God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 530: Hua Ziqiang dog

Chapter 530: Hua Huaqiang's Strong Dog

Palermo's terminal is a world-renowned port, and the first to fourth warehouses managed by the Skull Club occupy an important shipping position all year round.

They even used cruise ships to send armored vehicles around the world. The important arms of the Skull and Crossbones are stacked here, and the guards are naturally tight. There are nearly a hundred people who are patrolling to see where they are. Even law enforcement agencies dare not rush into this place.

Xiao Yi drove a used Mercedes-Benz, but swaggered through the guards with guns and parked the car in front of the fourth warehouse.

The big man with a Uzi submachine gun on his chest came forward, opened the door, and greeted Hua Ziqiang and Xiao Yi.

"Hello, you need to search." The guard signaled Hua Ziqiang raised his hands.

"Brother, take your time, I'm very sensitive." Hua Ziqiang smiled and opened his hand. The guard quickly touched him and came to Xiao Yi.

"No need to trouble you, I'll do it myself." Xiao Yi, wearing tight body pants, took off her jacket, exposing the tight sports vest below, and her rugged figure was outstanding in this European and American land.

"Hello, you need to search your body." After seeing Xiao Yizhang's figure, the iron-faced guard still insisted.

"It looks like you have a bowl of hot air in your head. Why am I armed with this? If you dare to touch me, I'll show you what it is to kill someone by hand." Xiao Yi exclaimed.

Around a dozen guards all aimed at her with a gun, and Xiao Yi was covered with laser red dots for a while.

"What are you doing? Do you want to die? Do you know who is coming?" A gray-haired big man stepped out of the warehouse and stopped the guards who were offended.

"Brother Qiang, I'm sorry, I don't understand any of you now, it offends you." The big brother immediately stepped forward, bowed his head and greeted the crime.

"It's okay, I don't care, they just offended my friends." Hua Ziqiang smiled easily, and the big man in front of him was the No. 2 leader of the Skull Club, Wallace, and Pinos's most powerful man in China. Ziqiang has been here since he was in charge of the Skeleton Society behind the scenes.

"Is this a formidable one? Fortunately, fortunately!" Wallace quickly bowed in a different direction.

"Don't speak, don't talk, who is his wife!" Xiao Yi was angry.

"Ha ha ha ha, how can I have that blessing to be her husband, don't be polite. Where is Pinos, take me to see him." Hua Ziqiang hit the subject.

"Well, please follow me." Wallace led the way directly.

The guards watched with a single vote, and they have never seen the second head so respectful, that is, government officials came to visit, and the two big brothers did not look so awed.

Through the huge warehouse, we have reached the middle of the open space! On the open space with delicate sofas and coffee tables, they were also covered with carpets, just like the open-plan living room. There were a total of thirty guards packed in densely around the containers. The guys in their hands were better than the US Navy. The team is better.

"Qiang, you are fast enough!" Pinos sat on the sofa, posing in a proud manner that had never been shown in front of Hua Ziqiang, far less humble than Wallace.

"It won't be as fast as you, and the lady I was looking for will get you in three minutes, forget it?" Hua Ziqiang greeted with a smile, and the provocative taste in the words completely originated from Pinos' hostility.

Several guards around did not hold back, smirking.

Pinos glanced angrily at these guys, and they closed their mouths immediately.

"Brother Qiang joked, our brothers haven't seen each other for fifteen years, and it's not easy to reunite. Come and sit down quickly." After being taught. Pinos became more enthusiastic.

"It's really been a long time. Skulls will run you well, better than I thought." Hua Ziqiang returned home like an elder, sitting on the sofa with his music standing, Xiao Yi stood aside.

"It's all a good script written by Brother Qiang. It doesn't bother the government. It doesn't do business around it. It doesn't evade taxes. It doesn't bully neighbours. It can fight and don't kill people. I haven't forgotten it. "Pinos was honest.

"Okay, when the old days are over, talk about business. I want a gun and ammunition. I'm in a hurry." Hua Ziqiang patted his thigh. "Brother Qiang wants something, and naturally there is no problem, but our brothers did not find it easy. You must give me a chance to pick up the wind for you." Pinos said, "I have booked at the best restaurant in Palermo. At a table, I also found two stunned female celebrities to accompany, to ensure **** and big ass, first-class kung fu, if strong brother does not like, there are alternatives to change! "Pinos smiled sneerly. .

"Oh, when did the boss become so cute as you described? I remember he might be handsome, but he doesn't have **** and big ass?" Hua Ziqiang laughed directly.

The name made Wallace look expressionless, but Pinos frowned.

"What is Brother Qiang talking about? Boss? Aren't you our Boss forever?" Pinos shouted.

"Pinus, you know my ability, you lie in front of me. You haven't grown to that point. Let me guess what you did in the last five minutes? You gave the boss immediately after hanging up You called, but you did n’t say that I was coming for you, but you said that you knew my whereabouts, and you have already asked BOSS for money, probably between 3 million and 5 million euros, right? Qiang Kankan talked, "BOSS already knows that I'm coming for you, but he won't tell you, he won't care about millions. At the same time you call him, he has already mobilized people to come here. It should be five minutes away.

You betrayed me, not because of greed, but because you were afraid. You were afraid of the boss's punishment, and I was afraid that I would come back and take away everything from you. Do n’t show an expression that was all my guess? I'm not guessing, but it's extrapolation. This is a kind of thinking simulation ability, which is difficult to explain with your IQ. "

"Why? You know so much, but still here?" Pinos had no need to deny, after all, he had been the boss for too long, and he was no longer used to being a dog.

"Pinuo, when did you see me lose? When did you see me afraid?" Hua Ziqiang smiled indifferently. "BOSS is very strong, he has control over the world's resources, but the only thing he hasn't mastered is ... he is not I don't know how strong my teammates are.

I need to get him a gun, but I do n’t have to get it from you. I just need to attract a group of friends with guns to deliver it to the door. "

"You actually want to attack the BOSS to grab your troops and grab a gun?" Pinos instinctively picked up his cell phone and wanted to call and report.

"Hurry up, tell BOSS these, you guess he will thank you or think you are doing a pit with me? I'm not afraid he will find me, the world is big, I can go anywhere? You? No problem Are you fleeing with me? "Hua Ziqiang seemed to be holding a wok, and Hua Nuo Shi was the ant on this hot pot.

"Qiang, do you really think you will kill you, do I need a BOSS shot?" Pinos dropped the phone angrily, took out the pure white platinum revolver, and aimed at Hua Ziqiang, which was only 3 meters away. He was so bold that he would never dare to change it 20 or even 15 years ago.

"Ms. Xiao Yi, is someone pointing a gun at me? Don't you really want to help me?" Hua Ziqiang had no fear, but sold Xiao Xiao behind him.

"You're looking for Shen Ming to be a bodyguard, it's my irritation." Xiao Yi stood up coldly, and disliked Hua Ziqiang to splash his own blood.

Helpless, Hua Ziqiang turned back to face the muzzle, and still kept the gentleman's smile. "Pinor, do you know what will happen if you kill me?"

"Are you doing this again! Every time someone wants to kill you, you come here. Do you think I have any handle on you? Alas! I have been cleaning up for the past 15 years and you may bury The trap that hurt me, I changed all the accounts, the responsible company has been transferred to someone else's name, and even the violation of the car, I'm a top bag! What else can you threaten me? "Pinault Even if the soldier had arrived at this day, he was always extra careful in the past, and the crimes he scrupulously considered were just for today.

"Good job, unfortunately, the invisible trap is the deadliest. From the moment you know me, the pieces that threaten you have been buried. Wallace, and you are the skull and crossbones joined by the front and rear feet, I choose The human comes to pursue proper, you obedient, you naturally take the lead, but Wallace? He is smoother than you, handle things more properly, and IQ is higher than you? Why did I choose to support you but not support him? Why is he? Willing to help you? ”Hua Ziqiang awakened the dreamer.

"Are you a note ?!" Pinos suddenly understood, in fact, Hua Ziqiang was going to kill himself, which was the second master who knew all his secrets.

"Boss! Don't look at me like that! I'm not a note! Are you still unclear about my loyalty to you ?!" Wallace panicked, because Pinos' muzzle had already aimed at him.

"No! I'm not a dog you manipulate! I will never be threatened by you! Never!" Pinos pulled the trigger like he was crazy, alas! Huh! Huh! One shot after another until the revolver was emptied, Wallace fell to the ground like this, blood stained the carpet, and the final expression on his face was so uncomfortable.

"Hey ... hahaha! Your last **** was also killed by me, what else can you do to me?" Pinos shivered and turned on the hot revolver, one by one replaced with a new one. Bullets.

"It's a pity that I really liked Wallace, even more than you. In fact, he was right, he is not a policeman, and the probability of betraying you is not high. I chose him only because he is staying at will now The illegitimate son of the Minister of the Armed Forces, although his father did not dare to recognize him, he was such a son beneath his knees, and he loved him very much.

If you let him know who killed his baby boy ... you are welcome to join the escape. "Hua Ziqiang salutes respectfully.

"Are you better! Pit me!" Roared Pinos.

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