The first one hundred and sixteen chapters spelled out

The Mozu tempted him to come here, or to say that the Mozu and the Terran had joined forces to bring him here, and he was not prepared to let him go back alive.

"Hey, who are you looking at!" Qing Litian is cold, she is the strongest younger generation of the Athena clan, and she became the commander of the demon army at a young age.

On the achievements, she is not much lower than Qin Qi, and the same is true for talent.

If you don’t come to the prince, you can beat the prince. Who can’t do it?

In the face of Qin Qi's fist, Qing Litian also punched, but when she really doubled her fists, she realized how terrible the power of Qin Qi was.

She couldn't resist it at all!

It has already condensed the body of the Dragon of the Nine Dragons. The strength is strong and shocking. It is the estimation error of Qing Li Tian.

"Hey!" Qing Litian's arm was directly broken, let her magic roar, war riots, there is still no way.

This guy, like a pretty dragon, is so terrible!

It’s hard to be done. Is he almost the same as Ye Liangchen?

In the heart of Qing Litian’s heart, she used all her strength to traverse the stick of truth in front of her. Although the scepter is not known for attacking, it is an artifact that can block Qin Qi’s fist.

At the same time, among the entire fortress, a few terrible breaths rise, but it is an extremely powerful prince. It is not the Qin Qi that can be matched at present.

Sure enough, they made up their minds and wanted Qin Qi to die!

"That must also die first!" Qin Qi roared, at this moment there is no spare force to win Qing Litian as a hostage, the other party's prince has already shot.

Can only kill and say, even if you can't escape, at least there is a back!

Qing Litian seems to have mastered everything, and was completely shattered at this moment. Her eyes showed a look of incomparable fear.

Will die, really will die!

In a hurry, Qing Litian flashed a touch of pain in his eyes, and then a golden shield appeared. There were even swords and scars on it, and it was already broken.

But it was such a shield that even protected Qing Litian and blocked her from a fatal blow.

Immediately, the Golden Shield was completely broken, and Qing Litian could not withstand this great force. He was struck out and smashed countless buildings and fell into pieces.

Her bones are broken and her internal organs are ruined. I am afraid that I will never stand up again in a short time.

A single blow did not kill Qing Litian, Qin Qi knew that there was no chance, when the next shout, directly rose to the sky.

However, almost at the same time, several magical powers have been turned into gas pillars, straight into the sky, the overlapping of the princes in the field, not giving Qin Qi any chance to escape.

The Mozu had made up their minds this time, and would not let Qin Qi escape the birth of the day, and the strong ones who were above the four-star prince.

"Boom!" The powerful magic is crushed down, Qin Qi snorted, the wings behind the blue wind violently swayed, quickly avoided, not dare to face.

Not an opponent, the realm is too big.

Qin Qi fell from the sky and broke the earth. However, the veins were instantly displayed, and the veins under the earth were affected, and there was no amount of spiritual power coming together.

"Ang!" The nine-color dragon has made a shocking dragon, and rushed out. Although there is no such thing as a miraculous sight outside the autumn gate, it is extremely amazing.

"Go!" Qin Qi shouted, and a dragon passed by, and Wang Qianyu rolled them up, and then they had to open a gap and escape the birth.

This war can't be played at all, only to escape.

"The future of the Terran warrior, do you think that you can still be invincible now, want to go, it is impossible!" A demon prince cold and cold, the massive magic turned into a barrier to block the Qin Qi's way.

"Roll!" Qin Qi roared, the dragon **** tears slammed down, thirty-six gold dragons, 36,000% of the attack strengthened!

Coupled with the already-opened form of the gods and Fulong Xiangtian, the power of this sword is also extremely terrible.

A sword is thrown out, it is a sword, smashing everything, even more powerful than the annihilation cannon!

"It's really powerful, but unfortunately, the realm is too weak!" The demon prince laughed and smashed the same sword, and broke Qin Qi's strongest sword.

The four-star prince has too much advantage in realm and is difficult to make up.

However, Qin Qi has already expected that when the attack is broken, it has already flashed out and rushed to the other direction.

With the wings of Qingfeng, with the wind and blood, this flying martial art has approached Zhou Wu, the world is extremely fast, even if it is a four-star prince, if it is speed, it is impossible to surpass him.

Now, I can only rely on this, and I look forward to rushing out of the blockade of these princes.

Qin Qi tried to use the shadow sword to escape, but he could not succeed. In the other party's prince field, he had a special power to curb the sword.

I am afraid, it is Demuel's new technology!

However, there is still a line of vitality. As long as it breaks out, it takes only one second, and Qin Qi can move away through the shadow sword.

"Fast!" The Prince of the Mozu whispered, but his face was full of coziness, and it was useless again. The gap in the realm is absolute!

"Boom!" The land was directly broken, but a demon prince took a knife. If Qin Qi did not respond quickly, he was already beheaded.

But even if it is avoided, it is still affected, and the body of the dragon vein can hardly bear it, and can't help but cough up a blood.

Qin Qi gritted his teeth and wanted to attack, but several princes joined forces, and the prince’s field continued to be crushed and banned.

This is too deadly for Qin Qi, and it is extremely exhausted to resist this part of the force alone.

Damn, damn, no way out

"Death here." The prince of the Mozu sneered, even if he was not willing to live, he would kill Qin Qi.

"Although it is very weak, but the identity is special, you, join forces, kill him!" A prince cold and cold, began to condense into a strong attack.

In exchange for others, they naturally disdain this, but the object at this moment is the future war of the Terrans, how much power can not be overemphasized.

"Opportunity!" Qin Qi flashed a thought in his heart, using the anti-shield, can certainly create opportunities.

After all, it only takes a second to get out of the control of the other side.

"Ordered attack, don't shoot at the same time!" But it was among the gravel piles. Qing Litian was crawling out of the blood, regardless of his own wolverines, and shouted at the demon prince.

Qin Qi’s eyes suddenly became extremely cold. Did the **** Qing Litian see through his thoughts?

However, this moment has not allowed Qin Qi to think more, only one fight.

At the moment, all means are done, the light of the light goes forward, the demon roars, the effect of the imperfections and the effect of the inevitable are simultaneously opened, and one of the weaker princes is taken straight.

Although it is weaker, it is still a four-star prince. The suppression of the realm is terrible, but this is the only breakthrough for Qin Qi.

The prince saw Qin Qi Chong, his face suddenly gloomy, how he would not know why Qin Qi chose so, obviously Qin Qi thinks he is the weakest, is the breakthrough!

"Human, you will pay for your choice!" The demon prince, the magic behind the vibration, directly into the magic.

He will not give Qin Qi any chance.

The magic is raging, the Holy Light is suppressed, the gap between the realms is too great, and the influence of the Holy Family on the Mozu has reached a very low level.

However, it must be broken!

Time is not enough, Qin Qi has no effort to evade, and the attack on the face is rushing, and the speed is not attenuated.

"court death!"

The terrible magic light vibrates, you can plow the mountains and rivers, and the Qin Qi has not yet entered the realm of the Holy Spirit. Even if it is the body of the dragon vein, it can never resist it.

However, Qin Qi blocked it, not only that, but also stepped forward.

Invincible state!


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