God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1229: Jinwu statue

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-nine chapters

Sun Shrine.

How can there be a sun shrine in this place!

Qin Qi’s heart was in doubt.

According to legend, the Sun God Palace is the base of Jinwu, located above the sun in the sky above the sky.

That is the real sun, not the big day of Jinwu.

Except for the Jinwu family, no one can approach the sun.

Legend has it that the three invincible Jinwu at the beginning of the heavens and the earth lived in the Sun God Palace.

"This is just a representation of the Sun God Palace, not true." The day is open, the sound is still cold, but the eyes are a bit complicated.

Qin Qi glanced at her. The eyes of the day were bright, but in fact there was no focal length. Qin Qi did not know what she was watching.

In fact, since the beginning of the day, Qin Qi has never seen her have a focal length.

However, as the day goes on, it can be understood. After all, this place has been destroyed by the war, and there is no such a palace.

About the time after the death of Emperor Jinwu, the obsession was not eliminated, and the place of birth was condensed.

"The fruit of the big world should be there." Qin Qidao.

It is only this Sun God Palace, although it is not real, but it is still horrible, but it is formed by the condensation of the sun and the blazing temperature, even the void will collapse.

"But this temperature, can we really get in?" Kun Kun swallowed his mouth.

This temperature is not a joke, and Wu Sheng may burn.

Qin Qi is also a dignified look, one by one text, full of five thousand, many of which have the power to resist the fire, and now it is shining.

"I will try first." Qin Qidao, then stepped into the Sun God Palace.


Just entering the Sun God Palace, several words of Qin Qi’s body were directly burned.

This level of high temperature is simply unbelievable. Qin Qi also needs to fully expand the field of people, in order to protect himself.

This is still the case, not to mention the real sun. It is no wonder that no one can get close except Jinwu.

In the Sun God Palace, a giant pillar is skyrocketing, all of which are flaming colors. The golden mantles on the top are painted into the shape of Jinwu, revealing noble and grandeur.

The Sun God Palace is huge, even if it is not real, but it still gives people a sense of grandeur. Standing here, its own smallness is undoubtedly revealed.

Qin Qi walked cautiously, dare not have the slightest intention, and as he progressed, the atmosphere of this place began to become strong.

The one of the giant pillars, the golden wu on it began to shine, and then it came out, just like the resurrection of Jinwu!

The humming sounds, these Jinwu noticed Qin Qi, suddenly the fire was shining, and they came to Qin Qi!

The endless sea of ​​fire came and burned everything, and the human kings of Qin Qi were repeatedly compressed.

However, Qin Qi did not panic, calmly responded, one hand and one print, slammed out, the Buddha shines, resisting the attack of Jinwu.

Even in such an environment, Qin Qi still has plenty of strength.

However, soon Qin Qi revealed a different color, the golden ruin that was destroyed by him, a little bit of gold awning, but it immediately formed again.

And more than that, it is even more powerful.

Qin Qi frowned, shot again, the tears of the sword and the front of the open space, a "day" word in the air, giving this sword more terrible power.

A golden scream was screamed by Qin Qi.

However, the sun fire in the Sun God Palace immediately came from all directions to help Jinwu once again condense.

Can't destroy it!

Qin Qi’s face sank, and the two great fruits in the body vibrated, destroying another golden wu.

This time, the recovery of the Jinwu was slow, and it was obviously swept by the power of the great fruit. It is not easy to recover.

However, it is still recovering, it has not stopped, it is only relatively slow.

If this continues, it will not work, and it will be endless.

In the middle of thinking, there was a pale white bird rushing behind Qin Qi, and he was bitten together with a golden eagle.

It is only the strength of this place that helps to promote the power of Jinwu. The pale birds are obviously not opponents.

When Qin Qi saw this, he would look at it and shoot it in an instant. A Luochao print was taken, and Jinwu’s half body was broken.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the pale white birds will show their brilliance and tear the Jinwu completely.

What surprised Qin Qi was that Jin Wu, shredded by pale white birds, seemed to have lost the ability to reorganize and completely disappeared.


Qin Qi looks a move, the king's field expands, and the day is also shrouded in.

At this moment, the day is different from the previous one. The body is surrounded by the pale ice flame, which is the shape of a bird.

And this pale white bird seems to be naturally hostile to Jin Wu, and each has the power to destroy each other.

In the daytime, his face was pale and pale, obviously it was not too small, but this Sunshine Palace did not inhibit the power of the day.

It seems to be the same.

This is also strange, how can the fire not suppress the ice?

"How are you?" Qin Qi, regardless of these, quickly came to the day.

"I'm fine." Shaking his head in the day, no expression.

Qin Qi explored the state of the day, and apart from the huge consumption, there is really no problem, so I can rest assured.

Even faint, Qin Qi feels that there is a force in the body that is awakening.

"These Jinwu handed me to me, you can come to the final blow." Qin Qidao, the day has a lore effect on Jinwu, can not be wasted.

"Okay." Nodded in the day, holding a sword in his hand, like a bird.

The number of Jinwu, still screaming, the sun is shining, diving down Qin Qi.

And Qin Qi, double-printed in the hand, the day of tears and the sword is constantly degenerating, that is, this Jinwu is strong, but also can not resist the full force of Qin Qi.

Of course, fortunately, there is a day, otherwise Qin Qi is really helpless.

It took some effort, and Qin Qi and Bairi finally killed the Jinwu here.

However, this place is still hot, the temperature is too high, although Qiang Kun can barely resist, but the strength is probably only enough to resist this flame.

Simply did not come in, so as not to add chaos.

"Let's go." The sound of the day was cold, but the fierce breath of the past did not know when it disappeared.

This place, for her, seems to be no stranger.

Qin Qi nodded, and the king's field retreated, only protecting two people and avoiding unnecessary consumption.

There are many martyrdoms in the Sun God Palace. Qin Qi does not know where to go, but the day is ahead, but he is not worried about going wrong.

Stepping into a hall, Qin Qi and Bai Ri came to a hall inside the Sun Temple.

This hall, splendid, does not say, the most striking is the ten statues.

Everyone has their own different poses, but at the same time, there are many similarities, but they are homologous.

"This will not be the ten golden lords of the cholera world!" Qin Qi could not help but be amazed.

In ancient times, the ten golden lords of the Great Emperor cholera, even the Mozu chose to crouch, temporarily avoiding their front, it is difficult to resist the evil spirits of the demon.

The Mozu retreats, and the Terran is naturally miserable, and the souls are smeared with charcoal. I don’t know how many dead.

However, in the end, the ten heads of Jinwu were shot by the big game of the mysterious Taoist system, and the remaining one was not known.

Such myths and legends are still circulating today.

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