Chapter 71— 1 and 2

Sitting in the nanny's car as a matter of course, Xiao Yi did not expect that it only took a few minutes to change from a police officer to a gangster, and this was definitely not the "Infernal Affairs".

"Tina said, you have been a special commander and you are a very good sniper." Black Dragon chatted with interest, and Tina prepared a fruit salad for her. "How many people have you killed?"

"Too many to remember," Shen Ming smiled.

Holding the fruit salad, while the black dragon was eating, he motioned to the driver to stop, and the window on the side of the carriage was automatically lowered. Heilong pointed at a bearded speeding party leader with a fork, and the guy was riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and flirting with flirts at the gas station.

"Kill him, $ 100,000." Black Dragon ate the kiwi.

"Shen Ming." Xiao Yi was nervous. She understood that this was a test, but Shen Ming's observation rule was that she could not kill innocent people.

"Why?" Shen Ming asked calmly.

"Your Colt python has a visual range of 50 meters, but the limit range is 100 meters. It's about 90 meters from here to that guy's head? I need to know how good your marksmanship is, not just Can interrupt the handle of my hammer on the back of my head. "Heilong smiled." In addition, this guy once dragged downstairs in my car and made me sleepless. No one should kill him on behalf of the moon? "

"I see." Shen Ming pulled out his gun and aimed at the speeding party leader in the distance. Xiao Yi's nerves were stretched to the limit, and her fingers had touched the g18 behind her waist.

Huh! A gunshot, a .45 bullet spiraled out of the muzzle, a shot hit the bolt of the gas station sign above the boss, and a huge light box exploded in the back of his head, scaring the boss. The pants were almost peeing, and the Harley-Davidson was completely reimbursed.

"He should not be able to sleep well today." Shen Ming retracted his gun into the holster. "You keep the money, don't worry."

"Friend, I remember talking about asking him to die, not to scare shit. Is it really good for you to execute orders at a discount?" The black dragon with a plastic fork in his hand turned blue.

"Friend, you must be mistaken for my identity. We are security, professional to protect your safety and eliminate all hidden dangers to your life. Not your thug, not your pup, or your little brother. If you If you have to look at my strength, you can find more than a dozen big guys ** now. This will make it easier for us to reflect our value. Come, just wait for the order of the black dragon.

"Professional security, hehe, I like the tone of your speech, and I also like the rhythm you keep in front of money. Now in this world, the rhythm is precious. I don't want the close guy to kill for 100,000 dollars. The innocent beast, because the guy who killed me, has opened a secret flower worth ten million US dollars, and bought my smart head.

You are great, basically in line with the situation described by Tina and I am very satisfied. From now on, the work is calculated on a daily basis. It is set at 20,000 USD per day and is settled in cash. I am talking about the two of you. If you need anything, you can directly find Tina. She is the person I trust most. "The black dragon smiled again and again, and yelled at the driver's seat in front of him." Drive and go back. "

The headquarters of the Bamboo Curtain Club is a 6-story office building in the back street of Chinatown. It is equipped with an underground garage and personal guards. The first floor is the reception desk. Most of them are private retailers who come to apply for loans. The second floor is the billing department. Customers who have no money to pay will be dealt with here centrally; the third and fourth floors are the armed forces, which are places for gang members to rest, exercise and stand by; the fifth floor is the accounting department, which calculates the daily income of various businesses and keeps accounts; The sixth floor is the private space of the Black Dragon. There are no more than 20 people who are qualified to enter the bamboo curtain members in the entire United States.

Like Tina, she can become the chief personal secretary in just six months, and has the right to go up to the sixth floor, which is already a miracle. Not to mention outsiders like Shen Ming and Xiao Yi, who have taken the private elevator to the 6th floor with Heilong in less than an hour, this is a miracle.

No way, Shen Ming does the work of bodyguards, not close? Keep a hammer?

"Listen well, I don't like remembering people's names. From now on, your name is 1, and your name is 2. I direct you to call you like this." In the elevator, the black dragon spoke the rules, Xiao Yi didn't mind changing the code or something, But calling yourself "2" is a bit insulting.

"From now on, what you hear here will be immediately forgotten. What you see has never happened. You are the air and the stones. You are the bodyguards only when you are needed." Heilong described ruthlessly, The elevator dinged to the 6th floor.

"I see, 2, do something." Shen Ming first stepped out of the elevator and dropped a scanning instrument into Xiao Yi's hands. This is a comprehensive search that scans almost everything on the entire floor, including aunt towels. Shen Ming went to the floor-to-ceiling window and pulled up the curtains.

They did not solicit the opinion of the Black Dragon Girl at all, and modified every detail more professionally than BFI.

"Is this how he used to be?" Sitting in a wheelchair, Heilong held his cheek with one hand and watched Shenming violate his domain unreasonably, but he was not angry with imagination. Heilong prefers to work with meticulous people, not dogs who only follow orders.

"No, he used to kill people before, and he had fewer words than bullets." Looking at Shen Ming lying on the ground and examining the corner of the table, Tina was a bit lost. It felt like the old **** of war, and she became a fan. Grass roots.

"By the way, the godfather of the Mike family and I had an agreement. They shouldn't have been involved in the assassination of me. There must be a ghost in it. The group of three perverts was very restless, and the lira people besieged me everywhere. The blacks helped the herd of pigs that were not fully evolved to be used as their guns. Let me investigate if the Mike family is also linked to the three-member group, "Black Dragon ordered.

"I see, I'll do it now." Tina turned and left, really making the black dragon happy. In the past, Black Dragon found that the secretary was very capable and could do many unimaginable things, but since the bamboo curtain would be attacked by various gangs, she was no longer obedient and basically did not perform any other tasks.

Thanks to her, Black Dragon has avoided at least 3 fatal assassinations, but Tina is not proud of her achievements, she just admits that she is not a professional bodyguard.

Heilong never saw his high-energy secretary admit that he was inferior to others, and then she took the man Shenming for 2 days.

"Can you put down my underwear? That size is too small to fit in the bomb." Heilong said softly as he watched Shenming pinching his silk underwear in front of the closet.

"You don't have to use a bomb to kill someone, a little bit of radioactive material, you can wear it for a few seconds," Shen Mingbian said, and put the b cup of underwear on her face.

"After checking it, I lost that one, and I don't want it anymore. 2. I want to take a bath." Heilong said, and then steered the electric wheelchair toward the bathroom.

"Why me?" Xiao Yi was unwilling to serve others.

"Do you want me to come? I'm 1 ..." Shen Ming shrugged helplessly.

Heilong is a disabled person. It is unrealistic to take a bath by herself. The entire 6th floor has been completely opened to facilitate her activities. There are no obstacles except the 4 walls and the glass curtain wall of the bathroom.

There are 2 basketball court-sized rooms ~ ~ area, entertainment area, rest area, dressing area, dozens of areas large and small, each with a sign on the side column.

Although the black dragon has inconvenient feet, he does not like to be accompanied for a long time. The operation of the gang has been modeled, and the part she needs to worry about is not too much, so more often she stays here to read alone.

Shen Ming can infer the character and habits of the Black Dragon from the surrounding objects, but cannot see through the girl's mind.

In the bathroom, Xiao Yi took off his clothes and was stunned by two things. One was a 30 cm scalpel scar on her legs and knees, and the other was a black dragon tattoo that struck the entire back.

"It's a pity ..." Xiao Yi's fingertips stayed at the position of the dragon's claw, and she couldn't help sighing.

"What a pity?"

"Your skin is good, fair-skinned like jade, and you can't see the pores at all. Tattoo ruined this good skin." Xiao Yi was two years younger than Heilong, but he looked more immature, of course, just looking.

"Tattoo ruined my back, but gave me everything I have now, and being a woman should be harder on myself." Heilong raised his hand with a smile and let Xiao Yi hold her into the bath.

This extravagant woman uses pure milk as bath water, a bath with a length and width of 2 meters, equipped with massage nozzles, for her own enjoyment only.

"Come in and wash together. Although I'm a bit clean, but you look pretty clean." Heilong invited in the position beside him.

"Thank you." Xiao Yi was a little embarrassed and went straight to the milk pool. Don't say ... It's so **** comfortable. The delicate milk makes the whole body's skin have pores. Spa is also comfortable.

"2, how long have you been with 1?" Heilong asked while taking the most comfortable state of each other.

"It's only been over a month, right?" Xiao Yi said disapprovingly.

"What kind of person is he?" Heilong wondered.

"Sometimes, a little bitter, a little weird, a little unruly. But it is very professional to keep it safe. No matter what the employer is and what kind of threats he faces, he will never leave anyone alone." Xiao Yi has never Seriously recalled how Shen Ming feels to himself, probably like this?

"Does he have any special eating habits? For example, eating sushi, or kvass bread, or pizza."

"Have you not noticed this? Is eating grass a special diet?" Xiao Yi clasped her cheeks.

"Don't worry, I don't like sushi for three people, I don't like balds, and I also don't like pizza from the Mike family. You are very cautious about asking my background from my assistant, because only prudent people can live Longer. "Shen Ming said outside the bathroom, across frosted glass.


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