God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1253: "an honest person

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-three chapters of "righteousness"

"When you wake up, when are you awake?" Qin Qi laughed.

"In the middle of the night, I felt like I was hit by something. I woke up and saw a big long leg, but then I went to your waist." Sun Jing smiled.

"Giggle me, not tied." Qin Qi coughed.

"But the younger brother, you are so good, the two beautiful women in the two leagues have actually got your hands, and you can be careful to be killed by other brothers." Sun Jingxiao laughed.

Seeing this scene, she seems to be not shy at all, but is very interested.

"Teacher, how did you do it, give them aphrodisiac?" Sun Jing screamed at the watery eyes.

This woman, did not see it, looks very sweet, so it is so embarrassing.

"They stayed in the fallen light for a day and a night, and so far they can't eliminate the impact. It will be entirely instinct, not voluntary." Qin Qi smiled.

"Stayed for a day and a night?" Sun Jingxi couldn't help but be amazed, then he laughed and said: "That can be terrible, but look at their dissatisfaction. Do you miss them?"

Qin Qi turned a blind eye and said: "I am a gentleman."

Sun Jingxuan couldn't help but shake his head. He had a bit of hate for not being a steel. "Teacher, I am not talking about you. At this time, what morality is still in control. Directly, the first and second beauty of the league are here. It’s not a lack of heart!”

"You are not the first beauty of Xuantian Orthodox?" Qin Qi is speechless, this woman's character is a bit embarrassing.

"I didn't go to the younger brother to drill in your arms. How can it be the same?" Sun Jingxiao laughed.

Immediately, her eyes aimed at the dragon and danced lightly, screaming twice, saying: "Teacher, I remember that you are the emperor's academy, because of the friendship of the same door, not to touch the sister of Li."

"This dragon light dance is the Huang Daolong Palace, and it is still the first beauty of the league. It is not a pity that you are not on. Are you afraid of the Huang Daolong Palace?" Sun Jingyi is still excited.

This woman, really has a hatred with the Huang Daolong Palace.

"You still saved her, so she is not so good?" Qin Qidao.

"Ah? Isn't the younger brother saved me back?" Sun Jing stunned. At that time, she was already in a coma. She didn't know who saved her.

"Cough, what, brother, we are all righteous people, adhering to the right path, must not surrender to the heart!"

"The two sisters are also worthy of the situation, the younger brother must hold back, must not make things about animals!" Sun Jingwei seriously cautioned.

Qin Qi’s eyes are constantly shaking, this woman has become too fast!

Sun Jingxi also had some guilty conscience. He said: "I don't know if she saved me. It is a habitual desire to hang in the Huangdaolong Palace. I haven't resisted for a while."

"Good habits, keep it!" Qin Qi encouraged.

There should be more people in the world who are "righteous" with Sun Jingwei!

At this moment, the two women also woke up and had a night last night. They finally exhausted their strength and fell asleep.

However, with the spiritual consciousness of the military, the dialogue between Qin Qi and Sun Jingwei was just heard in the word.

The dragon dances with a bit of sorrow, and it feels like it has never been so bad.

A Qin Kong hostile to her is no problem, at least not over the boundary, and now there is a more Sun Jingxi, Zhang mouth closed her mouth will push her into the fire pit.

For the first time, Dragon Light Dance felt that her life was so bitter.

Sun Jingyi is also a bit embarrassed, but although she is ranked third in beauty, her face is definitely ranked first. Now she laughs and greets the dragon and Li Ning, as if she had not spoken.

"Last night, you don't want to go out." Li Ningshuang took a look at Sun Jingyan.

"Reassured, a word will not go out." Sun Jingyi quickly promised.

"However, although I don't say it, but some people want to know, it is still possible." Sun Jing's words immediately changed.

Several people know that she is referring to the performance of the performance.

But who would be bored to calculate this?

"Qin Shidi, you saved them, it is a good thing, but it is not a good time to have a good report," Sun Jingwei smiled slightly.

"Li Shijie is still nothing, but here is the Dragon Master. If you are not careful, you may be overwhelmed."

"You have to know that if this matter is known by the body of the dragon god, you may not live." Sun Jing sighed, not a joke.

"No." Long light dance quickly, the look is a bit strange.

"It won't be fine." Sun Jingxiao laughed.

"Qin Shidi, you can rest assured that no one knows about this, and the master can't know." The dragon danced biting the lip.

"Hey, I will be afraid of him knowing?" Qin Qi sneered. "After going out, I went to the Phoenix family to grab people and turn the princess away. I see how he can treat me!"

"Qin Shidi, cow!" Sun Jingyi gave Qin Qi a thumbs up.

The same person!

The dragon danced lightly, the look was a bit complicated, and he stopped talking and silently began to adjust his interest.

"Qin Kong, you better not mess, you are not the opponent of the body of the Dragon God." Li Ningshuang snorted, habitual opening.

"I have something for you, while waiting." Qin Qi is impatient.

"You!" Li Ningshuang is so angry that she really wants to be mad by Qin Qi.

She is now sure that Qin Qi left her down, just to humiliate her again and again.

Ridiculous, she also had some changes to Qin Qi.

When she recovers completely, she must pay the price!

Sun Jingyi still looks at it with interest and feels that the relationship between the three is really interesting.

The first beauty of the right way, Qin Qi is not waiting to see, this is the same as the beautiful sister of Qin Qi, Qin Qi is impatient, but against her, still a good attitude.

However, Qin Qi can hold back the two women who have not touched each other. It is already like a fairy. It is not surprising to do anything.

"Qin Shidi, is there any way to make my injury recover faster?" Sun Jingyi is no longer concerned about these details.

Today, recovery is the most important.

Her injury was extremely heavy. Although Qin Qi helped her recover a lot, but in fact it was only returned from the ghost gate. It is not so simple to recover.

At the moment, she is no different from a mortal, and she may not be able to beat a mature man.

As for the medicinal herbs, Qin Qi has used a lot, and the medicinal properties have reached the limit. Unless more advanced medicinal herbs are used, they can only wait for Sun Jingyi to fully absorb the medicinal properties.

It’s just that this is the ancient world, the danger factor is too high, and according to the current situation, I am afraid that it will become more and more dangerous.

Such a serious injury state must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise it may be ill after encountering any accident.

"Your injury is too heavy, and it has been dragging on for too long. It has already hurt the roots. If you can't recover from it, rest assured." Qin Qidao.

Sun Jing's state can only come slowly, and it is urgent.

Of course, if Qin Qi can use the power of the holy system, it will be much faster to recover, but it is also limited.

"It can only be like this." Sun Jing sighed.

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