God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1159: Snatching fruit

The first thousand one hundred and fifty-nine chapters robbed the fruit

The power of the gods and gods has completely erupted, and the suppression of the shackles has been suppressed. Even if it is a wild animal, it must be suppressed.

"The human beings in the district, even if it is the Taoist system, the woman is no longer there, no one has ever protected the human race!" After the death of Zhu Huai.

Even if the demon is on, he will have to be broken by him.

"This animal, is it that the injury has not healed, **** it, can't let it out!"

On the top of the ancient forest, the door of the door and the elders of the elders, the face is changing at the moment, they feel tremendous pressure.

That ruin, almost broke through the seal.

"It turned out to be waiting for the formation of the fruit of the Great World. It deceived us!" The elders trembled.

If it is rushed out by such a wild animal, even if it is just a cub, the whole word in the door, I am afraid it will be destroyed.

"Open the Wanzi Shenzheng and put all the Yuanjing into it. In any case, you must suppress it!" The doorkeeper of the word gate snarled.

The order of the door master was quickly carried out, and then, in the word gate, countless words appeared, like a starry sky.

Every word is glowing, combined with each other and turned into a large array.

This array is one of the strongest foundations of the word gate. It will only be opened when the danger of extermination is over. The strength is strong, and naturally there is no need to doubt.

Even if it is a wild animal, there is the shackles of the ancient altar, and it bears the Bafangfeng town headed by Wu Sheng. Now, even the Wanzi gods have been opened.

With such pressure, it also wants to respond easily.

Sure enough, after the opening of the 4D Gods, the horrible squalor retreats and it is difficult to continue to wreak havoc.

"Do you want to ask the Alliance for help?" said a senior elder.

Although the enthusiasm was temporarily suppressed, I am afraid that it will not be suppressed for too long, and its power is returning.

Moreover, if it is the fruit of the big world, then it is really finished.

"Once the confession of the alliance, then the fruit of this great world, and our share?" Another too, the elders shouted.

Asking God to send God easily, the Alliance reinforcements arrived, perhaps indeed can solve the crisis of this word, but the fruits of the big world, certainly not their share.

This ancient Gulin, has always been a word of the door, and now finally ushered in the fruits of the big world, but want to change hands?

It is really not reconciled.

"Wait again, maybe there will be disciples who have the chance to get the chance." The doorkeeper said, as long as someone got it, he would not take it again.


In the center of Gulin, the battle of the altar continued, and it was even more intense.

The pale sky and the image of the gods are empty, suppressing the hearts.

"Damn man, you can't stop me!" The arms were roaring, but the power was suppressed again.

"The word-words of the word gate, oh, finally let go, this is an opportunity!" 夯 夯 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯 夯

Take this opportunity to grab the fruits of the big world!

The same day, I realized this, and the body shape passed, and the ice flame danced.

"Looking for death!" The hustle and bustle, the hooves are like mountains, slamming down, to crush the day.

The fruit of that great world is about to mature soon. The "egg" is about to appear, and it is under its hoof. How can it allow humans to **** the fruits of its many years of waiting?


There were cracks in the altar, and these cherries were not affected, and the madness was surging, so that it had to pay a great price.

However, as long as you get the fruits of the big world, then everything is worth it.

In the daytime, the hurricane swayed, the sword light flashed, the ice flame burned, and the kind of cold and cold bones, even the body of the arms could not bear.

"Hey!" The day was low, and there was a big day on the sword light, which went straight down.

"Hey!" The roar of all the enemies, was turned out to be a defense in the day.

Its huge hoof, there is a cut, the white ice flame is beating, is rapidly invading its body.

The power of the pale day, even if it is ridiculous, is not so good.

"Human, dead!" Zhu Huai was even more angry, and a pair of eyes turned directly into blood.

This **** human has actually hurt it.

The four long horns, the suffocating suffocation, swept down.

"Be careful!" 夯 夯 Kun yelled, the gods open the sky, resisting the madness.

"Hey now!" The daylight is condensed, and the speed is almost like a teleport, rushing to where the fruit of the great world is.

"Hugh think!" The roaring of the arms, long-haired, the rune chain can no longer support, and it was broken.

There is no limit to the squalor in the body, and the madness erupts.

Seeing that the fruits of the big world are to be taken away, the hearts of the people have completely gone out, burning their own little blood, in exchange for a powerful enough power.

The result of this will make it more serious and even drowning than before, but as long as the fruit of the big world is obtained, it will be sure to recover.

The sudden outbreak of Zhuihuai was unexpected. The rune shackles were directly broken. Even if there was Wushu suppression, it would not have much effect.

"Day, retreat!" 夯 夯 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The gaze of the day is condensed, but it does not retreat, but continues to move forward.

"White day!" Qin Qi is also exclaimed, so even if she gets the fruit of the big world, she can't keep herself.

The present care is not what they can compete with.

"Human, die here!" The voice of Zhu Huai was like a thunder, and the whole word was shaking.

Above its four corners, the ruined gas is the most terrible practice, crushing the void, completely shrouded the day.

"Go!" Drinking low in the daytime, Jianfeng took a pick, and actually took the big fruit out and shot it to Qin Qi.

"Run!" The day was screaming, and then it was completely submerged by the flood.

"White day!"

The great demon, the gods and the devils moved forward, but they were completely shaken by the hunger.

At this moment, no one can stop.

"White day, why." Qin Qi holds the fruit of the big world, but it is difficult to move.

In the daytime, he would do so, and he will give his fruit to him.

"The king's field, the king's contempt!"

Ren Wang Zhenshi, even if it can't have too much influence on the existence of Zhuihua, how could Qin Qi escape like this.

"Run!" It is the sound of the day.

She coughed blood and was heavily injured, but her body was wrapped in a pale day, and the ice flame turned into the strongest ice crystal, which resisted the fatal blow.

Still not dead!

But if this continues, it will definitely die.

The only way is to run.

Qin Qi did not have time to ask why Bai Day did this. He must now run. Only in this way can he lead the minds and live in the day.

Speed ​​word 诀, 凌空翼, and, 轻鸿篇.

Qin Qi is like a lightning bolt, leaving quickly.

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