God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1168: Treasure

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-eight chapters

He/she is very vague, only has a rough outline, can't see the race, and can't see men and women, but obviously all the gods are far from him/her.

It is not afraid to approach, or, is not qualified to approach, is the fierce image of the central position, the power is unparalleled, but it is weak.

"This back..." Qin Qi frowned, was it the same as the back he had seen in the illusion?

It is a pity that apart from the statues, there are no words or records left, and they cannot guess their origins.

There was nothing special on the image of the gods, and the eyes of the people fell on the top of the tomb.

The huge embarrassment, I do not know what the material is forged, the years gone by, it seems that it can not leave traces.

It is held in the air by a thick chain, and at the end of the chain, there are many gods.

This is even stronger than the Three Gods and Six Devils Laws that Jing Tian Lou has seen. There is no doubt that the ones buried in it are also the emperor level.

"This is a slogan, we should not be able to open it." Zhang Lang looked at it for a long time, and he was very excited. After all, he had never seen such a tomb.

But he is also very direct. With them, he can’t open it.

Even the connection can't be done.

"I will try it." Qin Qidao, still a little unwilling in my heart.

He was wrapped in strength, and the human king's field shook out. The eggs of the creations radiated innumerable light in the body.

Like a young boy, he stepped forward, but he was stopped without taking two steps. It was a kind of pressure, and he could not do even advance.

Standing at the entrance of the tomb is not felt, but once you walk in, this pressure will come in an instant. Every step, the pressure can be multiplied.

That feeling is like confronting the gods!

Nothing is possible!

It is Qin Qi, the power is fully open, but it is just three steps forward.

Seeing this, everyone sighed, and sure enough, such tombs are not something they can get, the power is too weak, and the connection can't be near.

"Qin Xiong, I am here to help you!" But Zhao Cai bite his teeth and rushed out.

Came here, he has not found what he wants, how can he leave?

At the moment, Zhao Cai’s soul is shaking, and then a stone tower rushes out of his body and floats above Qin Qi’s head!

This stone tower, simple and simple, has a kind of returning to the true rhyme in it, watching there is no strong fluctuations, but Qin Qi can feel that the pressure on his body has instantly decreased.

Good guy, Zhang Lang, this stone tower, I am afraid that the origin is extremely amazing.

"Qin brother, you try your best to come forward, I will summon the baby, how can I not empty hand back!" Zhao Cai shouted, the cornucopia appeared above the head, struggling to stimulate strength.

Qin Qi nodded and continued to move forward.

It seems that the number of steps forwarded by Qin Qi finally caught the attention of the idol, and the pressure on one stock was even heavier, almost crushing the world.

Qin Qi snorted, and said nothing, directly rushed into the level of a broken half.

The realm of the realm has come to the height of the semi-san, and the power that Qin Qi can explode is naturally several times that of the ten-star Wu Zun.

Be able to persist!

Behind Qin Qi, a **** of martial arts roared, the king was headed, and arrogant, and the eggs of his body were constantly spinning, reversing and regaining opportunities.

Step by step, Qin Qi once again marched a long way, and the distance is huge.

At this moment, the idol has begun to shine, and even the scene of the roar of the gods and gods appears. It seems that the gods have to break through time and space from the ancient battlefield!

This kind of power, Qin Qi is difficult to stop, is once again rushed into the realm of the second and second half of the holy, but also some can not afford.

Or not!


At this moment, Zhao Cai’s two-story stone pagoda began to vibrate, and there was an infinite amount of light shining, and an extremely terrifying atmosphere erupted from the stone tower.

This is not Zhao Cai is urging the stone tower, but it is self-recovering!

Did you feel the threat of the gods, or did you start to get angry after being suppressed?

Qin Qi did not know, what he knew was that this stone tower was really amazing. The interior seemed to have a **** and was roaring.

And the kind of self-respecting power is the self-respect that is not willing to be suppressed by any existence, and the pride that can crush everything!

The stone tower glowed and recovered on its own. The pressure of Qin Qi suddenly became loose and progressed quickly. It has already reached a huge height.

"Okay, look at me!" Zhao Cai was overjoyed, using some kind of secret method, the cornucopia also began to shine, some mysterious power, from the cornucopia.

Immediately, I saw a beam of light rushing out of the huge scorpion and falling into the cornucopia.

It was a treasure that was attracted by the cornucopia and flew out of the raft.

This scene, the eyes of the people are very hot, but also too bad!

Zhao Cai coughed, coughing out the blood of the mouth, apparently suffered a counterattack, but such a person like him, depending on the wealth, this time is to save his life and continue to attract treasure.

After a while, another beam of light flew out and fell into the cornucopia. This is the second treasure.

Then, another one, seeing people's eyes bright!

However, the fourth light, but it has not been flying, it has come to the edge of the shackles, only one step, you can get it in your hands.

"Mom, it must be that, no, death must be made out!" Zhao Caifa stunned, took out a medicinal herb, and his eyes flashed a touch of pain.

However, he did not hesitate, immediately took it, and then his breath began to skyrocket and directly rushed into the realm of semi-sacred.

These medicines are definitely a magical medicine. This Zhao Cai is really willing.

With the improvement of Zhao Cai's strength, the attraction of the cornucopia is even greater. A light group appears on the top of the coffin and half has been exposed.

Only at this moment, the tomb was finally aware of Zhao Cai’s actions and began to get angry.

Many gods, each emitting a ray of light, and even the whole cockroach, began to light up, and even inside, there was a roar.

This sorrow, unlike those outside, is really a burial of a certain existence.

The master of that level is dead, and the corpse also has the power of Geshiwei. At this moment, it is motivated. Once mad, Qin Qi and others may not be able to go.

"Zhao Xiong, withdraw it, life is important!" Zhang Lang screamed.

At this moment, the entire tomb seems to have begun to recover. The shadow of the gods and the gods is clear, and the heart of the people stops beating and sends out inner fear.

"No, I am here for it, just take it out, other baby, I don't want it!" Zhao Cai shouted, really reluctant to give up.

Zhang Lang stood outside the tomb. At this moment, they felt that the pressure was huge and it was difficult to compete. Not to mention Qin Qi.

The position he is standing on, but under the hood, bear the brunt!

"Qin brother, just stick to it!" Zhao Cai cried as he coughed blood.

But the light group is just a little bit worse.

Qin Qi bites his teeth, the body has cracked, and it is almost impossible to support it.

After all, this is not the body of the dragon vein. The gap is too big and it is difficult to make up for it.

However, Qin Qi is close enough, but he also perceives the breath in the light group. It is no wonder that Zhao Cai insists on this and wants to get it.

"I can help you, but the results, you can only listen to the fate!" Qin Qi shouted, a sword flying out of the tomb.

Immediately, he volleyed and kicked a foot at the two-story stone tower.

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