God-Level Choice

Chapter 2 The Charming Woman【Please Decide】

: Chu Feng has a high learning ability, and he always has nothing to do when he is doing something. The learning progress is much faster than Common people. Within four days, his changes were astonishing. The male supermodel who has been teaching him said: "Luo, thank you for being an actor."

Chu Feng just smiled. While every walk of life has its difficulties, it's hard to argue that being an actor is any more difficult than being a model. The skills that models must master, in addition to steps, actors must also master, and the skills that many actors must master are far from the two models in the world.

Matthew later followed Jason to see his results and made a practical decision with a thousand compliments.

Backstage is chaotic, it's still early opening hours, but the staff is already busy.

In the morning, Chu Feng's voice hung up, and Xiubo told him that he had been on the news. When the time comes, he should land.

The makeup artist's big brush swept across his face, drawing the eyebrows more clearly, and there was some nose shadow, but not much more. Unlike the outlandish silhouette, the male model wins with stability. Before makeup, Jason also explained that Chu Feng's makeup should not be overly exaggerated, and accessories should be kept to a minimum. Chu Feng's five senses are very good, there is no need to exaggerate too much, otherwise too many modifications will easily be taken over, and when the time comes for the clothes, this is not what he wants to see as a designer.

It is easy to inject other impurities into a noisy atmosphere.

Chu Feng glanced at Red's shadow from the mirror, subconsciously looked back, and then saw a tall woman with a bumpy height walking behind the seat.

A lot of debris has accumulated on the site, and we have to walk away to walk freely. In such an environment, she is very happy. Every step has its own style, from posture to footsteps are particularly graceful.

Chu Feng celebrates inner beauty and is not interested in trying to regain sight. Then he saw another man return his eyes.

Sure enough, it was a beautiful woman, with flaming curls and a neck that curved like a swan as she turned her head. Her eyes are very beautiful, gray blue, slender and long, the corners of her mouth are slightly curved, and the whole person is like moving words.

Seeing Chu Feng, she smiled slightly.

There was no more movement after that, but the smile was a little bigger and kinder to him.

She nodded Chu Feng's head, turned her head and waited for Lin Shi, but the hair stylist moved slowly.

look up.

Another gazes at the backless dress of the woman in the Red dress as if the god must be sucked out.

Not just hair stylists, just about everyone in the dressing room has normal. None of the men escaped from each other's clutches. This is a woman who is born to attract a man's attention and femininity.

When the other Fang Yue left through the locker room, he happened to bump into Tommy Lee who opened the door. Tommy Lee beats her up and apologizes quickly, her eyes flicking to the other side, and there seems to be a moment of surprise.

When the other party left, she was still immersed in the atmosphere when she stayed in the dressing room.

The stylist sighed and continued his work reluctantly.

Chu Feng will chat with him: "Who is that person?"

"Don't you know her?" asked the hairstylist, full of horror. It seems that he does not know. This is a sinful mistake. He was eager to return the science to Chu Feng. "So Fia Lopez, don't you know? She's a supermodel. Ranked in the top five! Each has its place, man's dream lover!".

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