The first thousand one hundred and thirty-eight chapters left

The ancient ancestors of Ares did not know why they could recover so quickly. It seems that after Qin Qi made his wish, he immediately woke up.

This human being has such power?


At this time, it seems that Tianzhu was once again opened, and there was a terror in the Terran side.

It is not from the Imperial City, nor the Holy Palace, but from a mysterious region.

That breath is like a god.

"The first day of the election, the gods!"

He has disappeared for many years. Whether it is death or not, no one knows. He never imagined that he was at this moment, showing an invincible breath!

His breath is so amazing, extremely miraculous, different from everyone else, but seems to be similar to everyone.

He seems to have thousands of ways!

Compared with the ancient ancestors of the Mozu, even those who are bright and holy, the first choice of the heavens can be said to be a younger generation, and he has reached this level?

It is really unexpected.

"Go!" Ares's ancient ancestors did not dare to neglect, they must take the poems away immediately, or there will be major changes.

"Young master, go with me!" cried poetry.

Qin Qi scraped the nose of the poem, then pushed her away and let the ancient ancestor of Ares take her away.

At the same time, he also summoned Xiaoyou, let Xiaoyou leave with poetry.

"Little quiet, go to the northern black forest, that place, is your world!" Qin Qidao, let Xiaoyou leave.

A long time ago, Gao has had such a proposal. He hoped that Qin Qi would send Xiao You to the Black Forest in the North and join the Dark Dragon Nest.

However, Qin Qi has been unwilling, not Xiao You can improve his combat power, he can not bear the bonus, but he does not want Xiao You to go to such a dangerous place.

After all, what Gao Gao wants to do is to let Xiao You enter the interior of the Dark Dragon Nest and find the backing of the Terran Alliance for the Chaos Era Alliance to check and balance the enemy of Qin Qi.

The danger is imaginable.

Not to mention the forces in the Black Forest are all heretical, not for the three races.

Only now, Qin Qi has no choice but to leave.

"Yes, Master." Xiao You gave a dragon scream and left with the poem.

"Young master, don't!" The poem widened his eyes and cried out loud.

"Remember my words, grow up quickly." Qin Qi smiled and waved.

He can of course leave through the ancient ancestors of Ares.

But Qin Qi knows that he can't do that.

Once he is gone, the Terran side will be unscrupulous, and the Chaos Era Alliance will be immediately uprooted.

The person he cherishes, the one he loves, will die.

A thunderous madfield can't resist the vengeful revenge of the Holy King. Although only the Chaos Era Alliance is mastered at the entrance and exit, there are forces such as the Jun family.

Therefore, Qin Qi pushed the poems away and let them go, so that they could leave safely.

As long as the poems are not dead, Qin Qi has the opportunity to survive.

As long as Qin Qi is still alive, then all the contradictions are on him, and the Chaos Era Alliance will not easily go wrong.

This is the only one and the best way he can think of.

The ancient ancestors of Ares left, took away the poems of crying, and the small secluded dragons.

In the holy palace, the bright king is roaring, but he can't stop it.

Tianyuan's four ancient ancestors looked at him. If he dared to move, he would be hit hard.

In this case, even if there is someone on the other side of the Mozu who is accomplices with him, but there is nothing he can do. After all, this cooperation is unspeakable and must not be exposed.

Therefore, his accomplices will not keep his hands on him.

He can only roar in anger, watching the ancient ancestors of Ares take away poetry.

In the imperial city of Zhongzhou, the atmosphere still has the power to dominate the world. He did not move, just looked at it all.

The first choice of the day, the **** of the road, his breath is slowly convergence.

He also prevented the ancient ancestors of Ares from leaving.

If this is the case, then go quiet and continue to explore the supreme power.

As the world is approaching, he has been fortunate enough to go to the forefront and is not willing to take a step back.

The ancient ancestors of Ares left, and took away the devil's smallpox. They could not stop even the bright king. They could not do it.

The blood on the ground, so striking, was shocked by the strength of the ancient ancestors, and turned into blood, which made them cold hands and feet.

Nothing can be done except watching the smallpox escape.

Annoyed, remorse, pain, roar!

The human race is almost mad, so the opportunity to kill the Mozu smallpox, but she escaped, how can I accept?

That is the devil's smallpox, can dominate the existence of the heavens, she lives, the human race will never have a day!


He is almost crazy and wants to tear his heart.

Since the deduction of the smallpox, they have been planning for decades, even at a huge cost to create a fake fire, just to kill the Mozu smallpox, to get rid of this hidden danger.

However, in the end, it actually failed. This result cannot be accepted at all.

"Qin Qi!" The old man roared, like crazy, he was a man behind the scenes, but at this moment, he even rushed to the stage.

Expose yourself.

This is extremely unwise, and it is a mistake that the heavenly master should not make.

It is imaginable that his anger and hatred in his heart are amazing.

"Qin Qi, kill Qin Qi!"

Many people are jealous, and the person who caused this result is Qin Qi.

This devil head, actually let go of the Mozu smallpox!

Damn, the kill, the yo!

Qin Qi looked at the phase of this being, watching their roaring madness, the face, no different from the magic.

He just looked at it and looked indifferent.


Some people have already shot, the knife and the light smashed the mountains and rivers, and almost Qin Qi was cut off.

The blood is spilling, it looks so glaring.

Not long ago, he was still sprinkling blood for the Terran, killing the Mozu, and at this moment, he was taken as a devil by the Terran, and he was seriously injured.


Qin Qi just sneered, staring at these people.

"You guys, killing the devil, killing, it is more than one." Qin Qi haha ​​smiled, today, he is standing here.

No matter what kind of ending he is greeted, he can face it calmly.

"The demon, when he died, he dared to arrogantly. You know that the crime you committed today, no matter how much merit, can't make up for it!"

"The person who enters the devil, is also equipped with rumors? You think that we do not know that it is just your obstacles, and it is the shame of my family to be saved by the devil like you!"

"Hey, you devil, loss, we still miss your feat, I did not expect that it was a conspiracy, the will of the gods of war, have been tarnished by you!"

"What about nonsense, kill him!"

"No, you can't be cheaper, you should be a thousand!"

Qin Qi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at these people. The taunting of the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

He does not have any backhand now. If these people must kill him, then he is absolutely unable to live.

However, he believes he can live today!

"Enough, stop here!"

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