God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1238: Enlightenment

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-eight chapters of the enlightenment

Mr. Ji is very optimistic about Qin Qi and is willing to give Qin Qi this precious opportunity.

And she once again mentioned that she wanted to accept Qin Qi as a disciple, but Qin Qi could only refuse.

Because once the Three Emperors Festival begins, then there is only pain left for them.

The more intimate, the more injured.

"Hey, no one loves the kid, let go!" Mr. Ji waved and let Qin Qi and Mr. Shi quickly disappear from her.

After Qin Qi’s retreat, he turned and left.

After leaving Mr. Jiu, Qin Qi asked: "What is the meaning of Mr. Ten, Mr. Jiu’s words, the Academy has a task for me, will I send me somewhere?"

"When you come back this time, I intend to tell you about this. Do you still remember your agreement with the peach girl?" Mr. Ten said.

"Remember naturally." Qin Qi nodded.

It seems that this matter is related to Tao, but he is about to enlighten, but it is not without the possibility of resistance. It is better to listen and make decisions.

“Have you ever heard of ‘the ancient world?’” Mr. Ten asked.

Chaos ancient world?

Qin Qi shook his head, this is the first time he heard.

"Also please Mr. Ten clearly." Qin Qidao.

"The chaos of the ancient world, only once in a thousand years, is a time and space, there is an ancient period of separation there, accompanied by endless opportunities."

"You see that as far as today's rumors, all kinds of ancient books, ancient martial arts, etc., are mostly taken back from the ancient times."

"If there is no chaos in the ancient world, we are probably ignorant of ancient times."

"In addition to the ancient Wu and so on, there are many ancient treasures and inheritances. It can almost be said to be a land of creation. Every time it is opened, it will attract countless vibrations!"

Mr. Shi introduced, and after listening to these, Qin Qi also understands how amazing the ancient world is.

It is the place where all major forces must fight.

After all, an ancient Wu, or even an ancient book, will explode in the hands of the big forces, not to mention other special inheritance.

“Even, there are people who have got a special constitution from them.” Mr. Ten continued.

"Special physique?" Qin Qi was shocked.

"Yes, it is the physique of the transformation of the day after tomorrow, but it is not worse than the innate ones. It is all strong!"

Special physique is not the same as the day after tomorrow, there is no difference between the strength of each other, only the user's own ability.

For example, the shackles of the genius of the child are the special physique of the day after tomorrow, but who can say that the use of physique can beat him?

It seems that this chaotic ancient world is really a place that is indispensable. It is difficult to get in the ordinary, and it is almost impossible to turn Qin Qi.

Now that it has fallen to the head, how can it be rejected?

In this case, Qin Qi earned, and Tao did not lie to him.

"And nowadays, the arrival of the Great World, like the place of the ancient world, fears that there is a counter-production, and the fruit of the great world is a matter of nailing things, and it is even more popular." Mr. Shi smiled.

indeed so.

“When is it open?” Qin Qi asked.

"In this month, you first go to enlightenment, then you will take you in the past." Mr. Shi said.

"Yes." Qin Qi nodded and rushed to Tianshufu without stopping.

Tianzi Academy Tianshufu, the entire Terran is famous, it is the Holy Land.

It’s a pity that I can only enter a few people at regular intervals. It’s no wonder that the opportunity is so tense. It has been discharged hundreds of years later.

When I came to Tianshu, Qin Qi immediately felt tremendous pressure. There are super strong people sitting here, and the strength will never be weaker than Da.

However, there is nothing wrong with this, Qin Qi did not deliberately resist, slowly picking up the ranks.

In front of it is a beautiful mountain peak, very steep, with white mist on it, like a fairyland.

And Tianshufu, in this mountain, the entrance is a stone archway, the letter "Tianshu House" three words.

These three words, the phoenix walks the dragon, the rhyme is natural, if there is not enough realm, it is impossible to write these words.

Just looking at these three words, the Tao method will be loose, but you can imagine its magic.

At the entrance, some people checked the eligibility for admission, and Mr. Jiu gave him no problem. Qin Qi was not interested in controlling how many strong people were guarded at the entrance.

He went straight into the bookstore.

Tianshufu, very strange, after Qin Qi entered, he did not see any real shape, as if it were a fantasy.

The step under his feet is the lake, the front is full of fog, and if you look behind you, there is no way to come.

So wonderful, so Qin Qi was shocked.

While sitting here, Qin Qi only feels the unprecedented state of mind, there is no trace of miscellaneous, there is a sense of flying fairy!

be quiet.


Qin Qi slowly sighed and began to walk forward.

He stepped on the surface of the lake and circled it in a circle, disrupting the reflection of the lake.

Soon, the reflection in the lake began to change, and it spread out, and actually split two Qin Qi.

One side is black and the other side is white.

Qin Qi knows that this is his way, two choices!

One is killing!

One is guardian!

The killing way, for Qin Qi, can be said that there is no accident, he came to this world, the system.

It is doomed that he will always kill.

Kill the demon, kill, kill the devil, kill the ghost, kill all the enemies.

Killing is exactly his way.

But Qin Qi also wants to guard, he wants to guard poetry, wants to protect Mo Ziqi, wants to guard Fu Cai Xuan, wants to guard everything he cherishes!

Friends, lover, brother, comrades, he wants to guard.

He returned to 100,000 years ago, watching the day was swallowed up by the big day, the pain in his heart can still be clearly felt.

He wants to guard the day.

Guardian is also his way.

Returning from 100,000 years ago, Qin Qi saw these two roads, two completely different ways!

Qin Qi walked on the lake and kept moving forward, but he could not see the end, only the increasingly chaotic lake surface, and gradually drifting away, black and white Qin Qi.

Which road do you want to choose?

Qin Qi hesitated in his heart.

The more hesitated, the harder he is to meditate.

The lake is even more chaotic, and even the two figures are invisible.


Or kill?

Qin Qi suddenly stood, he thought of his enemies.

Jiujian Longsheng.

The old man.


The right way alliance.

Holy Palace.

Tianyuan Twelve!

How powerful.

A few invincible!

Do not kill them, how to guard!

"Indeed, this is my way." Qin Qi finally made up his mind.

Enlightenment for him, this is just a layer of window paper, it is not difficult, the hard thing is to choose.

If you are undecided, then you will make a choice and force it, leaving no regrets.

Only ask questions.

Can you ask!

Qin Qi smiled and he continued to move forward. As his footsteps swayed, the reflection of black and white was also changed.

The white reflection, and Qin Qi gradually drifted away.

The reflection of black has returned to the foot of Qin Qi!

His way is destined to kill!

And that guardian, Qin Qi knows that someone is more suitable than him!

Let him guard everything.

Qin Qi used a sword in his hand to kill a piece of Lang Lang!

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