God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1251: Another one

The first two hundred and fifty-one chapters come again

The two women meditation against Qin Qi and did not dare to look at Qin Qi.

At the same time, they have some strange feelings in their hearts.

In this case, Qin Qi did not choose to eat them, it is really amazing.

Can it be said that Qin Qi has the disease of a widow and cannot be human?

No, I finally touched one last night...

The two women looked at each other and were all blushing. They quickly turned to one side and tried to adjust their interest.

As a result, the efficiency is worse than yesterday, and the body's desires, wave after wave, are hard to suppress.

Qin Qi can feel their state, but he can't help with this kind of thing.

On the contrary, if he stays here, they don’t say ten days, that is, they may not be able to return to normal in a month.

This is not enough, Qin Qi is not interested in taking care of them for a month.

When Qin Qi stood up, he went out.

It is rare to come to the chaotic world, Qin Qi can never waste time on these two women.

"Qin Kong, where are you going!"

When Qin Qi left, Li Ningshuang couldn’t help but scream.

Just talk about the exit and stay a bit, where Qin Qi goes, what else can be concerned.

"I am worried that we will be in danger." Li Ningshuang snorted and added.

"If you are in danger, you will blame yourself for your bad life." Qin Qitou did not go back.

Li Ningshou gritted his teeth and turned his head hard. He adjusted himself to the tempo, but he was confused and almost lost again.

After leaving the cave, Qin Qi confirmed the situation nearby. It is indeed no danger. This has chosen a direction and has made rapid progress.

Yan Yan’s previous conversation, Qin Qi listened in the ear, knowing that they came in the direction of a dragon flower.

That is only the ancient medicine, which is very precious. Although Qin Qi has little meaning in this moment, since it is known, how can it be let go?

Flying all the way, avoiding danger, after half an hour, Qin Qi came to the place where Yan Yan had fought.

The traces of the battle here are still clearly identifiable, and it is not difficult to find, and Qin Qi looked around in a circle and soon discovered Yan Yan’s dragon flower in their mouth.

It is now in full bloom, unusually beautiful, and every petal has a dragon-shaped haunting, very different!

And where it grows, there is actually a real dragon's cheekbones. It seems that it is the existence of the emperor?

Qin Qi stepped forward, and immediately, a beast screamed, the earth shook for it, and an extremely fierce beast rushed out of the corner.

As soon as I came up, I swooped Qin Qi, and the claws and the teeth were biting down.

The existence of this fierce beast, Qin Qi knew it early, so it was not accidental. The text in his hand was surrounded and turned into a sword. He was a sword against the beast.

Ask the sword!

A sword out, the sword is so angry, even if it is a vicious beast of the two-star Wusheng level, the blood of some wild animals and beasts in the body can not resist this sword, and the claws are directly cut off.

And Qin Qi, a sword succeeded, is to gain power, not even a man, even a few swords, the beast will be completely killed.

The two-star sage, in front of Qin Qi who mastered the killing, is simply vulnerable.

Killing the fierce beast, Qin Qi carefully took Longyanhua and stored it in the backpack space.

Later, Qin Qi treated the fierce beast again, taking away the flesh and blood that contained a lot of energy, and prepared to make food later.

After doing this, Qin Qi once again concealed his figure and continued to explore.

Since this place is unknown, Qin Qi is also preparing to use the bases as the center of the circle to conduct radiant explorations everywhere.

In such a place where the ancient world is chaotic, it is dangerous to casually chase. Even Qin Qi, dare not say that it can be traversed, and must be careful.

As the scope of exploration continued to expand, Qin Qi’s heart sank again.

He discovered the traces of the Mozu and the Yaozu!

Is it the aborigines of the ancient world, or is there a young strong man with a demon family invading this place?

Either way, it must be treated with caution.

Moreover, from the traces of the remnants, some of these demons have mastered the fruits of the great world. Qin has seen special fluctuations due to the eggs of the Qi and the eggs of the dragons.

It is a pity that when Qin Qi found these traces, the other party has left for a long time, otherwise it is possible to see who is invading.

If you can, it is not impossible to kill people.

The fruits of the big world, how many Qin Qi are not too much, after all, not only he needs, everyone in the day and the monkey brother, and everyone in the Chaos Era Alliance, it is best.

This task can be very arduous, and it is enough to seize the fruit of the great world without luck. Of course, it is the murder of the goods.

Following the traces, Qin Qi traced nearly a hundred miles, but the other side was also careful enough, and then there was no trace left. Qin Qi could only give up.

In this process, Qin Qi did not meet other people, but it was not the Tianzi Academy. Qin Qi did not meet.

However, Qin Qi also wants to find a few people.

After all, this time, Wang Qianyu and Zuo Qiuhan will come in, even the green radish, Ye Yuexin, etc., people who have known in the past will also enter this place. Qin Qi will inevitably have some concerns and want to find them.

It is a pity that the original emptiness of the void was too strong, and everyone was dispersed. Even if they were separated by a hundred thousand miles, they could only meet by luck.

However, Qin Qi believes in their strength, they will be able to weather the storm safely, and even seize the heavens!

Time passes by, the day has passed, and once the night falls, even if it is not the night of the lunar eclipse, the danger factor will still improve a lot.

For security reasons, it is better to return to the stronghold.

After all, there are still two women there, just hope that they don’t really get to the end of their lives and be found by other men.

"No, how is it so dark tonight, it is difficult, it is still the night of the lunar eclipse!" Qin Qi flew to the base, but could not help but frown.

It seems that with the advent of the Great World, this ancient world of chaos has indeed undergone major changes.

From the beginning of the emptiness of the void can be seen one or two, and now the seven-day eclipse night, actually fell for two consecutive nights.

This increase in the risk factor is more than twice as long.

At this moment, I am afraid that many people are yelling at her mother!

The night is getting thicker and thicker. Qin Qi feels that his hair is erecting. The sense of danger is getting stronger and stronger. He can only speed up and return to the stronghold before the night falls.

It was only when Qin Qi returned to the stronghold that he was shocked. There was a very clear sign on the small map. There was actually one more person in the cave.

Qin Qi’s eyes narrowed and he walked into the cave.

He naturally does not fear anyone.

Inside the cave, the dragon light dance and Li Ningshuang are still flushed, but they have faded a lot. It seems that Qin Qi is not there, and they are recovering well.

In addition to them, there is a woman, the color is the same level as Li Ningshuang, but it is very heavy and almost drowned.

When Qin Qi came back, the dragon light dance and Li Ningshuang could not help but brighten their eyes. Although they did not want to admit it, the heart was indeed relieved.

"Qin Shidi, she is the grandson of Xuan Tianzheng Sun Jingyi, she was seriously injured by a Samsung saint-level fierce beast, fainted when she fled to the vicinity, we saved her back." Long light dance explained.

Xuantian Authentic Sun Jingwei, Xuan Tian authentic first beauty.

Well, the three giants of the Right Way Alliance, the three beautiful women are so close together?

Qin Qi didn't know what to say, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. It took a long time to say a word.

"Tonight is still eclipse, what are you going to do?"

It was said that the faces of the two women were all white, and then they became red again.

Moreover, Sun Jingxi was seriously injured and dying, and he was bound to be unable to resist the rotten spirit alone.

Tonight, I am afraid it is not good!

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