God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1133: Terran? Mozu!

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-three chapters of the Terran? Mozu!

Qin Qi did not expect poetry to appear here.

That Long Guangyuan shot, just to force the appearance of poetry!

In other words, the relationship between Qin Qi and poetry is not as secret as his own imagination, and has been known and used by the top level of the human race.

"Young Master!" The poetry poetry saw Qin Qi, who was close at hand, and his tears continued to roll down.

She finally saw Qin Qi.

She didn't want to stay in the Mozu. She didn't want to stay in that strange world. She just wanted to go back to the young master and quietly be a little maid.

"Come on!" Qin Qi's eyes are red.

He is very clear about what it means to be here as a poetry.

That is death!

Qin Qi did not want to, all the power in the body broke out, and the Kowloon roared, and the ancient gods shook the heavens and the earth.

He wants to send poetry to leave!

"Since it is here, don't think about it!" Long Guangyuan seems to have thought of this point. With two swords, with the power of his high-ranking Wusheng, it is useless for Qin Qi to break out.

Was blocked, even if it is not a smallpox, Qin Qi has become a different place.

"Hey!" Qin Qi spurted a blood, his face pale.

"Young master, how are you!" Shi Shi hurriedly hurriedly, and quickly helped Qin Qi, a look of worry.

This girl, in the end, knows what kind of situation she is in. She is not the little girl of the Terran, but the saint of the Mozu.

She is the Mozu ceiling, which is the fast existence of the Terran!

But in her eyes, there is only Qin Qi, and nothing else.

Even her own life is completely ignored.

"Poetry, how are you so stupid, you can't save me." Qin Qi's painful way, the teeth clenched.

He seems to have returned to the original, when EBNER took away poetry.

The sense of powerlessness once again swept his body and mind.

Why, why is it so far, he still has no power to protect the people who want to protect.

Last time, he couldn't stop Ebner from taking poetry.

This time, he can't even stop the Terran killing poetry!

"Damn, **** it!" Qin Qi is shaking and I will never accept such a reality!

"Devil's smallpox!" Until then, the Terran side was shaken. Everyone stood up fiercely and looked at the girl around Qin Qi unbelievably.

The imprint of her forehead is so purely magical, the three-petal ceiling represents the supreme magic!

This turned out to be the Mozu ceiling.

The Mozu, even awakened the smallpox!

Everyone is a big shock, the kind of horror, like an endless thunder roaring in the ear.

No one doesn't know what the Mozu's smallpox means. It's the source of the magic that can unite the entire Mozu, and all the Tianyuan twelve!

Her meaning is like a fire to the human race.

The Mozu has always been the head of the three tribes, and is the strongest ethnic group. If the non-twelf clan is in serious struggle and is mutually constrained, I am afraid that both the demon and the human race have become slaves.

Therefore, the Mozu smallpox is the existence that the Terran does not want to see. Once it appears, no matter what the price, it must be killed!

Never let the ceiling integrate the power of the Mozu.

At this moment, the legendary Mozu smallpox appeared in front of them and appeared in the autumn of this human race!

In front of the sacred, she only came in.

Hard to understand, unbelievable.

But for whatever reason, the Mozu smallpox has come to the Terran's territory and stood on the Devil's Desk, then everything is destined.

This is destiny. When the Terran loses its salary, this Devil's smallpox will also fall.

If this is the case, then the Terran is actually earning.

Because even if there is a fire, it is difficult for the Terran to suppress the Mozu in reverse, but if the Mozu has a smallpox, then even if the Terran has a fire, it will be defeated.

It’s worth the fire!

At the moment, all the saints have taken out their hands and broke out with powerful power. The exclusive avenue has become a chain, dense and dense, and the whole scorpion is closed.

Such an opportunity has never happened once in 100,000 years. The stupidity of the Mozu smallpox must be at the expense of death!

"His Royal Highness, what can be said now, see it, that Qin Qi and the Mozu saint are a group, he is the traitor of the Terran!" Jiujian Longsheng indifferent, now, finally hammered.

The face of Honglian is constantly changing, and white fences and other people are also horrified.

The saint of the Mozu appeared, and came to save Qin Qi.

What a stupid decision this is, she exposed herself to the sacred, what is it like to find death?

But this is more proof that Qin Qi is very close to the Mozu saint.

The appearance of the Mozu's smallpox shattered all doubts, whether or not there were doubts, whether or not the matter could be fully explained.

It doesn't matter.

What is important is that Qin Qi and the Mozu saint are a group, then he will die, the crime of the Terran fire, he also wants to back!

"Kill this witch and avenge the fire!"

"Yes, kill her!"

"kill and kill!"

Whether it is the right side of the alliance, the military, or the neutral forces, they are all on the same side at the moment.

Their eyes are full of killings, that is the hatred between races, the willingness to change.

They will not let go of the Mozu ceiling.

Absolutely not!

Even if it is Honglian, the first reaction to see the Mozu smallpox is to kill, there is no other option.

"Qin Qi, who is she?" Red Lotus came out more and more, she wanted Qin Qi to give her a reason, a reason not to kill him.

Qin Qi was a miserable smile.

"She is my little maid and my family." Qin Qi whispered.

"Oh, it really turned into a magic road, and turned a demon as a family!"

"Okay, finally tell the truth, you are a human race traitor!"

"Today, you are going to die on this magic platform!"

Many people are squatting, and now there is no need for any evidence and the like. The four-character devil's ceiling is enough to determine the death penalty of Qin Qi!

"Do you know that she is a demon?" The voice of Honglian was a little trembling.

"I know, but for me, she is just a little maid who doesn't understand anything. She is a man who is not important at all." Qin Qidao.

"Qin Qi, do you know what you are talking about?" The voice of Honglian is extremely fierce. Her eyes are like pleading, begging Qin Qi to excuse himself.

In that way, she had reason to let go of Qin Qi.

However, Qin Qi knows that poetry and poetry today cannot be gone, and it must be dead.

Let him clarify the relationship with poetry and live alone. He can't do it.

"His Highness, the death of the fire, has nothing to do with me, I have not done a thing that I am sorry for the Terran."

"I went to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and I kept the country for the human race. I was in danger, not afraid of life and death. But today, I was framed by the people I protected and became a demon on this magical platform."

"Human? Mozu?"

Qin Qi smiled, unscrupulous, the neck between the green tendons, crazy roar, "I protect the Terran, today I tried my best to kill me, and the Mozu in your mouth, but died to save me!"

"She wants to save me from the knife of the Terran, how ironic!"

"His Highness, you tell me, Terran, Mozu, what is the meaning, who should I fight for!"

"Is it for those who are ungrateful, only those who have interests in their eyes, or who are willing to fall into danger, even if they are dead, will come to save me?" Qin Qi growled, he was really disheartened.

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