After roaring for a while, the zombies in the eastern part of the small city, except for the two intermediate zombie leaders and the three primary zombie leaders who were specially left by Tang Yao, the remaining zombies turned around and killed them towards the northern area of ​​the small city.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao smiled in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Tang Yao quickly moved to the south of the town.

After doing the same operation, Tang Yao once again left two middle-level zombie leaders and three primary zombie leaders. The remaining zombies in the southern part of the town were all killed towards the western part of the town.

After the zombies left, Tang Yao took 10 commander-level zombies and walked into a 6-story building next to him.

After Tang Yao left two primary zombie commanders on the first floor, he took the remaining 8 commander-level zombies to the fifth floor.

Tang Yao brought a primary zombie leader to the top floor, leaving the remaining commander-level zombies at the top of the stairs on the 5th to 6th floors.

Tang Yao looked at the junior zombie leader in front of him and smiled.

This matchup is really good, and I can just take the opportunity to verify my conjecture about the charm ability.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Yao first condensed the breath of the corpse king, and then his heart moved.

Talented ability: Charm!

For the junior zombie leader, Tang Yao can immediately make the opponent fall into sluggishness as long as he uses 10% of Mental Energy.

But Tang Yao didn't do that!

In the beginning, Tang Yao only used 1% of Mental Energy.

In the cyan vertical pupil commanded by the primary zombie, a trace of blur flashed first, and then he recovered after struggling for a while.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao began to increase the output of Mental Energy little by little.

When Tang Yao's output of Mental Energy Ascension reached 5%, half of the vertical pupils of this primary zombie commander were blurred and half were struggling.

At this moment, although the primary zombie leader did not fall into a complete sluggishness, it was impossible to get rid of Tang Yao's power interference.

Tang Yao was overjoyed and found the critical point.

But as the primary zombie leads the mood swings, the critical point is constantly changing.

Tang Yao constantly improves the output of Mental Energy, constantly looking for critical points.

As Tang Yao's output of Mental Energy gets higher and higher, the mood swings of this primary zombie leader are getting weaker and weaker, and Tang Yao can finally accurately control the critical point state.


While maintaining the output of Mental Energy, Tang Yao roared at the primary zombie leader in front of him.

With this roar, Tang Yao didn't have a trace of the coercion of the corpse king, but simply asked questions in the language of zombies.

After the junior zombie leader heard Tang Yao's question, the struggle in his eyes became fierce again.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao once again increased the output of Mental Energy.

Soon, the struggle in the eyes of the junior zombie leader was suppressed, and once again fell into the weird balance of struggle and confusion.


Tang Yao asked again.



This time, the primary zombie leader gave the answer immediately.

Hearing the answer from the leader of this junior zombie, Tang Yao was delighted.

Sure enough!

Use the charm ability to confuse the opponent, and indeed you can tempt the opponent to tell some secrets.

At the same time, Tang Yao was also a little surprised.

Some are too simplistic.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao understood.

The mind of the primary zombie leader is too low, and the difficulty is naturally small.

Otherwise, even a human being in the War Disciple stage would be much more difficult than it is now.

Immediately, Tang Yao smiled playfully.

It turned out that this guy ate the corpse of another junior zombie leader before he was promoted to the junior leader.


After thinking about it, Tang Yao issued an instruction to the junior zombie leader in front of him.

However, no response!

Tang Yao is not in a hurry, it must not be that simple to control this primary zombie leader through the charm ability.

Tang Yao slowly increased the output of Mental Energy, and at the same time, continued to issue instructions.

However, until Tang Yao increased Mental Energy's output Ascension to 10%, the primary zombie leader in front of him fell into a complete sluggish state, and there was no response.

Tang Yao frowned secretly.


Before that, as the corpse king, I gave orders to the junior zombie leader.

Although the primary zombie commander can only execute very simple commands, it is possible after all.

But why is there no response now?

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao didn't understand.

Shaking his head, Tang Yao relieved the charm ability, and planned to change to a junior zombie leader to try.

Immediately, Tang Yao found out.

Without the interference of the charm ability, the primary zombie leader in front of him was still confused, and his mind seemed to be lower than before Tang Yao used the charm ability.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao's eyes lit up.

I see!

It was the charm ability that suppressed it for too long, causing it to damage its original imperfect consciousness and lower its mind.

This is why it cannot complete the instructions I gave.


Thinking of this, Tang Yao let out a roar with the coercion of the corpse king.

Driven by instinct, the leader of this primary zombie turned and walked downstairs.

Tang Yao smiled helplessly. For the zombies, the effect of the charm ability is still not as effective as the coercive effect of the corpse king.

Let the zombies fall into a sluggish state, the charm ability is no problem.

Even for zombies below the commander level.

But if you want to control the zombies to do things according to instructions, the charm can only target those conscious zombies.

But the coercion of the corpse king is different, from the suppression of the level, you can order the low-level zombies to instinctively execute the order.

However, the charm ability can target all conscious creatures.

The command of the corpse king is only effective for low-level zombies.

Tang Yao checked the consumption of Mental Energy. In the first test, about 20% of Tang Yao's Mental Energy was consumed.

Not a one-time consumption of Mental Energy, but to gradually suppress the consciousness of the primary zombie leader, the consumption of Mental Energy is not large.

The main reason was that the mood of the primary zombie leader was constantly fluctuating, and Tang Yao kept looking for the critical point, which took a long time.

Otherwise, the consumption will be smaller.


As Tang Yao uttered a roar again, the second primary zombie leader came up from the fifth floor.

This time, Tang Yao directly exported 5% of Mental Energy and continued to Ascension.

When Tang Yao set the output of Mental Energy Ascension to 8%, the order he gave finally took effect.

As Tang Yao gave orders again and again, the second primary zombie leader continued to move and attack on the top floor.

It is also feasible to confuse the opponent to do something through the charm ability, so as to achieve the effect of controlling the opponent.

Although the critical point of each zombie is different, the principle is the same.

This time, Tang Yao had the experience of finding the critical point, which was faster and took less time.

The consumption of Mental Energy is also much less, less than 15%.

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