God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 92: Monster Little Nick!

Chapter 92: The Monster Little Nick!

The Nirvana Project, from the beginning, was a huge experiment to discover the limits of human flesh. All participants came from all corners of the world and constantly explored their apex during their Nirvana period. Although it has not fully touched the limits of human beings, it is clear to everyone that ... mechanism is definitely the biggest poison in the history of human evolution.

The external skeletal system is such a deadly poison. Who will train his muscles when the soldier's power comes from the motor? When the superb marksmanship comes from computer calculations, who will go to hard shooting? Who knows the fear of death when the threat of death is all behind armor? Who will have a touch of compassion for life?

Scientists have forgotten that what is most powerful on the battlefield is not tanks, not fighters, but human beings. The experience and skills learned through blood and blood experience, any technology has fatal flaws, and only humans can operate in any environment. Adapt, survive, and continue fighting.

Machinery can fail, but humans can continue fighting after breaking hands and feet, as long as he has trained himself to become mechanically calm and efficient.

What is called the external skeletal system was contacted as early as Shen Ming Nirvana, but what everyone is studying is not how to exert the maximum advantage, but how to restrain it.

In the end, everyone agreed with a smile that the current external skeletal system, regardless of the country's products, is still in the funny period, not to mention that the battery carried on the back is a time bomb for the equipment user. Said that the mechanical bearing's beeping sound is too obvious to fully expose its attack trajectory. In melee, once the opponent has mastered the movement rhythm of your external bones, congratulations, your opponent can completely abuse you to death.

Of course, the Nirvana defines the level of the enemy as the Nirvana. Only in this way can he motivate himself to continue Nirvana.

Shen Ming's method of dealing with Nick is so simple. After mastering the sound of the x external skeletal system movement, he can directly use a uniform like a puppet to dance, and there is no need to make two hands.

"What did you do just now? Is it Chinese martial arts?" The mouse exclaimed.

"You have watched too many messy TV shows ..." Shen Ming covered her stomach. Although body armor helped to resist it a moment ago, Nick's kick was still extremely scary. Shen Ming knew that he had internal bleeding. Symptoms. This is not a sign that the battle has been bruised all over.

He turned and walked towards the equipment he had lost. He just bent over and stretched out the wall next to him. A loud noise smashed through it. He waved Little Nick, who was 1 and a half meters long, and hurriedly walked along the aisle.

Shen Ming flipped backwards and pulled out 3 meters away. The gun was not thought about, only enough time to pull out the commander's saber in the battery on the back of Danike.

"You are not allowed to bully my brother! You are not allowed to bully my brother!" Little Nick, like a coquettish child, waved the sword in his hand without a rule, and cut off the ground and the wall, chasing wildly.

Shen Ming turned and fled, and no one expected that this humanoid monster was so fast. Taking one step was almost equal to Shen Ming taking one and a half steps. It weighed 300 pounds, but was able to follow.

While mourning, he slashed wildly. Suddenly, he clicked, and Xiao Nick's 38 cm footboard stepped on the big Nick's back. The armor pieces were broken. The physical body below is directly mosaicized without description.

Fortunately, Nick was in a coma, and had died before he felt the pain.

"Brother! Brother! Are you killed by that bad guy? Talk to me!" Little Nick raised his brother's head from the ground in tears.

"In other words, your brother is the one you trampled to death, it's a matter of my fart." Shen Ming took the opportunity to escape 6 meters away, the intense internal organs hurt.

"Brother, rest assured, I will take revenge for you! I must pinch this bad guy's head!" Little Nick growled, but blasted his brother's head with one hand, raised the machete with the **** palm again Started, stepped up to catch up.

The hallway is not conducive to Shenmeng's confrontation. Nick's huge body combined with a machete, he can attack all the corners in front of him with a single swing. He needs to rest, and there is enough room for battle.

Shen Ming ran back quickly, forcing the pain in the abdomen. When he opened a door, his eyes looked like heaven, and in the center of the huge luxury venue, he was always an iron cage boxing ring larger than the ordinary boxing ring. Around the boxing ring, there are railings made of pig iron. It's like a cage for a beast in a zoo.

"Good position." Shen Ming accelerated and thought about the fist directly along the aisle.

"What do you want to do?" The mouse looked at the live picture through the surveillance camera, but didn't understand the purpose of meditation.

"Certain fighting, of course!" Shen Ming jumped from the gate to the stage as a first step. Under the huge light, Shen Ming took off his heavy equipment to the side, exposing a sweaty muscle, The beads were so crystal clear in the spotlight, like crystal beads that hung over his body.

The behemoth's little Nick also drilled into the boxing ring, using the beater to pinch the position of the lock, distorting the deformed bolt, it was impossible to escape.

Only by standing in the light can you understand how terrible Nick is. He has a limb of 2 meters 3 which is thicker than ordinary humans. His big bald head wears an iron hockey mask, just like he has no neck. On the shoulder, the strong muscles are wrapped in thick fat, which can make you more resistant to hitting without losing your strength.

God knows how his parents fed up to create such a monster body, and a dozen-kilogram sword is waving in his hand as easily as a fan.

Compared with his elder brother, this little Nick has more headaches for Shen Ming, because this is a monster made of pure flesh, but there is no battery for him.

"Listening to you is like a child who hasn't grown up. Otherwise, you won't hit me, I won't hit you." Shen Ming managed that the little Nick who had just reached the navel of another man called a child, which was also quite imaginative.

"I'm going to kill you and take revenge on my brother!" Nick is not a child, but he should be mentally retarded, apparently carrying his brother's meat on his feet, but he has already settled the account on his head, and the pupils under the mask Anger was so bloodshot that he couldn't wait to bleed.

"That's the case, come on!" Shen Ming rushed forward with a single-handed knife, and Xiao Nick saw round from the sky, hitting Shen Ming's back against the side flicker. The fist box irrigated with concrete was also cut and sunk.

Shen Ming's hand holding the knife flipped up and down around Xiao Nick's arm holding the knife. In just 1 second, 8 wounds were cut out, and blood spewed out from the subcutaneous fat layer. It was replaced by ordinary hands.

But Nick had no pain, pulled out his machete with his **** arm and cut it with his backhand! Shen Ming was forced to withdraw more than 2 meters, and was almost affixed to an iron railing.

"Is this guy human? It's okay to chop this way?" The mouse was stunned, and Nick's entire right arm was blurred, but the hand holding the knife didn't relax at all.

"The fat and muscles are too thick to cut into the tendons. As for no pain ... should it be a physical defect?" Shen Ming shook the saber and spilled blood on the fist.

"Dead!" Nick snarled and rushed up, waving the machete without any moves, using pure power and speed to slash.

Shen Ming was uncharacteristically standing still without moving. As soon as the mouse thought that the couplet had been written, it was blocked, and Nick's machete was blocked by the beam of the iron cage, hovering above the top of Shenming's head.

"It's my turn." Shen Ming's saber slammed into half of Nick's abdomen. He waited for Nick to pull the knife, and turned Shen Ming, who was kicking straight, kicked the sword Entering Nick's abdomen, he may not feel the sense of breaking his liver and bowels, but the internal bleeding can instantly deprive him of monster-like power.

Shen Ming's attack didn't stop. He turned around and jumped up. He stepped on the back of Xiao Nick's sword and jumped to an altitude of nearly 3 meters. A stroke launched by the muscle control kicked directly into the middle of the face. Sprayed out from around the surface and every hollow above. ,

As a mountain-like little Nick, he fell heavily and fell out of love boxing. He had more air and less air intake.

In this regard, Nick's two brothers fell completely at the feet of Shen Ming, and Big Nick fell at the feet of Little Nick ...

"No, I remember that your profile said it was a sniper specialization? Why is it more and more like melee invincibility now?" The mouse wondered.

"Nirvana is so long. Do you allow others to do more if you have more skills?" Shen Ming said, opening the door with Xiao Nick's machete and leaving the **** underground boxing ground.

Vegas was also completely in the dark at this time. When the preparations were in full swing in the slums, Pete was already busy and his cell phone suddenly received an email.

The letter shown was "Alice", which was the name of Black Dragon and Pete when they fell in love at school. The Black Dragon is currently in a banned state and cannot send emails at all.

"Sly woman, want to play tricks again." Pete turned off the phone with contempt, but it didn't take long before, and was curious to open the email called "memory".

The so-called tricks in it turned out to be pictures of the past of the two of them. It was the happiest and happiest time in Pete's life, carefree love, and spending time with his favorite people. Each photo of him They laughed so sincerely, just like ordinary campus couples.

Looking at it, Pete couldn't help but smiled again.

And when he dragged the page to the bottom, they stood under the banyan tree of affection, and the black dragon snuggled close in his arms. The black dragon was so beautiful and intoxicated.

Below the photo, a sentence was written in English, "Actually we can go back ..."

Peter's pupils were enlarged, and his heart was as if someone had hit it with a hammer, and his fingers unconsciously opened the attachment of the email ...


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