God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 517: Feng Quan released from prison

Chapter 517: Feng Quan Goes Out of Prison

Bawangquan's internal and mental methods, one method and multiple methods, are endlessly changing. The masters of the past must learn, and then use their own understanding to turn into their own exercises.

For example, Feng Wanli, who penetrated the true meaning of life's introvertedness, evolved it into a large hidden power in the city. It is an extremely strong internal force, and does not advocate outward practice.

Feng Qianchi learned the inner skills of Bawangquan at an early age. He only wanted to be the owner of the house. Greed urged him to evolve his mind into anti-Bawangquan inner strength. This is aimed at practitioners of Bawang boxing. The 200-power exercises can be described as specifically designed to seize power.

As for Feng Quan's wild seed strength, just like its name, this is a force that is forced out, and it is a practice method born after being oppressed and bullied to survive.

Ye Zhongjin avoided the seventy-two points in the whole body, Ren Du's second pulse, Qi Jing's eight pulses, did not follow the cycle of the week, and focused on the unknown and weak blood vessels, muscles, bones, and cells. The outlet that can make qi can also become the inlet in the next second. It is only defined by the superficial skin, allowing the qi to circulate freely in the body.

After the last local organ was opened, Feng Quan's systemic circulation was established, the running air rubbed against each other to form high heat, and the water in the body was evaporated to form a large amount of white smoke.

"Girl! Fat! Flash away!" At this moment, Feng Quan shouted loudly.

Huang Yibo instinctively blocked in front of Shen Waner, using her body to hang in the air, Waner could not dodge.

"Do you want to die? Avoid it!" Wan'er didn't appreciate it. He pinched Huang Yibo's neck with his feet and put him directly on the ground. At this time, the first penetrating hole hook on Feng Quan's chest was shocked and flew towards Waner. It was impossible for the fat man to avoid such a thing, but Waner could.

A rolled-up belly rolled over, Waner stood on the wall, and the hook was nailed into the position where she had just fallen.

Take a closer look at the iron hook, the tip of the hook rubbed by Feng Quan's infuriation is red and translucent, like a burned iron.

Soon, one hole hook after another was flying out of Feng Quan's body, and the huge cell was filled with bone hooks once fixed on him.

When he fell back to the ground again, the breath was already like a demon.

A large amount of steam was flowing out of the 144 holes in his body. Even when he opened his mouth to speak, steam would burst from his mouth. It seemed that his entire body was emitting a dark red halo like a soldering iron, as if he had already Train yourself into an artificial sun.

Just living in the same room with him turned this cell, which was supposed to be an ice cellar, into a hot beach.

"Fuck, my steel heart is hard to die just by accelerating blood circulation. What do you look like? What kind of pain should it look like?" Shen Wan'er was right. Running wild seeds is an extreme pain like self-harm. Things.

The high temperature not only puts every inch of skin, every organ, every blood vessel in a furnace-like pain, even the eyes are red, and everything you see is covered with blood.

"Follow me." Feng Quan had already grasped Wan'er's yoke when she spoke, and pulled it outward. The lock was easily broken like plastic, and he also gave Huang Yibo's fetters. Already.

"Hey, can you do this? With such a large amount of steam, your body will soon become dehydrated. I don't know how amazing your exercises are, but the dehydration of the human body must be over 30%. "Waner worried.

"Are you concerned about me? As a wild species, in addition to my dead mother-in-law, but also a slave who obeyed me, you are the first girl to care for me." Feng Quan smiled.

"I was worried that you would burn yourself without opening the door." Waner always felt that Feng Quan was looking at his eyes with hot eyes, probably with red eyes?

"Follow me." Feng Quan strolled to the steel gate, and his red palms rested flat on it. With a vigorous push, they were as if they were hit by a cannon ball, and the locks around the gate were slammed. It collapsed, and the door ejected from the hollow, just inserted into the opposite wall.

"This is a special function or a genetic mutation ..." Looking at this scene, Huang Yibo was ashamed. He couldn't explain everything he saw with physical methods. After all, Feng Quan didn't have a fist-wrapping action. How could that be? Twisted the door and broke it.

"Don't think about it, there is no answer to breaking your head. There are too many secrets in this world that cannot be explained scientifically." Waner touched Huang Yibo's head and took him with Feng Quan Leaving this **** cage.

Before walking to the door, Feng Quan had already developed symptoms of dehydration. He just saw a water pipe next to him and broke it with his bare hands. A large amount of mountain spring water spewed on him, like putting a soldering iron into a bucket. The sound of the sound is accompanied by a large amount of white steam pouring into the prison, and the smoke surrounds the sauna room.

When Shen Ming walked to the door of the prison, he saw the white steam spewing from the gap between the stone gates.

"Both flicker away!" Shen Ming turned and yelled at the two parties who were still fighting in front of the door, but turned around and flashed aside against the rock wall.

I only heard a loud bang, and the double-opened stone gate up to 5 meters burst into countless gravel pieces, ejected like a shotgun, and a large amount of steam surged along the entrance of the cave. The gravel overturned and had no time to dodge. A dozen domestic slaves. They were all reminded by Shen Ming, with some precautionary actions, so they were just injured and not dead.

Along with the billowing white smoke, the thin Feng Quan twisted his neck and walked out of the prison barefoot. The redness of the whole body became a little darker after pouring through the Bone Mountain Spring.

"Brother Shen Ming, don't come here?" Feng Quan looked at Shen Ming beside the rock face and smiled, even talking, his mouth was smoking.

"Little **** boy, the difference between you and Hanamaki is just a handful of green onions ..." Shen Ming sighed.

"Thank you for bringing me the third aunt back. About the reward, let's talk slowly. Now, after I have cleared up the **** brother, I will talk about it." Feng Quan finished, looking at Feng Qian on the faraway stage. ruler.

"Brother, I'm here for you." Feng Quan didn't speak loudly, but Feng Qianchi on the stage did notice him.

Qian Chi shook Feng Ruotong back and looked back, as if they had met for the first time on the practice ground.

Once the weak and bullied old man, now he can stand tall and look down at the big brother who takes care of him. It's a ... how terrible thing.

A very natural person walked very far. Feng Quan gave up the stairs and went straight to the edge of the platform to land freely forward. With a drop of up to 30 meters below him, he was a stable squat on the ground and the impact was on the lower platform. A dimple with a diameter of 2 meters was left on it, and the floor tiles were shaken into spider webs.

"Is this kid superhuman?" Shen Ming ashamed ... even he couldn't do such an anti-human thing.

"Brother, are you my brother Burby? Why were you beaten so ugly?" Shen Wan'er then came out and looked at Shen Ming's swollen eyes, and his bruises looked funny and worried.

"You try to hit more than a hundred masters of martial arts in one breath? Guarantee is even more ugly than I am now." Seeing the young girl is safe, Shen Ming suddenly wanted to shut her down for a few days and try again.

Feng Quan's leap-forward advancement soon descended to the plane where the iron cables connecting Fujie were located. This is the battle zone of Feng Qianchi's many men. Two red-eyed house slaves rushed up with their axes. "Traitor! Death!"

Feng Quan didn't look at the two behind him. The pace of advancement was not a step back, but the two axe were emptied from his shoulder. The open hands lightly patted the two chests and flew after being hit. The two of them bleed in seven holes, all their internal organs burst, and they were dead when they fell to the ground.

The blood sprayed into Feng Quan's hands, and it was quickly turned into red steam and dispersed.

"This internal power ... has never been seen before." Feng Qianchi said in shock.

"Just stay away from me if you don't want to die. This is the grudge of my brother and me. Are you farting here?" Feng Quan warned, no one dared to step forward, as if a cub had seen a lion like a chicken.

Stepping on the thick iron chain, Feng Quan walked towards Fujita, the situation became unconsciously mild, and even stopped, everyone couldn't help watching the encounter of this pair.

"Can anyone who is irrelevant leave?" Feng Quan ordered to all the people on Fuji Stage.

"Who do you think you are? Is it really the next generation of homeowners?" Feng Fengshan's unhappy brother, the same unhappy uncle, who can be the owner? Natural wild seeding is not acceptable, nor is my uncle's eldest brother. In the end it is his turn.

"I want to force me and my brother to do all of you, and then go to win or lose? I do n’t care if I am the head of the house, and naturally I do n’t care about being a bare commander." Feng Quan's murderous look is almost like Feng Qianchi It is absolutely unwise to offend the two great devil at this time.

"Stop, wait for them to decide the outcome before making plans." The elder Supreme commanded and greeted everyone to leave Fujita quickly. Obviously, Feng Quan was not qualified to sit in the 19th generation of the Feng family. That's all.

If he loses, he fights with his hands, and he tears up with his photos. If he wins, he saves the trouble of Feng Qianchi, and it ’s not beautiful if everyone is a long-term owner.

Everyone left Taiwan and cleared the field quickly, and stood back on the chain again. Now that the big brothers are not fighting, the following crickets are naturally quiet, as if everyone has changed from a murderous butcher to a peace-loving moment. Activists.

"Feng Quan, can you do it alone?" Ruotong asked Feng Qianchi, worried.

"You should be the third aunt, isn't it? It is really beautiful like a fairy. The third aunt doesn't need to worry. Life and death are in me, and victory is in the sky." Feng Quan was as open-minded as rivers.

"Be careful yourself." Feng Ruotong also retreated to the iron cable.

Shen Ming sat on the edge of the platform with Waner and Huang Yibo. Huang Yibo always wanted to pee because he looked down at the height below his eyes. Shen Ming and Wan'er only felt that there was a pack of popcorn. After all, such a wonderful show, you still need to eat popcorn.

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