God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 68: 3 billion underground gold!

Chapter 68: 3 billion underground gold!

Nirvana's first rule is that nothing in the world is more precious than his own life. To live, to live under any circumstances, is also the most fundamental purpose of Nirvana.

Therefore, whenever there is a need, even if An Qi loves Shen Ming so much that she can't help herself, but in order to keep herself alive, her husband is also a normal logic that can be forgiven and understood.

But now Shen Ming is threatening An Qi with her life, which is the only thing that An Qi cares about him ...

"Do you think I dare not kill her?" An Qi roared angrily.

"I know you dare, this is your best job, but you should know that I will never leave my companions. At that time, we were in deep siege. It was a mortal situation. Please beg me to kill you so as not to fall. Suffering inhuman damage in the hands of the enemy, you don't believe that I can take you to the end. It ’s better to die early than to live, but have I let go? ”Shen Ming smiled while holding the glass fragments.

"Why? Give me a love card? Nirvana's world has no humanity, and wants me to let her go, no way!" An Qi despised.

"I know, we all know that world too much, I just want you to understand. At that time, you were my companion, and now Xiao Yi is also my companion. It was I who made her into this state, and I have a responsibility to let her Survive.

I know I can't beat you, but my faith must not be lost. "

"A liar! A liar! A big liar! If it really doesn't matter, why not kill another one? This assistant, how much is it?" An Qi roared angrily, never in her long killing career One goal so tangled and hated her.

"I lied, I'm sorry, she's the best assistant. Although she's a little stubborn, she has a temper, and sometimes doesn't listen to orders, but I'm happy to work with her ... I eat grass and I'm happy." "True confession" shocked Xiao Yi and even forgot the fear of the sharp blade in front of her.

"Asshole!" An Qi fell straight down, cutting the blade deep into the marble floor. The edge of the blade was only 1 mm away from Xiao Yi's neck.

"Thank you." Shen Ming smiled happily. No one in the world had ever allowed Yasha to change his willingness to kill. Shen Ming completed an impossible task.

"Only once, only this one. Don't show me the love that you show to other women in your eyes, otherwise, you husband, I will also change." An Qi stood up with the harsh siren sound, in her eyes Full of hate.

"Really?" Shen Ming seemed to have found a way out.

"Really, but it's after you are knocked out." An Qi said in a shock, Shen Ming shrank back.

The story that happened on this day was so crazy that Xiao Yi had not had time to straighten out the thoughts in her head, and the storm had passed.

Xiao Yi was not injured much, but she was scarred.

An Qi's power is as described by Shen Ming. Melee Shen Ming is not an enemy at all. Dance and fight with her in the circle of fire just let Shen Ming know that Yasha has become stronger ...

It was just a few days before Shen Ming was sent to the ambulance, Xiao Yi was waiting by the bed with the car, wiping the blood on her body.

"It hurts," Shen Ming frowned slightly.

"It hurts your mother, so you do n’t pretend to be pitiful. It ’s your wife who cut it. Who can you blame?" Xiao Yi wanted to say thank you, but looking at Shen Ming's lowly appearance, "Thank you" swallowed In the belly.

"Looking like me, there is no way to start construction recently, otherwise, how many days would you be less interest?" Shen Mingzhuang said pitifully.

"Dream, it's good if you don't calculate the mental loss fee with you." Xiao Yi was extremely overbearing.

"Well, it's you two again? What a chance!" The doctor on the train was the one who stitched Shen Ming and Xiao Yi the couple's scar last time. "It seems that your little lover is really a disaster. Have a baby while you're young, and have a good day! "

The doctor still had sutures and needles in his hands. The nurse next to him opened the car door and held the doctor's neck collar, throwing him out of the ambulance compartment.

"I'm a doctor, but I learned how to look at others. I can't see it so well, and I deserve to be thrown out." The nurse took off the mask on her face, and it was still An Qi.

The haunted woman picked up the needle and thread in her hand and resumed the sewing work.

"Why are you still there?" The goosebumps behind Xiao Yi all got up and looked instinctively at the scalpel in the box.

"I promised Shenming not to kill you, but only if you can't threaten me, if you want to pick up that thing, I will be happy to twist your neck." An Qi reminded softly when stitching carefully.

"As I thought, you suddenly came to me for more than just narrating the old ones. Are you in trouble?" Shen Ming chuckled while lying on a stretcher.

"I received a task six months ago to track down a $ 3 billion underground black gold in Vegas. The common assets of the seven black road gangs are the Black Negro Party, the Chinese Gang of Heaven, and the Bamboo Island Curtain of the Island.

They partnered with a divine accountant who had originally planned to wash the money in Vegas. Coincidentally, the accountant suddenly and mysteriously disappeared two months ago, three days before the settlement, and the 7 major gangs are now caught in internal strife. They are all suspecting that insiders have seized the accountant and wanted to steal the black gold.

Among them, the most suspect, and the target I am now following is called the Black Dragon. He is the head of the American Association of the Bamboo Curtain Club. Assassinations against him are happening almost every day. You know, I'm good at killing, but I'm not good at protecting.

To find out the accountant's whereabouts, he must live. "At the time of the introduction, An Qi had helped Shen Ming sew up the wounds on her whole body, and her technique was more professional than that of the doctor who had just thrown it out.

"Why find Shen Ming? Is there no other person in Nirvana to help?" Xiao Yi curiously.

"Nirvana has stipulated that the tasks assigned to individuals must not be helped by insiders, and I am no longer an insider." Shen Ming smiled.

"Wrong, but I want to find an excuse to pull Shen Ming and me to show affection, how do I know that I met you Primary Three." An Qi squinted at Xiao Yi's eyes still irrevocably murderous.

"Can't you call me like that? We are innocent." Xiao Yi felt so deep that he could not wash even after jumping into the Yellow River.

"Don't explain, man, Chao San Wu Si is instinctual. I will kill you. It is inevitable that he will not find a junior or a junior again to disgusting me.

I might as well share it with you, and you can help me optimistic about him. If he messes up again, you can tell me, I can go and kill everyone else. An Qi took Xiao Yi's hand with a stern face and had accepted this junior.

"This kind of teaser than who wants to share with you? You like to take it away and feed it! Don't lose the disgusting people here ..." These are the voices of Xiao Yi, but they can't say at all, God knows that the nerves in front of him are disconnected. Woman, will you kill yourself because your husband was humiliated?

"About when will it pass?" Shen Ming did not ask about the price or the time of preservation. He had already taken over the work. Obviously, Shen Ming still had some feelings in the face of his past companions.

"I'm going back tonight by plane. Now I'm Heilong's close secretary. This time I left to ask a friend for help. As for you, I've booked a direct flight ticket to Vegas the day after tomorrow. By the way, I didn't. I was going to keep this woman alive, and now I have to book a ticket for her. "An Qi sighed helplessly, still wanting to kill Xiao Yi.

"Okay, I'll take it alive." Shen Ming extended a happy hand to An Qi.

An Qi looked at the hand, suddenly hugged Shen Ming, and came a deep French kiss. I kissed for 1 minute before letting go, and wiped the drool on the corner of my mouth and said charmingly, "Don't be a client, I'm my wife! My wife!" An Qi flipped directly from the ambulance and landed in the car behind him. On the car's roof, the long legs of the white pantyhose draw beautiful curves in the air.

"If she knew that you had kissed every current customer, wouldn't she castrate you?" Xiao Yi sneered, and Shen Ming's unruly stuff captured the heart of a girl almost once.

"Dear, prepare your passport and take you abroad immediately." Shen Ming lay on the stretcher with his hands behind his head.

"You are like a lady in the red house. It's too casual to pick up the work. You sell yourself without asking about the price." Xiao Yi scorned scornfully.

"Rest assured that Nirvana walkers have not been able to find help from Nirvana. Nirvana walkers have special mission allowances for their missions. They are so rich in oil, and their market for Nirvana help is generally 1 million." Shen He said lazily.

"1 million!" Xiao Yi took a sip of air-conditioning, which is currently Shen Ming's most expensive mission order.

"I'm talking about US dollars." What Shen Ming didn't tell Xiao Yi was that in Nirvana's world, money is really just a symbol. As long as each of them can complete the task alive, they can accumulate a few thousand. Ten thousand dollars' wealth is normal. However, the money is only used during the nirvana period, and the nirvana should not be brought back to ordinary urban life.

That is to say, even if you are a nirvana walker, you can be an enemy country, but you can only be a yellow silk man after returning to the city.

So, there is a kind of help mechanism inside Nirvana. When Nirvana walker encounters troubles and difficulties when performing a separate task, they will give priority to asking Nirvana for help and pay a considerable reward to improve the Nirvana in the city. In life.

However, a Nirvana can only participate in such a task at most once, and the difficulty of the task must be so high that the Nirvana can not perform alone, otherwise Nirvana or Nirvana will be completely killed by the Nirvana Camp Management Committee.


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