God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1256: Emperor city

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-six chapters of the Emperor City

The daytime that has not been long has passed by a quarter. At this moment, it is close to noon, Qin Qi must grasp it.

After confirming the safety around, Qin Qi will look for a direction and go to the area that has not been explored yesterday.

Going forward, Qin Qi has also found traces of many battles. Every time Qin Qi will stop and explore carefully, I want to see if there will be a baby.

After all, in the chaos of ancient times, the reasons for the battle are nothing more than two.

One is life-saving and the other is robbing.

It may be the robbing of others, or it may be the robbing of the beasts. It is always accompanied by interests.

And the big possibility is that the military is no match for the fierce beast, then Qin Qi can come to a siskin.

Sure enough, Qin Qi found a place, the battle traces are very fierce, I am afraid that it has experienced a big battle, the atmosphere left on the scene, more than six people.

It seems that some people have already found their companions and formed a team.

However, the six-person team has also lost. The danger of this place is probably not the same.

Qin Qi was also careful, and the perception was released, but did not find the existence of the beast.

Is it a danger outside the beast?

I was thinking, but Qin Qi’s heart suddenly burst into flames, and the ground on which his feet were stepping began to shine.

Qin Qi was shocked and the whole person broke out like a teleport.

Qin Qi frowned, looking at the changes in the ground, those ray of light made a road, actually formed a formation.

But when I saw this, Qin Qi was a pupil, because it was not artificially set, but it was naturally shaped!

Such a formation is often difficult to break with the world.

With the appearance of this array, the surrounding atmosphere has changed, and then a beast screams, and there are lions and tigers in the big array.

A lion, a tiger, a god, and an extraordinary momentum.

Qin Qi glanced at it, and then his eyes fell on the spar in the big array.

This spar is full of brilliance, and there are many lines on the surface. It blends with the big array and turns out to be the core of the big array.

In the spar, there is a strong magical power, which is nothing.

"The core of the natural array, hey, this is really a baby!" Qin Qi is also a person who is proficient in the road, how can not know the significance of the core of the array.

This thing can double the power of any formation!

If it is put in the city of the era, is it not a solid soup?

When Qin Qi is a joy in the heart, it is natural to get the core of this natural array.

The two lions and tigers, the strength is probably very strong, should have the power of close to the four-star Wu Sheng, and it is no wonder that the six teams have lost.

After all, the younger generation, the strongest should only be a one-star Wusheng, perhaps after coming in, find a big creation, can be a higher level.

But the entanglement of the four-star Wusheng level is still not enough.

Perhaps after another month, most people's realm has been improved, and then called a few more people, they may have destroyed them.

But at least now, among all people, only Qin Qi alone can defeat this spirit.

The king appeared and the field was suppressed.

Qin Qi stepped forward and stepped into the scope of the big battle.

And the two lions and tigers suddenly roared, the earth shook, the horrible pressure shook open, and took Qin Qi straight.

This large array is also helping them, while weakening the power of Qin Qi and giving Qin Qi tremendous pressure.

It’s a natural array, and it’s really powerful!

And Qin Qi, a cold scream, two hands pinch, one hand, the word sings in the air, the Buddha light a little bit.

Immediately, the double-printed, as if Razhao and Longfo shot, one person, suppressed the lion.


The lion and tiger split open, even if there is a natural array of support, gathering some of the world's general trend, but still can not resist the power of Qin Qi this double seal.

Qin Qi smiled and went to the core of the law. It was only this moment, but there was a figure emerging. The Qin Dynasty stepped forward and rushed to the core of the law!

Tiger mouth to eat?

Qin Qi looks cold, Wang Zhi despise!

The eyes passed, and the people surrendered.

The figure was obviously stiff, and it was oppressed by Qin Qi’s momentum and almost collapsed.

However, the breath of his body was changing rapidly, and finally he got rid of the contempt of the king.

This time, Qin Qi can not help but be surprised.

But this time, Qin Qi is not doing nothing, the field of the king and the sanctuary are pressed together, that is, the 100,000 mountains fall, and they cannot escape.

The other party apparently knew that it was powerful and decisive enough to give up the idea of ​​eating the tiger's mouth and prepare to flee.

There is a terrorist force on his body that shakes out. It obviously does not belong to him. It should be the strength given by the elders. He wants to shake the field of Qin Qi.

This power does have such power, and the atmosphere is somewhat similar to that of the King. It is the only imperial domineering!

But Qin Qi will make him succeed.

The shadowless method and the lightness of the article, let his speed reach the extreme, and the moment comes to the person in front of him, the double print in his hand, has poured into three thousand words.

This kind of power, once it falls, the person will fly away!

"I surrender, don't kill me!"

Knowing that he could not escape, this person did not hesitate and surrendered directly, fearing that Qin Qi would shoot and kill him.

Until then, this talent revealed its stature, but it was a teenager, younger than Qin Qi.

"The people of the Imperial City?" Qin Qi blinked.

In the Valley of the Split, the people of the Imperial City entered the ancient world of the chaos for the first time, so Qin Qi had an understanding of them.

But I did not expect that this person is so powerful, can be close to God without knowing it.

"Yes, I am the Emperor City, and I also ask the brothers to show mercy." Jing Jing quickly said, his face was extremely pale.

"Dare to grab my things, don't pay a price, I'm afraid it won't work?" Qin Qi said indifferently.

"What the brothers want, despite the opening, as long as I have, will certainly not refuse." Yu Jing swallowed the mouth.

Qin Qi in front of him, killing the raging, is not to kill the road, it is too horrible.

It was appeasement, and I couldn’t help but tremble.

Damn, apart from the Imperial Palace and the Imperial City, how can there be such a terrible existence, or people?

In the past, how have you never heard of it?

"Give me the space ring, I pick it myself." Qin Qi smiled.

The look of Jingjing is a stiff, what do you pick yourself, and the space ring falls into the hands of Qin Qi. Is there a possibility of returning?

"School, brother, can you look at the face of the Emperor City, raise your hands?" Appease felt the pain in his throat.

Although he came from the Imperial City, he was not known for his strength. Instead, he was surrounded by many small means.

For example, just leaving the contempt of the king and avoiding the perception of Qin Qi are all kinds of strange and mysterious techniques. On the contrary, they are limited in combat power.

Originally, he intends to seize the core of the formation when Qin Qi and the turm war.

But who can think of it, Qin Qi is so fierce, and instantly defeated the powerful actor, let him ride the tiger.

In the spirit of fighting together, forcibly shot, the result is now.

"Do you think you are qualified to talk to me about conditions?" Qin Qi smiled, and the breath, the more horrible.

The look of Jingjing was white again. Now I really want to cry. I know that when he dares to be greedy, he should first go to find his brother and sister.

"Senior brother, you are also giving me half of the rest, this is my collection for a small half-life!" Jingjing pleaded.

Qin Qi did not look at him, but looked at somewhere in the forest.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" Pang Jing felt this and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"You have a companion." Qin Qidao.

"Brother, sister, come and save me!" Lou Jing suddenly shouted.

"What is it, there is no masculinity, you are like a man who is a family!" A loud voice rang, and a tall woman came out of the forest.

This woman is also a great color, and the momentum is very strong. Perhaps because of the imperial city, she is born with the imperial domineering, can shock others.

However, she is not in full bloom now, but she was injured.

"Three sisters, how are you injured!" Jingjing quickly called.

"It was attacked by a guy in the Huangdaolong Palace."

"The Huang Daolong Palace dares to attack us, who is it, I am going to kill him!" Shu Jing suddenly yelled, very angry.

"With you?" Yu Qing squinted at Jingjing.

He calmed down and asked, "What is the result? You should kill the kid in the third sister?"

"He is also a must-have, and smashed his curse, he let him go."

Qin Qi listened, and there was no reason for the cold, this woman, enough.

"Isn't it the beauty of your sister-in-law, is this a bad feeling?" Jingjing was very dissatisfied.

"He was lucky enough to get a dragon flower, but he did not know that the ancient world has changed greatly. Although the medicine of Longyanhua is stronger, it has become more ferocious."

"This has little effect on the average person, but the dragon warrior is different. Once this is done, the **** in the dragon's blood will be led out." Qing Qingdao, did not continue to say.

"Oh, dragon **** is so kinky, so that the dragon is eager to see the brain, I don't know how to find the third sister." He smiled.

"You said oh!" But Qin Qi, could not help but widen his eyes.

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