God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1249: Lunar eclipse night

The first thousand two hundred and forty-nine chapters of the eclipse night

Before coming in, Mr. Ten elaborated on the unique dangers of the ancient world, including the lunar eclipse.

In the chaotic ancient days, the lunar eclipse is roughly seven days, and each occurrence will be accompanied by countless dangers.

At the time of the eclipse, everyone must look for a safe place to hide and not go out.

Because of the eclipse, the power of all the evil beasts in the ancient world will multiply, and the risk factor of the dangerous places will skyrocket.

And this is not the most horrible.

The most difficult thing is the free aura in the void, which will be attached to a special substance, which is called a decaying spirit.

This kind of decaying spirit can make all the forces such as the soul power and demon power collapse.

Once absorbed, don't say cultivation, the realm may collapse.

But the rotten spirit is the aura that is integrated into the land. It is everywhere. If you want to absorb it, it will be difficult to touch it.

And this has become a test.

Either, it is to minimize their vitality, and the soul force stops flowing, reducing contact with the rotten spirit.

Either accelerate the flow of souls and wash away the rotten spirits.

Now that the lunar eclipse appeared, Qin Qi did not dare to look down, crushed the surrounding mountain wall, and took a huge stone to seal the hole, and then returned to the inside of the cave.

"What are you doing in, go out!" Li Ningshuang suddenly sounded up and shouted.

Qin Qi’s eyes started, cold and cold. “This is my place. If you don’t want to stay, you will get out. I won’t stop you.”

With her, Qin Qi has no good attitude.

Li Ningshuang was stagnation, with her pride, how to be willing to give in, just now, she is really afraid, and dare not be right with Qin Qi.

Asked once Qin Qi, her heart is naturally in a weak position, retreating, but it is much simpler than before.

This change made Li Ningshuang even more angry.

But then how angry, she did not dare to fall out with Qin Qi, this guy, not a normal person, is very likely to really throw her outside the cave.

"Qin Shidi, but what happened?" asked Long Light Dance.

Relatively speaking, the dragon light dance should be much calmer. Her feelings about Qin Qi are actually quite good. If it is not the influence of super wretched heart, it may be better.

After all, Qin Qi did not touch them.

And there seems to be no intention to touch them.

This is much better than those who look good.

Qin Qi was in front of the hole, but also deliberately avoided the suspicion, did not account for their cheap, can do this step, Qin Qi's character is trustworthy.

Now that Qin Qi is back, even sealing the hole, I am afraid that something has changed.

"Tonight eclipse." Qin Qidao.

The two women heard the words and they were all shocked.

How can they not know what it means to be in this ancient world?

This time, their faces are very bad looking.

Even in the heyday, you must be careful when you encounter the lunar eclipse, and there is no guarantee that you will completely avoid the erosion of decaying spirits.

In their current state, it is impossible for them to resist the rotten spirit.

When the two women were panicked, they couldn’t help but spit out a hot air, and it was hot and dry, apparently because of the unstable mood, which made the power of the fallen light back again.

"Qin Shidi can have a solution?" Long light dance struggling to suppress the desires in the heart, some difficult roads.

"Yes." Qin Qidao, "But why should I help you."

The dragon sneaked a bit and immediately said: "Qin Shidi Da En, the sister will have a thank you."

"No need." Qin Qi directly shook his head, he was not interested in the dragon and light dance.

The dragon danced frowning, and Qin Qi’s attitude made her always unpredictable. This person seems to really not care about her life and death.

Maybe not everyone is very friendly to her, holding her, but to say that she doesn't care about her, but no one can do it.

"Why should Qin’s younger brother save me?" The dragon danced lightly.

"The things that are with you." Qin Qi shrugged.

The things that come with it.

In other words, Qin Qi was only saving Li Ningshuang, and saved her by the way, mainly to save Li Ningshuang.

However, the attitude of Li Ningshuang to Qin Qi and the attitude of Qin Qi to Li Ningshuang are extremely bad.

Why is Qin Qi willing to save Li Ningshuang, but she does not care about her?

Isn't it the first time they meet?

These slight hostility comes from where.

"Hey, even if you come to save me, I won't thank you." Li Ningshang said coldly.

"Then you are great."

Qin Qi does not care, and does not want to care about her, sitting alone on the side, began to run the soul, ready to meet the lunar eclipse.

Li Ningshuang was very angry in his heart, but he couldn’t help Qin Qi at all. He had the heart to go out and was not humiliated by Qin Qi, but he could not afford courage.

She is not afraid of the danger outside.

What's more, it is still a lunar eclipse, and there is no difference between going out and looking for death.

And if you encounter a person who is not in the wrong position, you don't have to think about it.

One thought of this, Li Ningshuang can only sing a cold, no longer speak.

The dragon dances lightly, and there is a bit of dissatisfaction in her heart. She has never been treated like this.

In the eyes of Qin Qi, she does not say that it is the first beauty of the Zhengdao Alliance. It is an ordinary person. Qin Qi’s attitude may be much better.

Where did you offend him!

The two women are full of thoughts, but they also know the power of the lunar eclipse and keep the soul of the body as shocking as possible.

In their current state, the next moment will be washed away, so it is not feasible to converge all the methods.

Can only use the soul to wash, to prevent the invasion of decaying spirits.

Of course, in their state, the soul power is difficult to control precisely. Even this method, I am afraid it will not last long.

At night, the lunar eclipse becomes more thorough, and the concentration of decaying scorpion will reach its peak when the midnight and the night are fully eclipsed.

That is the most dangerous moment.

Can't hold it anymore.

Although I don't want to admit it, the dragon light dance really can't hold it.

It is too difficult to suppress the increasingly fierce desires in the body and to resist the rotten spirits. Before the night, the dragon dances will not work.

And Li Ningshuang is not much better. She has some advantages over the dragon dance. After all, it is an ice warrior, and it is easier to resist the desire.

However, the repair is a little worse than the dragon, and it is difficult to support at the moment.

But she wants her to plead with Qin Qi, but she can't do it.

"Qin Shidi, if you can, still hope to help." Long light dance had to open, she did not want to die here.

Qin Qi is also considering how to deal with the dragon light dance.

She is from the Huangdao Dragon Palace and is destined to be hostile. It is better to kill now.

However, the other party did not recruit him to provoke him. If he came up, he would kill.

Although Qin Qi is going to kill the road, he does not want to kill him. Otherwise, it is not that he dominates the avenue, but is dominated by the avenue.

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