God-Level Copy Master

Chapter 249 Mei Luoxue

Looking at Tang Yao who was stunned at the door, Jiang Changhai smiled.

When he first saw the Second Inspector Mei Luoxue and the Demon King tamed by her, his expression was similar to Tang Yao's.

At this moment, Ying Miaomiao smiled and said, "Tang Yao, what are you doing there, come and sit."

Hearing this, Tang Yao recovered and immediately walked over and sat beside Jiang Changhai.

Ying Miaomiao introduced: "Tang Yao, this is Master Mei Luoxue, the second inspector of our Juntian Wushu Hall, and the patron of our Dan Pavilion."

Tang Yao's heart moved.

Sure enough, he is a strong one above God of War.

Tang Yao hurriedly got up and said respectfully: "I have seen the pavilion master!"

Mei Luoxue smiled gently and nodded to Tang Yao.

Tang Yao sat down somewhat disappointed.

This pavilion master doesn't even shake his hand!

Negative Ratings!

Mei Luoxue looked at Tang Yao and smiled: "Tang Yao, you have reached the level of a Level 6 pharmacist at a young age, which is very good. Your talent in medicine is better than mine. I will be in Ning. The city base stays for a while, if you don’t understand, you can come to me directly."

"I know that your cultivation talent is also very good, but you still need to work harder on the potion shop. Don't waste your talent in the potion shop. Moreover, your pharmacist level is Ascension, and the pharmacists who benefit will also More, this is more useful than your promotion to God of War."

"When you fully control the level 9 medicinal material identification skills and genetic medicine configuration skills, you will be exposed to the alchemy. At that time, you will understand how great the alchemy is, and it will also affect your future cultivation. To an extremely important role."

Tang Yao nodded, and said, "Pavilion Master, don't worry, the medicine will help me a lot. I will definitely not slacken off."

Mei Luoxue smiled and nodded, and said: "I know you want to take over as Jiang Changhai and become the general curator of Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base. Let me do this, I give you a promise, as long as you can advance to level 7 within 3 months. Pharmacist, I can vote for you when the headquarters is assessed."

"You can transmit information through Mental Energy to help the pharmacist's Ascension level. Miao Miao has already told me. I have limited time. Next, it's up to you to be the pharmacist's Ascension level below Dange level 6. This promise can be regarded as one of the rewards for you."

Hearing this, Tang Yao's eyes lit up.

This vote is stable!

I am now an 8th level pharmacist!

Just find a time to reveal the strength of the 7th-level pharmacist.

One of the rewards?

Is it still good to take it?

Jiang Changhai was also very happy.

If Tang Yao could really pass the assessment of the headquarters, he would be liberated.

Tang Yao said excitedly: "Thank you, Pavilion Master, I will try my best to become a Level 7 pharmacist as soon as possible."

Mei Luoxue nodded in satisfaction, then stretched out her hand, and three Medicine Pills appeared in her hand.

Seeing these three Medicine Pills, Tang Yao was overjoyed again.

Origin Dan!

Mei Luoxue said: "Transmitting information to help the Dange pharmacist quickly Ascension pharmacist level should have been done by me. Now, since you took it, you can be regarded as doing me a favor. These three origins Dan, even if it's my thanks to you."

With that, Mei Luoxue stretched out her hand and handed it to Tang Yao.

Tang Yao was ecstatic in his heart.

Not only because of the 3 original pill, but also because of the opportunity to touch Mei Luoxue.

But Tang Yao didn't pick it up immediately. Instead, he shook his head and said, "Pavilion Master, Ms. Miao Miao has already shown me the reward policy for helping Dange Pharmacist's Ascension level. I can already get a copy. If you are paid, it would be inappropriate to take these three original pill."

"That's the reward from the martial arts museum, and you deserve it. I gave you these three original pill, to thank you for saving me a lot of time, and you deserve it. Different, take it. Go ahead."

Mei Luoxue said with a smile.

Mei Luoxue was very satisfied with Tang Yao's performance.

There are not many people who can do it without being greedy in the face of the treasures delivered to the door.

Hearing this, Tang Yao smiled and nodded.

Immediately, Tang Yao stood up, bent over from the palm of Cong Mei Luoxue, and picked up the three Origin Pills one by one.

When picking up the third Essence Pill, Tang Yao pretended to be inadvertent and touched Mei Luoxue's palm with the thumb of his right hand.

In an instant, Tang Yao sensed the skills that Mei Luoxue possessed.

Advanced alchemy, can't be copied, can't be merged!

Elementary pupil technique, can be copied, not merged!

Primary olfactory perception, can be copied, not fused!

Primary taste perception, can be copied, not merged!

Elementary tactile perception, can be copied, not merged!

Primary whip technique, can be copied, not fused!

Elementary bodybuilding technique, can be copied, not merged!

Elementary forging magic, can be copied, not merged!

Intermediate astrology, can be copied, not merged!

Elementary wood control, non-copyable, replaceable, and fusionable!

Intermediate fire control technique, can't be copied, replaced, can't be merged!

It was Tang Yao's Five Elements ability that had contact with the elementary wood control technique.

Without time to think about it, Tang Yao directly chose to integrate the primary wood control technique into the Five Elements ability.

In an instant, Tang Yao's Mental Energy consumed 50%.

Tang Yao didn't have time to perceive the changes in the Five Elements ability, but from the consumption of Mental Energy, Tang Yao knew that his guess was correct.

Wood control is a sublimation of the talented ability of the wood element.

This is why Tang Yao only dared to copy a primary wood control technique.

He didn't know how much Mental Energy would be consumed by copying the primary wood control technique. He didn't dare to copy too many skills. He was afraid that the consumption of Mental Energy would be too large, which would arouse the suspicion of the three people present.

In addition to the elementary wood control technique, Tang Yao needs elementary sense of smell, elementary sense of taste, elementary sense of touch, and elementary exercise skills.

However, Tang Yao could only wait for the next time to find a way to copy.

After taking all the three Origin Pills in his hands, Tang Yao stood up straight and bowed gratefully to Mei Luoxue.

Mei Luoxue smiled and waved her hand.

Mei Luoxue is a high-level alchemist, and the 3 original pill is not worth mentioning to her.

Pharmacist is a wealthy profession, let alone a higher-level alchemist than pharmacist.

After putting the three original pill into the Interspatial Ring, Tang Yao sat down.

Mei Luoxue said: "I have finished explaining what I should explain. During my time at Ningcheng Base, you can come to me if you have anything to do. If I have something to do, I will leave first."

After speaking, Mei Luoxue got up and walked towards the door.

Mei Luoxue had just walked two steps, and the small tree on his shoulder jumped directly onto Ying Miaomiao's shoulder.

At this time, a tender voice came from the opening and closing crack in the trunk of the small tree.

"Mom, I want to play with Miao Miao, pill refining is so boring!"

Hearing this, Mei Luoxue smiled dozingly, did not say anything, but looked at Ying Miaomiao.

Ying Miaomiao stroked the little tree and said, "Aunt Xue, let Xiaobing be with me, I will look after her."

Mei Luoxue nodded, looked at the little tree and said, "Okay, then you can stay with Miaomiao. However, you must listen to Miaomiao's words and don't run around or make trouble."

The little tree happily jumped on Ying Miaomiao's shoulder, and said joyfully: "Okay, I must listen to Miaomiao's words."

Mei Luoxue smiled and was sent out of the office by the three of them.

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