God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 86: Glory of Hades

Chapter 86—The Glory of the Pluto King

"Are you sure that Miss Black Dragon found it? There are only 2 chances to enter the password, and I will report it directly if I make a mistake. This is also part of the VIP service." Smith stepped back and stood beside the alarm bell. .

Now, even if Shen Ming held a gun and pointed at Smith's head, he couldn't let him go, because death might be a relief than the manager who lost the customer's belongings.

"The security measures here are good. It is difficult to retreat without using large equipment." An Qi reached Shenming's ear and was already looking for a way out. This result did not exceed An Qi's expectations at all. The cunningness of the black dragon admired even An Qi. How could such a woman hand over the 3 billion taken from the tiger's mouth to a bodyguard?

"Wait ... I must have overlooked any details ..." Shen Ming closed her eyes and quickly recalled the bits and pieces with the Black Dragon, every sentence, every smile, every four eyes connected, like a movie. Flashed in front of my eyes.

Smith was 98% skeptical, and his hand was raised naturally to the alarm bell.

Suddenly, Shen Ming opened his eyes, and the picture in his head was fixed on the expression of Black Dragon watching "Picnic" in that gallery. He quickly typed the password of 131419 on the keyboard. With a click, the lock of the security door popped open.

Smith's hand also stopped in front of the alarm bell, and came up with a smile again. "Welcome the two, please take care of yourself below."

Then, Smith took out an electronic card and handed it to Shen Ming.

"Where's Miss Black Dragon's safe?" Shen Ming asked.

"Hey, you must be joking, all of them are inside." Smith waved a finger, ten sets of safes in the entire VIP vault, as many as 3,000 small partitions belonged to the Black Dragon alone, but she did not use her identity The account opened was a safe opened with the personal information of up to 500 people in Xiaohualien Shopping Street, so Smith did not lie to a certain extent, and Black Dragon did not have an account here.

Shen Ming and An Qi entered the VIP savings room with the electronic card, and swept across a cabinet door, beeps twice, the cabinet door popped open, pulled out the heavy iron box inside, and threw it on the desktop to open it for a look A box full of stacks of hundred-dollar bills, as much as 1 million! You know, this is an account opened with the identity card of Uncle Liu, who bought radish. If he knew that he had so much money, he would probably have died of a heart attack.

In the entire VIP storage room, a total of 3,000 cabinets have encroached on 7 billion gangs of 3 billion black gold, which shows that the black dragon has ulterior motives, or that it has been planning for a long time.

"Finally, I completed my task. Mom, I have been with you for half a year, and finally I see the money." An Qi leaned on the metal table and almost cried, almost complaining and pulled out her mobile phone. " Damn Kaos, no matter how dare to arrange this lurking task for me, I'll do him well. "

"What do you want to do?" Shen Ming looked at An Qi aside.

"Of course I called the colonel to report the task, otherwise I couldn't talk to him?" An Qi expressed a resentful expression.

"This money cannot be moved for the time being, at least until I rescue Heilong and Xiao Yi." Shen Ming said firmly.

"Brother, my mission has been completed. There is no need to provoke the Mike family. They are far more terrible than you know. The godfather of this generation is a hand-to-hand bastard. The official relationship has gone far, even to the navy. The retired list of the team and the 101st Airborne Division will be mixed as long as they are excellent. What you guys can drag out is an army or the world's top-equipped army. "An Qi meant to persuade Shenming Province, get another assistant.

"The work was introduced to me by me. There is no reason to abandon it. If you want to hand in the task, you must also wait for me to finish the work." Shen Ming said, closing the cash box, facing the mountain-like wealth, he was unconcerned and directly Put the cash drawer back in place.

"Hehe, how do you feel that you have become a bodyguard more crazy than when you were Nirvana. Don't say I didn't remind you that Nirvana is strong, that is honed from experience and lessons. But as long as you are human, there will be limits, Superman vomits after drinking too much. You want to pick a gang, and the handle is still in the hands of others, no doubt. "An Qi said coldly.

"They can't kill me, at least before I complete the mission ... no one can kill me, even God can't." Shen Ming's face didn't change color, and he didn't put the world in his eyes, because his world had only bodyguards. Duties.

"Well, I just like your daring and god-fighting look. Forget it, wait for two days, but wait for two days, but I won't help you save people. You know the rules of the camp. It is necessary to kill the city. If it has nothing to do with the task, points will be deducted for more things. "An Qi shrugged helplessly. She delayed the task and was already sold to Shen Mingtian.

"I understand. Thank you. In addition, I want to borrow your equipment and use the truck." Shen Ming smiled and turned back. "If you don't borrow it, you should be the commission for this mission. Maybe you have lost a bit, but you should give it My friendship price is good. "

"You lunatic, don't you really want to level Vegas?" An Qi's truck was equipped with firepower. It was a bit exaggerated, but killing thousands of people could still be done.

"You made a joke, but you just let the godfather know my Nirvana code. Should I look like Hades?" Shen Ming twisted his neck and made a crackling noise.

"Here are the keys. The car is in the **** parking lot. I'll find a good place to play for two days. You call me when you're done." An Qi waved goodbye.

"I see." Shen Ming put away the key, and suddenly An Qi turned back and ran back.

"You forgot something?" Shen Ming wondered.

"Well, I forgot to kiss you." An Qi waited for Shen Ming to react and had already bitten up, a **** kiss, like two wolves licking each other. It didn't stop until the face flushed. "Death, I haven't seen it for a while, the kiss technique has become so good. Have any girls taught you?"

Shen Ming clasped her cheeks awkwardly, embarrassed to tell An Qi that she had kissed all the targets of protection, and her technology was advancing by leaps and bounds. In retrospect, if this is some kind of curse, what if we protect the man in the future? There was a chill in the back, and the chrysanthemum tightened.

Leaving the bank, sitting in the taxi to the parking lot, Shen Ming made another phone call to his good friend Mouse who hadn't greeted him for a long time, but the person on the other side of the phone had already questioned before Shen Ming spoke. "Fuck! How are you in the United States? Are you really chasing me for 298,800 and killing me?"

Too stingy! I ’ve helped you so much, I have shared with you how many star fruit photos I sent for free. Not only is it a female ticket on the bed that has passed through Nu Chang ’s brother, but also a dead party who has been with ‘film’ together! You really want to kill me! I won't let you go as a ghost. "

The mouse didn't give Shen Ming the chance to talk at all, while tearing up and packing things, he complained and cried. When Shen Ming called the past moment, he had activated the GPS positioning system, and immediately became aware of Shen Ming's position, so excited.

"Hey, don't you let people talk well? Who said you're going to kill you, I just happened to take a job in the United States, and you're so crooked, thinking that I really finished my work before I go to work Are you? "Shen Ming threatened.

"My mother died early! The tombstone is marble, you can do it! You big zombie!" I knew it wasn't here to do it myself, the mouse suddenly felt a snot again, "Say, what's the matter? , This time without discount, who told you to scare me to be careful. "

"Yes, Yasha is also in the United States. Do I need to send her a copy of your address?" Shen Ming grinned.

"Yasha is here too!" At the other end of the phone, the mouse was so frightened that it sat on the ground. At that time, the mouse was young and vigorous, and he wanted to explore all the truths in the world. His hacking skills made him inadvertently hack into the camp's network, and he saw a lot of Nirvana information. The camp surveillance camera focused on a fruit photo of Yasha bathing.

This time, he could be regarded as a horse honeycomb. Yasha chased him for a full three months, and even the courier who had given him milk turned away. After consulting the information of Yasha, the mouse needs to wear an adult's wet urine to sleep in order to avoid seeing the Yasha and wet urine mattress in the nightmare.

Later, the camp thought that Yasha had too much intention to kill, and transferred the task to Shen Ming for execution. The task was to clear all leaked Nirvana data from the camp. Shen Ming successfully found the mouse, and found that the hacker who had burned the camp was just a child. For the first time, Shen Ming showed kindness and let the mouse go, only to let him delete all the relevant information about the camp, and nevertheless Can't expose myself.

The mouse has since remained anonymous and has behaved exceptionally low-key. Yasha thinks that the mouse is dead. If you let her know that the man who has seen her fruit is still alive ... ha ha ha.

"Big brother, you talk! If you talk about money, it hurts your feelings! You are my dear brother. No matter what you want, my younger brother, I will be fooled, and I will die ... you won't really make me foolish?" .

"Don't die, help me to check the past information. All the past information of the head of the United States District Church, Black Dragon, from the bamboo curtain. I can provide you with some clues. She had a disability in a leg in a car accident 14 years ago. She graduated from a prestigious university business administration. Master's degree, a good oil painting by hand, has the special ability to list the instantaneous memory according to the number, 24 years old this year. In addition, there is a related oil painting called "Picnic", the author's name is Shi Yan, but it should be the same memory as her Way. "These are all obtained by Shenming and Black Dragon playing a question and answer game, and there are strange places.

"It's a bit troublesome. This woman's information is very messy. There are signs of modification and deletion on the official channel. It may take some time. Wait for a few minutes." In the time of the mouse, I can't use my own supercomputer and hacking technology for 10 seconds. It takes time to display the information in it.

"OK." Shen Ming said and hung up.


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