God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1102: Say goodbye

Chapter 1,102

"When I withdraw from the army, I will naturally go, but before that, I always have to do everything I can." Qin Qidao, flying quickly, rushed to the upper level of the autumn gate, the war weapons across the place.

His power has not disappeared, and in fact it is not affected at all.

This may be related to the fact that he is not a Tianyuan mainland, but now is not the time to think about it. Since there is still power, Qin Qi has nothing to do and he will retreat.

At least, we must exhaust ourselves.

"Ice Queen, the Red Witch, the Bright Pastor, come out!" Qin Qi kicked a war weapon that had been smashed to the side and replaced it with himself.

The power in his body broke out at this moment, and the Wuhun was even bigger. The power of the Queen of Ice and Snow was fully open, but there was no external, but the Bible and the scorpion behind the blushing witch.

This is an unprecedented power. The first time I reached this height, the holy light reached the extreme, and the flame came to an end.

Both of the great martial arts seem to be resurrected, and the sacred glory, the magic eye stick is taken in the hands of the blush witch.

This unparalleled artifact, the breath is too horrible, the magic eyes are different, inside is the blazing red burning.

"Come on, let the world feel the power of the map cannon!" Qin Qizhen, the form of the gods, the power of color spewed, turned into a colored dragon, the breath, the violent to the extreme.

The sky, the clouds of fire, is the terror array that can't see the end, 36,000 nodes, is burning the power of flames.

In the middle, the door of the sanctuary is opened, and the endless sanctuary falls, and the power of the crimson witch is combined.

The smoldering breath, every condensed fire dragon is blazing, equivalent to the red dragon that is stripped out of the color power. Imagine how powerful it is!

"The bombing began!" Qin Qi whispered, the fire dragon swooped down, the scope was too big, directly covering hundreds of legions!

Recalling the autumn gate, the fire is red, the holy light is burning, just like a miracle!

Among the magical forces, I couldn’t help but turmoil. I didn’t expect Qin Qi to have someone else to exert this level of power.

Moreover, it is still a very incomparable sacred power, and their suppression is too great.

The holy fire dragon rushed down, and each head burst open directly. It was not much more than the war weapons. The roaring sound continued, and there was almost no stopping.

Even if it is a legion, the formation of a defensive battlefield, still can not resist, was purified by the Holy Flame, open the gap!

Only one bombing, there are several regular demons of the Mozu, and the death and injury are not small.

"Damn, kill the Terran!" Among the demons, some strong people are roaring, they can still support, but the power of the holy system has too much influence on them, and it is difficult to form an offensive against Yiqiu.

"The man was there, turning war weapons and killing him!" In the magic army, the horrible war weapons turned to the muzzle and pointed to Qin Qi.

At this moment, Qin Qi only felt that the whole body was stinging, and it was locked by the weapons of war.

However, he still can't retreat now, at least, to kill more Devils.

Otherwise, if you wait for the opportunity, it will not be so simple.

"Invincible state!"

No matter, even if it is only forty seconds, Qin Qi will be invincible!

"Booming!" The powerful weapons of war attacked the position of Qin Qi. There is obviously a master among the Mozu, which is extremely accurate and has no deviation at all.

However, Qin Qi can't be killed.

That holy fire dragon is even more terrible, and the ancient swordsmanship has been condensed, turned into an infinite sword, and merged with the holy fire dragon!

Holy Fire Sword Dragon!

Kill and kill!

Among the Mozu, the screams are one after another, and it is difficult to resist the power of this map cannon. It has been hit by a piece of open space, which are dead and devils.

"Damn, use the annihilation gun, kill the man!" The Mozu army, several annihilation turrets turned to Qin Qi, annihilated the shells, that is, the walls of the autumn gate are shaking, there is a crack in the pothole.

These annihilation cannons are professional models for Yiqiu Guan, and their power is hundreds of times stronger than that captured by Qin Qi.

If there is no invincible state, Qin Qi can't resist this continuous bombardment.

Can't stop it?

Forty seconds is coming, this is the limit of Qin Qi, the demon army, is scattered, to escape the scope of the holy fire dragon, the damage, but the ten legions.

Compared to the endless magic army, it is simply a drop in the bucket!

If, if there is more time, you can kill more!

Thirty-nine seconds, too late, can only be withdrawn!

Even if Qin Qi is unwilling, there is no way. He has done what he can.

"Boy, you are very good, let the group of demons know your power, others, give it to me!" A burst of sound, a figure blocked in front of Qin Qi before the invincible state disappeared!

The eighth of the day, the heavy building of the shield!

His body is wounded everywhere, and it is already very heavy, but his huge shield like a heavy building has no slight vibration.

The strongest barrier of the Terran is Qin Qi.

"Yeah, don't worry about other things, do everything you can, smash them!" Bai Fanli appeared, and built a cage in front of Qin Qi to resist the damage.

Her injury is not one point lighter than the shield, but I don't want to end it anyway.

Even if Qin Qi can't resist the Magic Army, it still has to fight!

" Count me!" A sound filled with fierce anger sounded, and the blood of the knife was murderous like a mountain.

He was injured twice in a row, and the injury was extremely serious. He might even affect the fundamentals, but he still took the **** knife and blocked it in front of Qin Qi!

"Qin Qi, let's take it easy, instead of us who can't be comfortable!" Red Lotus also came. The armor on her body was broken, and the bright red skirt could not be separated from the original color or the blood.

But she stood in front of Qin Qi, but it was as steep as a mountain.

They have all been affected, unable to fight all the hard, the unwillingness of the heart, the desire to tear the sky!

At this moment, Qin Qi can break out of strength, then protect a Qin Qi, let him arbitrarily kill!

Four days of election, regardless of life and death, only to protect Qin Qi, they are to let Qin Qi replace them, vent their anger at their incompetence!

Kill, kill them!

Qin Qi is also crazy, his eyes are blood red, and the four heavens choose to ignore his own safety. Under serious injuries, he still needs to protect him.

Then let the magic army see it, his real power!

Qin Qi directly jumped down to recall the autumn gate, and the power of color in the body erupted like a fire, without any reservation.

He landed on his feet, stood there, roared in the pulse, and remembered that under the autumn gate, all the infinite veins were affected by him. Wang Yang's generally endless energy is gathering.


The sky is tumbling over the clouds, and there is a lot of thunderous power. The huge and infinite bright red array has once again grown, and it has shrouded one-tenth of the battlefield!

The holy fire sword dragon roars, each one is bigger than the mountains, if you are a real dragon!

36,000 heads, rushing down, power like a nuclear bomb, it is a battle of the devil, it is impossible to stop!

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