God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 537: Backwater battle

Chapter 537: The Battle With Water

"Mr. Hua, we know that your father and daughter are reunited and are enjoying the joy of heaven and family, but the bosses of the owners are too worried about the future of the family, so can our cooperation begin now? We are not asking Mr. Hua It was done within a few days, but at least a few phone calls, to help us estimate the progress? "The owners of the eight major families rushed back to the intoxicating bar. They assigned Baggio as a representative to negotiate with Hua Ziqiang to avoid crowds. Miscellaneous, he became a passionate stand on the side.

Hua Ziqiang didn't speak. He looked at Pepe, who was asleep in Xiao Yi's arms after eating, and looked at his watch. Five hours had passed since they came to Becken Street. Some things could be said. Actually, I lied. I can't change your future. Only you can change your future. "

"Mr. Hua, what do you mean?" Baggio's smile was stiff for a moment.

"Italian officials have decided to resolve the peace agreement with you in the simplest and most cost-effective way, which is to completely wipe you off the map and use an official force to make a storm storm. One does not stay and kills. After all the slaughter, it was precisely for this reason that I ran here so eagerly and used eight Skull Club tokens to find her. "

"How long do we have?" Baggio's first question was not getting angry, but asking about his own death.

"An hour? Maybe ten minutes? Who knows?" Hua Ziqiang didn't care.

"Really? Then you must die faster than us." Baggio took a pistol in his arms and shot at Hua Ziqiang's head, but when he pulled the trigger, two more people Joining the battle, Xiao Yi wanted to fight back against Baggio, but was stopped by Hua Ziqiang, and Baggio's bullet did not penetrate into Hua Ziqiang's head. Instead, he was pushed aside by an old owner of the eight people. .

"Why did Mr. Hua tell the truth?" The homeowner's name, Orpheus, is the strongest among the eight major families, but since Hua Ziqiang appeared and even negotiated later, he didn't say a word and kept it hidden. .

"Orpheus, to tell you the truth, my Hua Ziqiang mixed rivers and lakes has never failed so badly in my life. At that time, I signed a secret agreement with the Italian government, using the skeletons I led as the secret of their official sales of arms. Spokesperson.

I had great success and countless fortunes, but the bigger skulls would start being jeopardized by the government just like Becken Street, so I signed a supplementary agreement ?? I do n’t want the skulls and me I died by accident, and I have to raise more valuable chips to raise my loyalty ?? "Hua Ziqiang made up the story to make him look like a human being.

"How much?" Baggio was also curious.

"Not money ?? It's a person, isn't it?" Orpheus looked at Pepe asleep.

"Yes, I was forced to give her to the official when Pepe was five years old, and they promised me that I would take good care of her, so that she would have nothing to worry about. But five years ago, it was because Pepe was stubborn and fatherless. , Ruthlessly threw her into Becken Street. They promised me, but lied to me! I have been trying to infiltrate the official figures with money, looking for Pepe's whereabouts, just want to know how she lived ... just in 1 A few days ago, my investment paid off, my eyeliner told me the truth, and I urged me to pick up my daughter quickly, so I came. Seriously, just a few hours ago, I only intended to prey on you, Then I took my daughter to go high flying ... but now, look at how my only daughter becomes like this ... what does it mean for me to be alive? "Hua Ziqiang's love for death in the eyes really did not have a half-false performance taste .

"Are you going to die?" Orpheus was shocked.

"As long as you are beside your daughter, isn't it dead?" Hua Ziqiang looked at Pepe affectionately.

"Mr. Hua, IMHO, it is not us who made your daughter look like today, but the stunner official who hurt you, don't you want to get revenge?" Orpheus said vigorously.

"Revenge? Call the Skull and Bones? Use government weapons to attack the authorities? Don't make fun, those who are rich and okay, let them fight? The black guns behind them can make me a sieve." Hua Nuoqi painted by Hua Ziqiang It can be said that God is restored.

"No, not yours, you and us. As long as you are willing to fight with us, as long as we win this battle of annihilation! We have the capital to negotiate, and even topple the current authorities, to attract the opposition parties to use funds and strength. Support our own officials. "Orpheus said that he was boiling with blood, but only then did Hua Ziqiang's real plan be known to Shen Ming and Xiao Yi.

In fact, from the beginning, he wanted to use the power of the eight major families to be cannon fodder for himself. But this is a kind of technical work. How to persuade others to fight for themselves is too difficult. The only way is to make them feel that this is their war, an inescapable destiny, and that you have a passion for them. War, the effect is completely different.

Hua Ziqiang used his daughter's affairs to fabricate lies that conflicted with the official. Through the various shameless acts that the official once did on Becken Street, it was almost effortlessly taken seriously by the eight masters. The dead drama completely evolved his identity into a friendship station, and then Hua Ziqiang somehow had professional gang fighters with up to 3,000 people in eight families.

Xiao Yi felt that she must not have any intersection with Hua Ziqiang. This **** is the kind of **** who sold you and you would also be grateful for Ded to help him count the money.

"It ’s not easy to fight with the authorities ?? They already know that I ’m here, and they wo n’t want me to tell you the truth, so I will let you give me out first, then promise you something, and then wait After you relax your vigilance ?? "Hua Ziqiang made a movement to wipe his neck.

As soon as Hua Ziqiang was talking, the eight masters' phones rang synchronously. After they connected, they hung up without saying a few words at the same time.

"It's an official person, and they want us to give you over." Orpheus could not help lamenting that Hua Ziqiang's materials were like gods.

"What about your decision?" Hua Ziqiang said indifferently.

"Several brothers, how long have we been in this place where the birds don't shit? Do you remember what color the sand in Palermo Beach is? Do you remember which pizza in Rome is the best? We all have It's not a young guy. If you die, do you intend to bury your ashes even on Becken Street and become the dead soul of Becken Street? "Orpheus turned and called to the other homeowners.

"No matter what you say, Baggio takes the lead."

"Well, open up our dusty arsenal and arm our brothers who have been suppressed for too long to our teeth. We want to let the officials know that Becken Street could have them sign a peace agreement, and now it can be beaten. It's their downfall! "Orpheus shouted.

"Fuck him! Fuck him!" All the brothers were beaten into a chicken blood called "Freedom."

"Do you know how many people will die if you lie?" Xiao Yi whispered in Hua Ziqiang's ear.

"It doesn't matter how much you die, as long as we are alive. In addition, they don't feel that they died for us. They are fighting for themselves, and I am the one who helps with friendship." Hua Ziqiang returned In a word, stood up and walked to Orpheus. "If this is a revenge, I am willing to go with it. If it is to overthrow the current official and establish a new government, I can help."

"Mr. Hua, that's all you need. Brothers, open the warehouse and move all of our old guys out for a breath of fresh air!" Orpheus ordered that the entire Becken Street was busy.

This was once the most important military terminal during World War II. A large number of arms were circulated from this place. In order to die for the drunken dreams of the drunken gold fan, how many quartermasters left the arms that should have been sent to the front line here.

The point is that in the era when bullet guns became mass-produced, all kinds of concealment, smuggling, and smuggling were all natural things, and no one would go to blame at all.

It was so much so that the guy was pulled out of Becken Street and lost in World War II ... enough to arm a mechanized modern infantry armored division.

The warehouses of the fully boiling Becken Street were opened, and the same weapons were shipped out. Thomson submachine gun, Mossinagan sniper rifle, Czech light machine gun, M19 type 60 mm mortar, and even worse, I do n’t know. Who drove out two M4 Sherman tanks from the warehouse, and the diesel smoke emitted by the old guy made people mistakenly believe that they had crossed back to World War II.

"Hua Ziqiang, what kind of ghost soup have you poured into these hooligans? They even took out grandpa-level weapons." Shen Ming of the sniper spot looked at the boiling Becken Street and said through the intercom and Hua Ziqiang .

"Humans are just animals with more complicated thoughts. If you understand the formulas of your mind, you can easily be applauded by others. Otherwise, there are so many people in power and there are innocent people? What I care about is that they Is it able to stop the troops deployed by BOSS? "Hua Ziqiang only cares about this.

"Don't ask me, it depends on how much BOSS wants to kill us. But judging by the current equipment, once the fight is started, Becken Street will become worse than the beachhead of Normandy. Here ... will kill a lot of people. "Shen Ming does not like such a judgment.

"Standing for 1 hour, breaking the battle into a stalemate, and the best casualties were the worst. Then look for a breakthrough and evacuate. BOSS may be powerful, but after all, it is working for the Demigod. The performance is the meaning of his existence, causing so much Loss, but did not complete the task, his pressure will be great. As long as we can successfully escape this time, we will really have the bargaining chips with him. "Hua Ziqiang is also a backwater war.

"They are coming ..." Shen Ming saw through the special telescope ...

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