God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1234: Gods at dusk

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-four chapters of the gods at dusk

Qin Qi just blurted out and didn't think about anything.

But when he said it, he stopped.

The girl in front of me is the day.

Her name is changed by him!

"White day?" White eyes blinked and giggled: "Well, I will call Bairi in the future, I like this name."

Qin Qi looks very complicated, and he finally understands everything.

Why is he willing to pay so much for him in the daytime, why is he going to be with him for no reason?

Because they have already known each other.

It’s just that Qin Qi doesn’t know it because he only experienced it at the moment.

"This name, okay?" Qin Qi’s voice was a little trembling.

"Okay, does Qin Kong dislike it?"

Qin Qi did not know what to say.

At first he didn't like to call the full name of the day, just wanted to call her as a white girl. After all, the girl has such a name, it is difficult to call it.

The day is not willing, ask if he does not like the name.

Days are very concerned about Qin Qi's feelings, and Qin Qi does not like his name.

Because, that is what Qin Qi took.

"Well, I like it very much. I like this name the most." Qin Qi squeezed his smile and held the day in his arms.

"Great, I also like the name Qin Kong!" Happy smiled in the day.

She can't see everything in the world, but she can see her own sun.

Looking at the smiling face of the day, Qin Qi’s heart is difficult.

The day came to his life and walked out of the pale egg of the Sun God Palace.

What did she experience?

Great destruction, killing all living beings, any traces of the past will be erased.

Don't say that ordinary people like Bairi are the Supreme Powers and can't live in another world.

Sleepless all night, Qin Qi thought too much.

In the daytime, he slept in his arms, a slightly weak body, and a pity.

What is the form of the upcoming separation?

After Qin Qi finally wants to leave here, what will he experience in the day after he leaves?

Qin Qi is hard to rest assured, and his heart is more anxious.

The dawn of the day is already a new day.

Woke up in the day, seems to think of something, took Qin Qi to go outside.

This ancient temple, she has lived for several years, and she is very familiar with nature. Even if she can't see anything, she can distinguish the position.

As Qin Qi came to the corner of the ancient temple, she buried some weapons here, but they are all very common, not treasures.

"This is the weapon of the sand scorpion. The master said that the Buddha did not see the knife, so they were buried here." Bairi said.

"You told me what to do?" Qin Qi wondered.

I reached out and took out a sword in the day, then smiled and said: "Qin Kong helped me to engrave on this sword, I will engrave my name, I want to know how to write my name."

"Is it not good to be engraved on the stone?" Qin Qi asked.

Shaking his head in the day, said: "Qin Kong will leave me one day, I have a sword, I can protect myself."

When he heard the day's cleverness, Qin Qi couldn't help but feel sour. He wanted to say that he would not let this happen.

But he knew that he was destined to leave.

"Day, you listen to me, we may be different, but believe me, separation is only temporary, because we will see each other again!" Qin Qi touched the white cheeks.

He will not know the day in the future.

Now she does not know Qin Kong.

But when time and space return to the same line, they can remember all.

Nodded hard in the day, she believed Qin Qi’s words.

Qin Qi said in the words of the day on the sword, and the day is very precious to collect.

In the days that followed, Qin Qi began to guide the practice of the day, he must let the day have a minimum of combat power, otherwise he would not be worried anyway.

Even knowing that the day will not die is the same.

In the daytime, she learned to practice and mastered the soul. She could use the space ring, which was filled with food.

Qin Qi is afraid of being hungry in the daytime.

Qin Qi did not know when he would leave, and everything was uncertain, but on this day, Qin Qi felt that he felt some special fluctuations.

He quickly went outside the ancient temple, and the outside scene made Qin Qi feel shocked.

The sky has completely changed. There are gods everywhere, and all kinds of horrible powers are scattered. Even if they are far apart, they still give Qin Qi a sense of horror.

What is the situation, the gods are born?

Qin Qi couldn't help but swallow his mouth, and the sky reflected the mythical general scene. I don't know how many heavy methods rise to the sky and go straight to the outside world.

At the same time, Qin Qi also felt that this piece of heaven and earth began to change.

There is a feeling of glory and decline.

What happened, was the big change that began 100,000 years ago?

Qin Qi's face was white and white, and then his pupil was even round.

Above the sky, there are actually three suns.

In addition to the original sun in the outer sky, there are two big days rising, one is reddish and the other is pale.

It is the Jinwu Emperor and the pale white bird!

Qin Qi couldn't help but retreat a few steps, his face pale and bloodless.

Immediately, there was another change, but the war broke out.

That is the direction of Zhongzhou, the red blood of the thunder, it can be seen clearly in the West Desert.

It seems that there is a dark iron column that broke through the sky.

It seems that there is a peerless Jianguang crushing the ground!

That is an indescribable sight.

It is the gods who are shooting!

"Don't it be the battle of the Thunder madfield!" Qin Qi could not help but exclaim.

But soon, the battle is over, there are unwilling jealousy, and there are also terrible trenches!

Did the battle win or lose?

Qin Qi has not seen it clearly, and the change has appeared again.

This time, there was a huge incomparable eye above the sky.

It seems that there is a figure standing under the pupil, holding the sword with one hand, but facing the beings.

The wide sleeves danced with the wind, and the figure was awkward, not like a man.

And this figure is in a flash, the law of the horizon will be moved.

The gods are shooting!

Northland is the devil.

Nan Man is a demon god.

The East China Sea is the sea god.

West desert, is a ghost!

Qin Qi was in the West Desert and could see clearly. Three horror figures were rushed out of the West Desert, with masks of the dead.

It is the three disasters of the dead!

The base camp of the mask of the dead, was it in the West Desert?

Not only that, but even the kings of the wild and wild beasts have appeared. They are more mature, I am afraid that they are the most primitive ones, and they can kill the gods!

The war is on the verge.

So many gods, hunting the only figure under the eyes of the sky?

How can we be enemies?

In the meantime, Qin Qi saw that the figure was moving, and she came out of the sword like a tear.

Unstoppable power!

After all, Qin Qi can't see it. It is not at all that he can be involved at this level.

He only knew that the war was so fierce that it could not be described. On the top of the sky, everything was shattered.

The innocent starry sky shattered most of it.

In the end, the excitement of the gods rang, and the long laughter shook the earth, they seemed to have won!

But then, the laughter turned into angry roar and unwilling roar!

It can be felt that the power of the gods is dying.

This is the era when the gods are together.

Clearly, it is the dusk of the gods!

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