God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 523: prison Break

Chapter 523: Jailbreak

After a few words of embarrassment with BOSS, Hua Ziqiang walked out of the utility room. He felt no change after seeing the big man. The warden did not know what Hua Ziqiang had talked about, but he sent him in person When I returned to the office, I kept saying, "Whatever you do, be sure to count me!"

"Rest assured, there must be a copy for you, but I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it." Hua Ziqiang smiled and sighed the greed of humanity.

"Joke, I'm the kind of red envelope that I can't reach, and you can't afford the goods that you don't have. I'm afraid of being poor, not afraid of dying."

"Let's talk slowly." Hua Ziqiang no longer said anything.

Back in the classroom, Hua Ziqiang's life also returned to peace, as if nothing had happened, and the gambling ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ lending life made the warden a little bit puzzled.

It was not until seven days later that Hua Ziqiang came to the prison bathroom without a special day. According to his habit, if he didn't designate someone to pick up the soap deliberately, everyone must wait outside when he takes a bath.

Enjoying bathing time alone, many prisoners need to wait outside with a basin, just like waiting in line to go to the toilet.

It's okay to wait until I get used to it, but I don't know why. Today, Hua Ziqiang washes for a long time. Even the prison guards felt strange.

Two prison guards familiar with Hua Ziqiang walked into the bathroom, and saw that the smoke enchanted bathroom was empty. A floor tile on the ground was turned up, exposing a tunnel with stairs in all directions.

"Jailbreak! Hua Ziqiang escape!" The prison guard did not realize that the situation was serious until now, and the alarm sounded suddenly!

The first prison seemed to explode, and for a while, the lights were bright, and the siren was buzzing.

At this time, Hua Ziqiang had long passed through a 1 km tunnel and pushed open a metal gate. What appeared before them were modern railroad tracks and trains. This is a newly constructed subway line in Linhai City, which has not yet been put into use. It was unexpected that the first passenger turned out to be a fugitive.

A team of BOSS waited here long ago, and a standard mercenary captain came forward to greet him.

"Mr. Hua Ziqiang, we should go."

"It's time to go. Are I ready for what I want?" Hua Ziqiang was as handy as his subordinates.

It's ready, but our journey is only ten minutes. I wonder if you have enough time to watch it? "The mercenary captain is referring to the fact that there are paper materials on the train that are as thick as four books.

Just by moving these things, he called two of his men. After watching the sky, he knew that the year of the monkey was gone.

"Rest assured, I can look at things very slowly, or quickly, and memorize freely." Hua Ziqiang sat next to the materials and opened the materials with a smile, just like a child flipping through a book and letting the books pop. Sweeped, and he had all the information in it. Instant memory, a talented skill, is also a backdoor bug that God opened when creating such a person.

The mercenary captain did not have time to lament Hua Ziqiang's magic, and arranged for his men to quickly blow away the escaped passageway, and the new subway vehicle launched launched a group of people out of the dark tunnel.

Hua Ziqiang ’s jailbreak news made it difficult to make headlines, because after all, he was only charged with tax evasion and a sentence of only 7 years. If his performance is good enough, he can even get out of jail for another two years . The news of his escape from prison meant a low-profile follow-up investigation, and the most stringent internal rectification of the first prison.

The former prison warden was found to have severe corruption, and his crimes were raging. When the Shuyi members of the Discipline Inspection Commission went to his house to invite him to drink tea, they found that he had been hanged in his living room. Some doubts about the case, for example, he had already bought a ticket to the United States, why did he choose to commit suicide? Why do you choose to commit suicide if you have huge overseas accounts that are difficult to recover? Just 45 years old, I just found a Primary Three and haven't slept a few times. Why did you choose to commit suicide?

All these can only be left to the criminal investigation department to investigate slowly.

Linhai City is too big. Too many stories happen every day, so much that it distracts everyone. No one cares how much waves a small fugitive can make.

As for Shen Ming and Xiao Yi, they have been busy recently. Shen Ming bought a bunch of things and finally came to propose. Mother Xiao has long been familiar with this future son-in-law, and their relationship has also been recognized by her, and even her father died. Mother Xiao is naturally not picky.

I just thought that my daughters had grown up so much and wanted to marry. It was a bit sad in my heart. I took Xiao Yi's hand for a long time, and the professor was a wife and a mother. Talking about it, Xiao Yi also cried. Shen Ming looked at the mother and daughter crying. I really do n’t know what to do, but there is no way to turn back the bow. Since they are all coming to the door, even if they want to retreat, That's too late.

In total, Xiao Yi's mission with Shen Ming is about one year away, and it is set to be one year later. When Xiao Yi regains her police status, she will get married again. After all, marrying in a police uniform is Xiao Yi ’s dream all along.

Shen Ming doesn't care what his wife likes to wear, as long as he doesn't force himself to wear a prison uniform.

Although the wedding date is set for one year, but the day is decided, we will start to handle it, such as booking a hotel in advance, professional wedding design, and the choice of wedding place. Too many things can almost make Xiao Yi the next year. Are too busy to start business.

Fortunately, she and Shen Ming are not bad money today. Regarding such things as the cost of marriage, because the number of participants may be as many as 1,000, Xiao Yi even began to find suitable island packages to be used exclusively for weddings. , The preferred place is Maldives ...

Joy is always sweet and short-lived. Xiao Yi, who was constantly on the phone at home to handle the wedding, suddenly received a call from the bank.

"Hello your uncle! Why was our money frozen ?!" Xiao Yi heard it for a few seconds, and she was scolded by anger.

After a few chats, Xiao Yi hung up the phone and rushed outside.

"What's wrong?" Shen Ming also found something wrong.

"Follow me, there is something wrong with our money." Xiao Yi took the car key, drove the newly arrived Lycan supercar, and drove to the financial district of Linhai City with a swift glance. On the way, Shen Ming only felt that the red light was the same as the furnishings. Obviously, it took 20 minutes to drive. Xiao Yi arrived at it in 10 minutes. After getting out of the car, Shen Ming only felt a rolling in his stomach and almost vomited. Not so dizzy.

Xiao Yi's waist was equipped with a gun, and she kept pulling Shen Ming and took the elevator directly to the top floor. This is the headquarters of a state-owned bank in Linhai City. The 270-degree invincible seascape office area is on the 20th to 26th floors. It belongs to its only company, and the number of returning elites, industry leaders are just happy to be able to compete for an office here, but today their office has become a grocery store, I do not know how many people stepped back and forth.

The police officers of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Economic Crime Department came at least 30 people, took white cameras, held various cameras, and took various photos and archived materials. Many employees were arrested in separate conference rooms and investigated on the spot.

Leisure people like Xiao Yi are blocked out of the door ...

"Please stop, who are you?" The gatekeeper blocked the way for Xiao Yi and Shen Ming.

"Brother Shi, we are colleagues. What are you doing?" Xiao Yi suppressed the anger in her heart, showed the holster behind her waist and her gun license, posing as a police officer.

"Oh, it turned out to be a colleague. This is just an investigation of economic cases. The stock market has fluctuated recently. It was traced that this Linhai Bank branch provided funds for malicious short selling. This is not the time to seize information for investigation." She is still a beautiful girl, her mouth is also loosened, her attitude is more polite.

"This bank is too brave. I don't hide it. I have put some money in this bank. What did it mean when I just called to inform me that it was frozen?" Xiao Yi also showed a little anxiety.

"Called you? Then it seems that you put a lot of money in this bank. In order to cooperate with the investigation, at present, as long as the bank's private accounts of more than 50 million have been notified that the private account has been temporarily closed, so that we can investigate specific The flow of funds reduces the loss of the country. Girl, do you have a 50 million private account at Linhai Bank? "The brother of the police almost licked his knees. You must know that his salary broke his head only more than 5,000, and even the private house money was too PS4. You have to hesitate for a long time, but the little girl in front of you already has 50 million private accounts ... It is a real Bai Fumei!

"What should I do? I'm anxious to wait for money recently? Dare to ask Brother, how long will this seal be?" Xiao Yi was about to die.

"This is inaccurate. The account was unfrozen in the order of the survey. No one knows who your account is. However, during the freeze period, all finances will pay interest according to the bank loan model. It is a small profit. .All thawing funds, probably waited 3 months later. "Brother Shi has said enough.

"3 months?" Xiao Yi threw almost all the money of Shen's office into Linhai Bank. The cash on hand was less than 1 million. At the expense of the current Shen family, this money would be mixed for 3 months. It ’s extremely hard. After all, the house has a large flow of water. Yachts parked in the port require money. Airplanes parked in the airport require money. There are wages for various employees. The modern building of the Shen family mansion has a month of hydropower. Fees are over 10,000 yuan ...

Just here, Liu Xingzhang, headquartered, was taken out of the office by two criminal policemen in handcuffs. The gray-headed and soiled face had a big belly.

"Liu Xing! It's me, Xiao Yi! What did you do with my money? Tell these comrades, you didn't short my money, right? I have more than half of them on a regular basis. Tell them! "Xiao Yi shouted across his brother.

Looking at the acquaintance Xiao Yi, Liu Xing smiled helplessly.

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