God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1202: Laozi is too shameful

The first two hundred and two two chapters are too shameful

Li Ningshen heard the sound and quickly stood up. He crossed the waist and pointed at Qin Qi and shouted: "Qin Kong, where have you been, how come back now!"

"This should not need to explain to you?" Qin Qi impatient.

"I am your sister, how can your attitude be so bad!" Li Ningshang squatted.

"What happened to the teacher who came to see me?" Qin Qi was a little depressed, is this girl so busy?

"I want you to apologize to me!"

"Do you apologize?"

"You are too bad for me. No one has ever been to me. Whether it is a brother or a younger brother, it is very good for me and never makes me angry!"

"But you, Qin Kong, my younger brother, the result makes me angry when I meet, I want you to apologize to me!" Li Ning is justified.

What is this with?

This little girl seems to be used to the life of the stars in the weekdays. When others are slightly cold to her, they feel much wronged.

"Sister Sorry." Qin Qi said directly, very much do not want to waste time.

"Ah?" Li Ningshang blinked. I didn't expect Qin Qi to apologize for this. I couldn't react at the moment.

After all, although their contact was short-lived, Li Ningshang knew that Qin Qi was a difficult person to do. Today she is ready for a protracted war.

Do not correct Qin Qi’s attitude and swear not to give up.

As a result, Qin Qi apologized so simply and made her a little embarrassed.

"What else is there for the sister?"

"You, I... that, you know what is wrong, just see me next time, you have to be polite, our Tianzi Academy is the most valued!" Li Ningshang educated Qin Qi as a sister.

"Really?" Qin Qi is somewhat ridiculous.

Li Ningshang took a moment and remembered the conflict between Qin Qi and Zhao Mingyu one day ago, and the word "ritual number" really could not be touched.

"That is, it is because..." Li Ningchang started to squat and didn't know how to answer.

This girl, it is estimated that the background is not weak, the father or grandparent should be the big man of the emperor's academy, living in the ivory tower since childhood.

This little girl, I am afraid I have not experienced any ugliness, and I will know the cruelty of reality.

"Right, the so-called three brothers, and the dragon proud wind, they did not intend to come to me to settle accounts?" Since this is said, Qin Qi should pay attention to it.

After all, it involves the task of "the remains of the sun."

Li Ningshang heard the words, suddenly called "ah", and quickly said: "I am here because of this to find you!"

"So why didn't you say it at first?"

"You have been forgotten by you, who makes you so bad!"

"Oh, my fault, can the sister can say it now?"

Li Ningshang blinked, and then some worried: "I heard that after Zhao Brother and Long Mu went back, the three divisions immediately became angry, and they came to you without saying anything."

"But you don't know where to go. He can't find you. He can only give up temporarily, but he lets Long Mu and others not leave, saying that this will not be the case, and will definitely give them an account!"

"He also said that Zhao’s brother was beaten, and it’s a matter of course. After all, it’s a matter of the door. If you have a member of the academician, you have moved Longmu, and it’s not a problem.”

"Secretly tell you, this time the three brothers lost a big face in front of Longaofeng. The person he invited was beaten at the Tianzi Academy. He didn't mention it!" Li Ningsang was afraid of the road.

Before Jiang Lingqing had come to Yun Tianyi to find Qin Qi, his face was extremely gloomy and ugly, scary and incomparable, Li Ningshang was the first time to see such Jiang Lingqing.

"So you should hurry up and hide, the three brothers will not let you go this time." Li Ningsang worried.

"You don't hate me, someone cleans me up, you should be happy, even let me hide?" Qin Qi is a bit strange.

"I, I hate you, it is because you are rude to me, not rude, but you can't see you bad because of this, and it is Master Zhao who they did wrong." Li Ningshang's cheeks are slightly red, flat Mouth.

The little girl is still good, it is too spoiled, otherwise it should be very flattering.

"Don't say this, you are hiding, you have to go to the library, or you will not come out in Yuntian."

"This is the former residence of Mr. Ten, they dare not come too chaos!" Li Ning said.

"Li Shimei, he can hide for a while, but can hide for a lifetime, this matter, he will finally give an account!" But a voice answered Li Ningshang.

Li Ningsang was shocked and quickly looked at the end of the road. Jiang Lingqing was coming with a group of brothers.

"The three divisions are coming, what to do!" Li Ningsang was a little scared.

"I am afraid he will not come!" Qin Qi smiled.

Jiang Lingqing, the instrument is imposing, walking, majestic and self-contained, it is the three disciples of the Tianzi Academy, and it is more than a few of the teachings of the great teachers.

And by his side, the people who walked with him, the dragon proud wind, from the Huang Daolong Palace, is said to have got one-half of the fruits of the great world, and the power is amazing.

Long Mu is also, at this moment, seeing Qin Qi, suddenly revealed the color of grievances, and constantly talking about what is around Longaofeng.

The long and narrow scorpion of the dragon proudly flashed, and looked cold and cold to Qin Qi, but it did not surpass it. After all, this is the home of Jiang Lingqing.

When Jiang Lingqing came, the momentum became stronger and stronger. When he arrived in front of Qin Qi, there was already a mountain and sea trend.

"You are the Qin Kong?" Jiang Lingqing looked at Qin Qi indifferently, his voice was cold.

"It's me." Qin Qi is self-conscious.

Jiang Lingqing blinked his eyes and said coldly: "You are very calm, but also right, you defeated Zhao Mingyu, and indeed have conceited capital."

"But even if you are strong, you should not do this. Zhao Mingyu is your brother. You and his hands are a taboo for the college. What's more, you are so hot and not the right person in the right way!"

"Duty?" Qin Qi sneered aloud. "The righteousness of the right way is that others are humiliated at home, but also have to endure?"

"Oh, my tongue is like a spring, the righteousness of the right way, you are so narrow-minded, you have my own judgment in this matter, you don't need to say more!" Jiang Lingqing said indifferently.

This gesture is that Lao Tzu has already made a decision in his heart. It is useless to say what you are.

In this way, Qin Qi also knows that it is unhelpful, and simply let Jiang Lingqing continue to play.

"In the past, although you have made a mistake, you can tolerate it. You will be punished for a year after you have closed the door, but you should not shoot Long Mu!"

"Long Mu is the person of the Huang Daolong Palace. You are shooting at him. That is to throw away the face of my emperor's academy. It is to embarrass me in front of the dragon brother!"

"So today, you have to give an account!" Jiang Lingqing cold channel.

"How to explain?" Qin Qi laughed.

Jiang Lingqing frowned, and his attitude towards Qin Qi was very unpleasant.

"Apologize to Long Mu Shidi!" Jiang Lingqing shouted.

"So if he doesn't accept it?" Qin Qi raised his eyebrows.

"Then do his satisfaction!" Jiang Lingqing cold and cold.

Long Mu smiled a few times and looked at Qin Qi sarcastically.

Before Qin Qi was so arrogant, let him kneel and interrupt his teeth. Now, he is not going to bow to him, and he will not finish when he does not finish it!

He wants Qin Qi to kneel down and then interrupt his own teeth before he can give up.

Long proud wind is a faint look, a flash of brutality in his eyes.

"Three brothers, this thing..." Li Ningshen bite his teeth and swelled up his courage.

But it was stopped by Qin Qi.

Qin Qi glanced at Jiang Lingqing, and the sneer of the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

"Jiang Lingqing, you are really a waste, no choice of garbage, the Huang Daolong Palace is so powerful, want you to face them as dogs?"

"My Tianzi Academy is so humble, can't lift my head in front of the Huang Daolong Palace?"

"Tell you, you have to be the dog to go, today Laozi will lie here, the Huang Daolong Palace will dare to count Laozi, then wash the neck and die for Laozi!"

"As for you, either go out, or go to the Huangdaolong Palace as a dog, don't sway in the Tianzi Academy, Laozi is too shameful!" Qin Qi pointed to Jiang Lingqing.

All these words were mad and exploded. Everyone was stunned. Only Jiang Lingqing’s face was blue and purple.

Li Ning's small mouth Zhang Da became an O-type, can't believe that Qin Qi dared to say so.

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