God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1207: Five tenths

First thousand two hundred and seventy seven tenths

"Stop, Qin Kong, you stop!" Jiang Lingqing cried in horror, this kind of thing is too horrible, really more terrible than killing him.

If he is such a proud person, being forced to kneel down by Qin Qi is already an unbearable humiliation. If he is still hung in the mountain gate, he really has no face to live in the world.

Even if you kill Qin Qi, you can't reduce this shame.

"I apologize, I apologize to you!" Jiang Lingqing was really scared, and shouted.

Sure enough, for this kind of self-considered, self-righteous person, the face is heavier than the life, the more the tricks, the more useful.

"Isn't it so good early?" Qin Qi rolled his eyes and put up the rope, then said: "Talk about it."

"This is my fault, please also ask the younger brother to care!" Jiang Lingqing resisted the humiliation, the voice was shaking because of too much effort.

Qin Qi is watching Luo Ling like watching Jiang Lingqing.

"You apologize to people, so I will forgive you for being a ghost!" Qin Qi slammed a few times and took out the rope.

Jiang Lingqing was so scared that he flew away, biting his teeth, took out the same thing from the space ring and handed it to Qin Qi.

"This is a gift, but also the younger brother to accept." Jiang Lingqing is extremely difficult.

A shameful shame!

But it is still tolerable compared to being hung on the mountain gate.

This thing that Jiang Lingqing took out made Qin Qi somewhat accidental. It was a earring. The style can be said to be very common and the materials are very common.

Don't say that it is not as good as Li Ningshang, that is, a woman who is a vulgar and a wealthy person, I am afraid it will be more valuable than this.

However, although the earrings are ordinary, they give Qin Qi an extremely extraordinary feeling. It seems that this kind of ordinaryness implies the mystery, and if it returns to the real road.

This feeling seems to have appeared before.

Qin Qi's eyebrows, took the earrings, and the next moment, his pupil suddenly shrank, but it was well concealed and was not noticed.

Five tenths!

The mission progress of the SSSS-level mission "The Time of the Year" jumped again and came to five tenths!

Qin Qi finally understood where the feeling of deja vu came from. The earrings, like the mask, had a special atmosphere.

"A earring, what does this mean for the brothers?" Qin Qi said faintly, and he did not know what he wanted.

"This earring is special, maybe there is a difference in it. Other things on my body, it is estimated that the younger brother does not need it. Only this earring, the mystery of the origin, you may be interested." Jiang Lingqing bite his teeth.

"Oh? Where is it?" Qin Qi asked.

This is not surprising. After all, it is important to understand the secrets of the earrings.

"In an ancient ruins." Jiang Lingqing said.

Qin Qi frowned, his hand touched the rope, and Jiang Lingqing was shocked.

Finally, Qin Qicai said: "Well, this time, even."

Wen Yan, Jiang Lingqing suddenly felt the rest of his life, but this feeling quickly made him feel very angry.

Is this acknowledging that Qin Qi is not better?

Qin Qi can not ignore him, and turn to look at the dragon proud wind.

Long proud wind clenched his teeth, but had to give in. After all, he was hungry in the mountain gate. He was more afraid than Jiang Lingqing.

"I have a Buddha stone, which is suspected of retaining the power of the Buddha's eight dragons. I can give it to you!" Long proud wind took a deep breath, so.

"Get it." Qin Qi said lightly.

Long proud of the wind to do, handed the Buddha stone to Qin Qi.

Of course, this matter will never be so calculated. Today's shame, he must let Qin Qi back thousands of times back!

But before that, he had to go through this pass first.

Can bend and stretch, is the husband!

"Jiang Lingqing, why are you still there, do you want me to ask you to sit in Yuntianyu?" Qin Qi took the Buddha stone and looked at Jiang Lingqing.

Jiang Lingqing endured the anger, knowing that this is difficult, he will soon be over, and when he regains his freedom, he must retaliate against Qin Qi!

"Dragon brother, let's go." Jiang Lingqing said.

"Slow, I said he can go?" Qin Qi snorted.

"Qin Kong, what do you mean!" Long proud wind can no longer resist, roaring.

"Do you call another sentence?" Qin Qi gave him a look.

Long proud wind suddenly breathed a stagnation, forcibly took a few deep breaths, only bite his teeth: "I have already given you a gift, how do you want!"

Qin Qi looked at the idiot and looked at the dragon proud wind.

"Isn't the Buddha stone given to me by myself? When did I say that I want to apologize?" Qin Qi rolled his eyes.


Long proud wind directly spit out a blood.

To vent your blood, Qin Qi is also a cow.

However, Qin Qi did not say anything wrong. He never said that Longao Fengdao can apologize and can go. It is Longaofeng who wants to give the Buddha stone to Qin Qi.

However, things have already arrived in the pocket of Qin Qi, I am afraid that I can not say anything.

"Okay, very good, Qin Kong, count you!" Long proud wind confessed, "You say, what do you want!"

"I said it at the beginning. I haven't finished this thing with you. I dare to go to the Temple of Heaven to frame me. It's a dog!"

"Let the people of the Huang Daolong Palace come to pick you up, and give me a satisfactory statement, otherwise, you will always be here!" Qin Qi said coldly.

Qin Qi still dare to do it.

Jiang Lingqing was shocked. Qin Qi had to make such a big trouble. He needed the elders of the Huang Daolong Palace to lead people. This is basically to make the Huang Daolong Palace soft to him!

"Hey, Qin Kong, you are really out of heart." Long proud wind is a sneer, full of ridicule. "If you do this, it will only worsen the relationship between the two. For you, it is tantamount to destroying the top." disaster!"

"Do you think that the emperor's college will offend me the Huang Daolong Palace for you?" Long proud sneer.

"Laugh your mom!" Qin Qi stepped on the face of Long Aofeng and walked under the floor.

"It’s all like this, it’s okay with this, is your brain okay?” Qin Qi shook his head.

"And, you made a mistake, things will develop into this way, it is your Huang Daolong Palace that is arrogant to me, and it is important to fight against Laozi, Laozi is just a counterattack!"

"So you should be worried about you, you should think about it, will Huang Daolong Palace offend my Tianzi Academy for you!" Qin Qi cold drink, no fear.

These words are that Jiang Lingqing has been stunned. When did the Tianzi Academy be so strong?

He talked with Long Aofeng, although both of them have a part of the key, but the dominant one is always the proud, and he does not feel that there is anything wrong with this relationship.

But now I suddenly found out that the emperor's academy, why do not consciously admit that the low Huang Daolong Palace first class!

No Qin Qi is so overbearing, everyone is probably thinking about it now, how to explain to the Huang Daolong Palace.

But why not the Huang Daolong Palace and the Tianzi Academy?

"Let's go." Jiang Lingqing calmed his face and took people away. He never went to Guan Longfeng.

The dragon proud wind is horrified in the heart, but also can not help but raise a trace of doubt.

He suddenly found out that this time, perhaps the signboard of the Huang Daolong Palace could not be used as it used to.

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