She was asleep when you left, and she is still asleep now, but it is not a big deal. I checked that there is no big problem with her. It is precisely because of this, so you can go there when you go there. Talk to her properly, I think she should be able to hear you, but she just won't be able to answer you."

Kamado Tanjiro did not feel comforted after hearing these words. Instead, his face became even less beautiful and he quickly walked towards where his sister was. After all, her sister was in a coma when she left. , I have been gone for such a long time, and I was still in a coma when I came back. Something big must have happened. Absolutely impossible, it is so simple that nothing happened, that’s what Tanjiro Kamado thought in his mind While he was sleeping, he also arrived at his destination. When he arrived at that place, just as his master said, it was really not a big deal. He looked as if he had really fallen asleep peacefully.

But you must know that he His sister is not an ordinary person. She has been transformed into a ghost now. No one knows what his body has become. It is like this now. If it continues like this, no one knows what it will become. Kamado Tanjiro became even more nervous when he thought of this, and his expression was a little hesitant, but in the end he didn't say anything to his master on the other end.

If there was really a way, then his master would definitely tell him the way, obviously. , there is no way now. Since there is no use in talking more, it is better not to be embarrassed.

Just when Kamado Tanjiro was thinking this, he suddenly remembered the knock on the door. Kamado Tanjiro’s master Hearing the knock on the door, his face turned ugly for a moment. It seemed that it was impossible for anyone to come here to look for him under normal circumstances. It was precisely because of this, so he immediately guessed that the knock on the door was probably from Zhou. It came from Yang.

The person seemed to be very well-informed about the news, plus he was so powerful. Maybe that person could really get the news and reach this place quickly. Even so, he hesitated and Kamado Tanjiro's master finally stood up, walked outside and opened the door.

Following this action, Zhou Yang and Kuangzo also appeared in front of Kamado Tanjiro's master. When the master saw this, he had a headache and opened his mouth to say something. At this moment, Zhou Yang bypassed Kamado Tanjiro's master and walked directly towards Kamado Tanjiro.

"I know what happened to your sister, and I also know where the person who turned your sister into this is, so are you interested in making a deal with me?"

The sudden words of the sudden person made Kamado Tanjiro's expression a little dazed. After a moment, he looked at Zhou Yang in front of him with vigilance. He knew this person, and he also knew that this person was no more than this person in broad daylight. Nothing happened to Zhou Yang. Looking at Zhou Yang now, he probably wasn't a ghost. He looked at his master not far away and looked at Kamado Tanjiro's master on the other side. When he saw this, he thought When Zhou Yang came here to say what he said at first, for selfish reasons, he didn't say all those thoughts in the end. Instead, he stood by honestly, thinking that if Kamado Tanjiro was really capable.

Then go ahead and realize it. This is also a good thing for Kamado Tanjiro, and it is also a good thing for him.

At least his goal of getting rid of that person in this life is likely to succeed. When Kamado Tanjiro's master thought this, Kamado Tanjiro stood up, looked at Zhou Yang in front of him warily and said directly

"I still remember that you came here to look for me from the beginning, and now you come here to look for me again. You are really persistent."

"No way, this time this matter is not only about you, but also about me. Since it is already about me, of course I need to be more persistent. Otherwise, I am afraid I will miss something next, which will cause me to think... The thing you want to get will also fail."

Although even if it fails, Zhou Yang can leave this place at most, and then take Kuang San around again to re-enter this place and re-enter the plot. Anyway, he still has the ability to go back. However,

Zhou Yang does not Not liking failure, Zhou Yang took a deep breath when he thought of this, and sat down directly in front of Kamado Tanjiro.

"I think you have been vigilant for so long. You should already know that I am not your enemy. If I were your enemy, I would not be like this, so we can have a good talk now. ?"

As long as this person is not a ghost, then nothing else is a big deal.

Kamado Tanjiro is a very smart person, but in fact he is also a very simple person. After all, the family he lived in before was not particularly intrigued. , but a very simple and harmonious family environment.

So in his mind, the world is still black and white. ps: Please collect! Please subscribe! Please give me a monthly ticket! Please give me flowers! Please give me a review vote!

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