God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1091: Is crazy

The first thousand and ninety-one chapters are mad

Everyone is shocked in the heart. The Huang Daolong Palace is the head of the human race. It is incomparably pure and incomparable to the Yaozu Long Island. At this moment, it was even crushed by the power of their fame.

And it is completely crushed, and there is no possibility of competing.

Qin Qi's hegemony, no one dared to speak, shocked the audience.

"Whoever, dare to make trouble in the autumn gate, still can't stop!" Several voices screamed, but the military law came, they are the law enforcement team in the army, the authority is extremely high, people are frightened.

"Adult!" Valley drunk winter worried, hurriedly reminded Qin Qi.

Qin Qi is unmoved. Today, no one will make a noise. Those people will not stop. Since the other party is going to pick things up, it will make things big.

Qin Qi, never muddy!

"Well? Qin Qi, it turned out to be you, it is a great courage, dare to remember the murder in the autumn gate, now stop immediately, follow me back to the military law office for investigation!" Senior military officer headed by the Military Law Department, Qing Qing.

"Stop?" Qin Qi smiled faintly. "I can't understand you in this case. What have I done to violate the military law? Why stop?"

"Qin Qi, what are you confused, in the memory of the autumn customs, it is already a violation of the military regulations, you still do not stop, do you want to add sin?" The officer angered.

"This is what you misunderstood. This is not what you think, but the friend of the road is arguing with me whether his face is long or my shoe is long. We are just comparing it now." Qin Qi Wei Wei Smiled.

It is said that everyone is looking for a change of color. This Qin Qi, the export of these words, is too shameless.

Yan Qing face color iron blue, cold channel: "Qin Qi, you don't want to stir up, this kind of words, who will believe!"

"Do not believe you can ask himself." Qin Qidao said, he intended to lift his legs.

But immediately, it was a "bang", Qin Qi's feet were heavily stepped on, and the whole ground shook, showing how terrible the power is.

That Qi Qing had not had time to say anything. Qin Qi was the first to call: "Hey, what happened to you, isn’t it better to compare your face? Why are you pulling me?"

"Hey, you still pull, still pull, don't pull it!" Qin Qi cried, constantly stepping on, the ground vibrates, rumbling.


Everyone didn't know what to say. Qin Qi was too noisy. He said that Joe Gaochang pulled him. Who is this letter, is it to use your mouth?

"Enough, Qin Qi, you are too courageous, dare to come in front of me, do you have no long eyes when you are an official, do you really have no military discipline?" Qing Qing's face was irony.

"Can this blame me? It is obvious that he is not pulling me, I am the victim." Qin Qi looked innocent.

"A nonsense, Qin Qi, how dare you arbitrarily in the face of the military law, do you think you can be lawless?" The **** prince bites his teeth, and now he is still on the ground, it is a huge humiliation, "芮大人This sub-head has no military discipline, and it is a murder in the memory of the autumn gate. Please bring it back to the military law department and severely punish it!"

Just after, but it was a loud explosion, Qin Qi lifted the other foot and directly put the face of the **** prince into the ground. The fierce strength, I am afraid that the entire face has been sunken.

Qin Qi's one foot was crushed down, letting the **** prince shake the power, but it didn't have any effect. It was not allowed to be moved by Qin Qi, such as a dead dog.

"Qin Qi, you are still in front of the official, even dare to commit a murder, it is simply daring to blame, sin is extremely evil, according to the law!" 芮 吼 angry, the law enforcement soldiers around them have pulled out.

"Hey, what are you going to do, rely on you, or let those people behind you come!" Qin Qi said indifferently, the backhand was pressed, and the power of the rebellion was not there, and it was directly on the ground.

"You, you dare to do it to us!" Yan Qing did not believe that they are the people of the Military Law Department!

"What do you dare to do, do you want to use your face to measure the size of my shoes?" Qin Qi said indifferently, the chill in his eyes, so that Yan Qing could not help but scalp tingling, did not dare to answer.

Crazy, even the people in the military law department dare to move, Qin Qi is really crazy!

Everyone is stunned, and the valley is drunk with a white face. She knows that Qin Qi is doing this, and she is bound to be incapable. What she can do now is to invite Yin Xiu, and perhaps there is a chance.

At the moment she quickly left, she did not dare to delay the time.

Qin Qi stood there, like the demon god, and the five elements of the empire, the Huang Daolong Palace and the people of the Military Law Department were squatting on his side and smashing into a circle!

Especially Qiao Gaochang and the **** prince, the past is a high-powered person, very powerful, but at this moment is not just squatting, even his face was stepped under the floor.

I am afraid that after today, they will become a laughing stock, a shame that they will not clean their lives!

Jing Lie was on the ground, his knees were bursting, and he couldn’t stand up. Their purpose was to deliberately find fault and wanted to send Qin Qi to the military law department.

Because they found that the dangerous task of Qin Qi can not die, but more and more strong, and if so, it is better to be in the prison, secretly start!

Now the Red Warrior is fighting with the sacred army regiments, and it has not yet returned. It is a good time to deal with Qin Qi. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to wait for the red warrior to return and then move to Qin Qi.

Originally, Qin Qi was irritated by them. In the memory of the autumn gate, they were in the middle of their minds, but now Qin Qi is so big that even the people in the military law department dare to suppress, and things have been out of control.

What happens later is inevitably the top leaders of the parties. Once they are not good, I am afraid that they will be ignited. After all, some things must not be exposed.

"I plan to use such a small number of small scorpions to deal with me, is it too much to look down on people, today I want to send me into the prison, at least a few heavyweight guys!" Qin Qi stood there, stepping on one foot Half holy, shouted loudly.

The momentum, like the overlord, is too mad, it is hard to breathe!

"Little guy, your courage is too big, but this is the place where you can be crazy!" The sound of a dragon is sounding, an old man is coming, the momentum is very strong, and there is a terrible dragon force raging. It is a master of the Huang Daolong Palace!

"That is, the Qiu elder of the Huang Daolong Palace is a veteran semi-holy. It is said that he just broke the third shackle. It turned out that he came. Under this time, Qin Qi is afraid of being arrogant!"

"Qin Qi dared to do something to the people of the Military Law Department. It is already destined to have no good fruit to eat. Unfortunately, he is said to be extremely brave. Even the demons on the list have killed a lot. I don’t know what happened today, even so irrational. ”

"Maybe it is growing too fast, and the heart is inflated, but I don't know in the army, the military law department is not so good!"

"Hey, the Military Law Department is not necessarily fair. Today's business, I am afraid that it is not that simple!" Some people are cold-spoken and have opinions on the Military Law Department.

"Yes, Qin Qi is good at killing the enemy, and repeatedly fighting the merits. That Qiu elders arrived today to remember the autumn gate. I don't know if there was something to delay before, or I didn't dare to come, and I will show up after a protracted war."

The people of the army, the first strong, the people who kill the fierce names on the battlefield like Qin Qi can naturally win the support of most people, and the elders of Qiu elders who are pampered are the most unhappy, unless the interests are related, otherwise Military people often do not like this kind of person.

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