God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1075: Unwilling heart

The first thousand and seventy-five chapters are unwilling to be ordinary

People like Zuo Qiuhan can grow to the present level, so they rely not only on the vast resources provided by the forces behind them, but more importantly, their gas, and themselves.

I have to say that Qin Qi has a new understanding of Zuo Qiuhan, and there is no good feeling, even hate it, but it has changed.

"No, I don't agree. This is the battlefield. You are a soldier. You must obey my orders!" Yang Chong disagreed.

"Let him try it." But Qin Qi said.

"Qin brother?" Wang Qianyu did not understand.

"What do you mean?" Zuo Qiuhan narrowed his eyes, and did not expect that Qin Qi would actually stand on his side.

"Don't misunderstand, I just think that the Mozu is now big, and it is still a problem to remember that the autumn guards can't keep it. The power in the future is stronger, and it is not in the hands of the moment."

"And if you succeed, the strength of the returning army will be improved, it is a good thing. If it fails, it can only show that you are not strong enough, then it is a matter of time to die in the battlefield, but it is only early." Qin Qi said lightly.

"But..." Yang Chong still wants to persist.

"Okay, I want a strain!" Wang Qianyu said.

Yang Chong did not expect Wang Qianyu, who had always been calm, to follow the left autumn cold, wanting to stop, but finally he could bear it.

"Head of the team, the task of no return can be nine deaths, one thousandth of the opportunity, it should be considered a lot, if you can't master it, it is not worthy of being a member of no return!" Wang Qianyu laughed.

Yang Chong bite his teeth, obviously it is also very tangled, and finally said: "Well, I agree, but I have a request."

"The head of the group please say."

"Must be successful!" Yang Chong ordered.

"Follow!" Wang Qianyu and Zuo Qiuhan are all marching rituals.

"I want a copy!" But Shi Tianhao stood up and his eyes were extremely firm.

"Shi Tianhao, you..." Qin Qi frowned, Shi Tianhao is indeed a rare genius, but one of the five dragons, but with Zuo Qiuhan, they still have a huge gap.

Indeed, when the five dragons and three phoenixes were talented, the scenery was no longer two, and none of them was weak.

It is a pity that if they were born in the wrong place, if they were born in the eight forces, even the nine products, they have the infinite resources. The current achievements must be the level of Jing Lie, even Liao Tian and the talented, peerless, own The possibility of shocking the Son of God.

However, the origin has long been doomed, can not be re-elected, then want to come to the end, only gambling.

Shi Tianhao is also a conceited person. When he recognized himself as invincible, even Zhou Wu could master it. Naturally, everything was empty, but he was later defeated by Qin Qi. He saw the overwhelming power of Lian Tianyi and his deep. receive a blow.

But he still came over, and he was not disheartened, but more determined and more chasing. He never agreed to be overtaken by Qin Qi. He wanted the world to understand his power.

Without such determination, in the remote areas of the hundred battlefields, the lack of spiritual power, the system without him, how to grow to the present level?

Not only him, Chu Xuan, Nangong law kills, they have been at the same level, were jointly mentioned, and enjoyed the glory, but in the end, they can only become a supporting role.

Whose heart can accept it calmly, without the heart of catching up?

Even if you know that you can't catch up, you don't want to give up, otherwise, what is the difference with salted fish.

"Qin Qi, don't think that you can win me forever. As long as you are lax, I will catch up and defeat you!" Shi Tianhao is incomparable and has an indestructible belief.

"Look at the remaining two, and give me a good one, don't waste it." Chu Xuanhe smiled, but there was a ray in the middle of the slap, he also had to seize that one thousandth!

"The last one, give it to me." Nangong law kills the road.

"You are all crazy, you will die!" Hua Zhong and others looked at the group in an incredible way, feeling like watching a group of madmen.

This mission is extremely dangerous. If it wasn’t for Qin Qi’s promotion in the battle, they might have to be there. Now it’s hard to survive and complete this difficult task. Now they have to die.

This is not what a madman is, completely incomprehensible.

"You, really decided?" Qin Qi asked quietly.

"This army is too special. In the future, there may be more dangerous tasks. If it is not strong now, then the next mission may die, one thousandth, how to try!" Chu Xuandao.

"He said it is good, you can't always protect us all the time." Nangong law kills the road.

This is indeed true, but Qin Qi knows that the most important reason is that each of them has an unconventional heart in their chest!

"Well, as your deputy head, I have only one request!" Qin Qi took a deep breath and ordered: "Successfully refining it!"


At this point, Qin Qi does not want to stop, and he believes that these people will succeed!

"This time you can't make up the excitement." Qin Qi looked at Su Qingqing and whispered.

Su Qingqing pulled his mouth, and some embarrassedly scratched his head, and then took out a magic flower from his arms.

"Actually, I secretly hid a plant!" Su Qingqing smiled and swallowed it. He saw Qin Qi blinking.

"This taste... is unpalatable!" Su Qingqing disliked the road.

"Do you think you are eating sugar?" Chu Xuan laughed and ate.

"Rely, it's hard to eat!"

The South Palace Law wrinkled and frowned.

"Difficult to eat."

Shi Tianhao is cold and cold, chewing slowly, but the corners of his eyes are constantly shaking, obviously it is also extremely unpalatable.

"Qin brother's friend, it really is extraordinary, how can I be willing to be behind!" Wang Qianyu laughed and ate the magic flower.

Zuo Qiuhan took a look at Shi Tianhao and others. In fact, from the beginning of the meeting, he did not look at these people at all, but now, it is a bit high.

“It’s stupid to waste, too, too!”

Of course, it’s still hard to hear.

A few people are serving the magic flower, quietly transferring the drug power, as if it is broken into butterflies, or dead leaves withered, but they can only see themselves.

"There is no return to the soul of the soul, please bless these brave younger generations!" Yang Chong only prayed.

Qin Qi still has things to do. Although it seems safe in this place, in this battlefield, any place may become a battlefield in the next moment. At this moment, several of them are refining the magic flower, can not be disturbed, Qin Qi must guarantee at this point.

Qin Qi landed on both feet and began to perceive the power of this place with the pulse of the pulse, and formed a formation.

At the same time, he also took out the pen, and made a virtual plan. The layout method here is not only defense but also hidden.

After finishing this, Qin Qi can only wait, and whether they can succeed, Qin Qi can't help at all.

"I hope that before they succeed, don't be in trouble." Qin Qi whispered in his heart.

Immediately, Qin Qi noticed that there was a mark on the small map.

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