng Fengshan sighed.

"This little brother doesn't look like that. I bet for 1 minute." The oldest Feng Xixi laughed.

Without a solution, Shen Ming will surely win one of the two brothers. Suddenly, among the pushing hands turning at high speed, Shen Ming suddenly buckled his hands, grabbed the wrist of the master of qigong, and stopped the vortex.

"The elderly work hard, others are attacking with force, but you are going the other way, living and pumping to the opponent's death. Just a little bit, I am dead." Shen Ming gasped.

"But still not dead? Little brother, don't you understand the principle of early death and early birth? Look at your appearance and you will know that you have offended the Feng family, and the longer you live, the more you will be offended, let the old man send you a ride!" Master Qigong tried his best to pull out his hands, only to find that Shen Ming's hands were like two pliers strengthened with qigong, grabbed his wrist and couldn't break free.

This is exactly the skill that Feng Ruotong once taught to him in the train box-inside, a close-body technique far superior to Brazilian jujitsu.

"You are so old, but let me die, it's unfair. Besides, even if I give you my life, can you take it away?" Shen Ming rushed forward, all kinds of joint skills emerged endlessly, will The body fits the body of the Qigong master. The more it opens, the less it feels like fighting, and it is more like a play-bed.

Beating, the clothes were torn, more and more cumbersome ... Finally, Shen Ming clasped the hands of Master Qigong and rode on his neck from the front, the posture was cumbersome to the extreme ...

"Ah !!!" Master Qigong screamed sideways, all his hands had been dislocated by Shen Ming, even the phalanges were separated.

In this state, the only way to fight back is to bite the deep x, but for a straight man who has been straight for more than 80 years, he can lose ... but he ca n’t win such a shame.

Besides, can you win if you bite? If he suddenly excreted ** ... the scene would be too ... disgusting.

"I lost!" Master Qigong shattered his hands and yelled at Rao.

Shen Ming won another game, but the final victory is still far away.

There are new opponents on the stage, some holding weapons that Shenming can't name, all kinds of strange and changeable, few of them are issued according to the routine.

Shen Ming wanted to stay a bit longer and use gas, because this thing is different from physical strength. You can take a break to make up for the physical strength, but once you use it constantly, it takes a long time to recover after exhaustion.

But everything will not come exactly according to his plan. Later, the people who took the stage were masters in Li Wulin, let alone locked hands and feet, even if they let go to fight this wheel war, there is not much chance of winning.

From the beginning of the war to noon, even in the middle of the two Panlong dragons have been stained with blood and red dragons, but Shen Ming still refused to fall.

Even if he has been knocked down countless times, he can always support the earth to stand up again and fight again.

After fighting for 10 hours in a row, there were hundreds of opponents who lost to him ... Shen Ming's various wounds and bruises on his whole body have made him beyond recognition, but he still stands in the center of Fujita, without shrinking too No.

The entire Li Wulin was shocked by this man. They are warriors who have been fighting for many years. They have never seen anyone who can be as tenacious as he is and can fight like this.

Instead of using simple moves and exercises, he used will and instinct to fight. Every move, every turn of his head, every step of the move, the purpose of execution is only one, to defeat any opponent who dares to stand in front of him.

There is too much blood flow, both own and opponents. He dyed his clothes and the chains on his hands and feet into bright red. Some blood has clotted and some are fresh.

Under that bloodstain, Shen Ming was still laughing, even looking at Feng Qianchi smiling.

"I finally understand why Feng Quan can safely hand over Feng Jiayin to you. It seems that only if you are strong can you stand at any time, right?" Feng Qianchi also had to admit Shen Ming's strength that was shocked to heaven. Now somehow regretted his wayward gameplay. If he can have a fair showdown with him from the beginning, it should be a blessing in life?

But now, he is like a candle remaining in the wind, and then working with him will only look like he has no manners, and there is nothing to win.

"Black and white, I don't want to see his face anymore." Feng Qianchi ordered softly, "solve him for me."

I saw the black and white impermanence jumping on both sides of the long yoke from both sides, and the remaining two defenders of Feng's family could throw a hole on the single drop platform, and the two together, even Feng Jiazi. I don't think I have the ability to resist it.

Although Feng Qianchi said that the Feng family did not participate in the First Martial Arts Association, who knows whether he was talking about "Feng Jiaren" or Feng? Who would dare to ask him why he didn't succeed?

"Hey, hey, am I dead? I even saw the black and white impermanence ..." Shen Ming's right eye swelled into a seam, and the picture seen was slightly blurred.

"The black and white impermanence in a half-robe was wearing a mask and quickly came up from the left and right. They don't need weapons. As Neijia boxing and master leg masters, one of them is the boxing teacher of the young Master Feng family, one is leg Instructor, when the fists and legs are parallel, the evildoers can be stingy.

Opening the bow to the left and right, resisting one person with one hand, the dazzling boxing and leg methods struck superimposedly, and the mind was overwhelmed. The missing fist and foot are hard-wired with the body's zero body. Although most of the force is excluded from the body, the muscle tissue's ability to withstand is limited. If there is too much injury, the conduction will no longer be complete, and the force remaining in the body Jin caused local damage. The bruises became more black, and some wounds could not see a complete good skin.

I saw Hei Wuchang's move and kick straight, and when he was dodged by Shen Ming's retreat, Bai Wuchang in mid-air fell on the back of his leg and jumped a few meters forward to catch up with Shen Ming. A set of heavy punches was completely red on the chest, and Shen Ming flew upside down. He fell heavily and smeared a long blood mark.

"Cough!" Shen Ming vomited a bruise on the side of his head, feeling that his lungs were about to break through the general pain.

After having the inverse scale and learning to be determined, he has not been beaten so badly for a long time, as if recalling his original experience in Nirvana camp, he was living on the verge of death at any time.

"Don't stand up anymore ..." Feng Jiaren and Ruo Tong almost shouted out. They both knew that the battle could be solved in another way, and he didn't have to continue.

But in Shen Ming's view, men are stubborn. You can slap others down for your beloved woman and call your dad a gimmick, but you ca n’t lose unless you fight!

The ground supported by Shen Ming stood up again, leaning forward and almost fell on both sides, but still tried to stand up.

"Xiao Bai, you are too light, he can still move." Hei Wu often blamed his teammates.

"Don't you fart, I didn't keep my hand, all the soul-hunting punches were punched in, a total of thirteen punches." Xiao Bai retorted with his daughter's voice.

"It's weird. It's not dead like this. Even the fisherman's hard gas armor should be blasted, right?" Hei Wuchang wondered and clasped his head.

"I am going to die soon. Once again, I am dead." Shen Ming raised a **** and beckoned to the two.

"You want to die, we give you a ride!" The black and white impermanence stepped forward and rushed up again. After a while, the actions overlapped with the same person.

Breathing, vomiting, Qi Shen, Dan Tian, ​​Shen Ming calms the heart like water, but the inverse scale is the qigong that can only be used in his inverse scale, but was awoken by Shen Ming with his ordinary body. After use ...

At the moment when the black impermanence kicked out, a stroke of the same rhythm of turning and kicking directly broke the chain attached to the foot and struck the heavy impermanence's foot.

"Ah!" The screaming black impermanent calf was kicked out of his knee, and he took three steps backwards on one foot.

Ben Synchro jumped from behind and jumped from the back, instead of falling on the old-fashioned legs, but on the deep feet.

"Hello, it's been too long, come down!" Shen Ming chuckled open the shackles on his hands, and pressed Bai Wuchang to the ground. What happened next will not be described any more.


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