God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1271: Who is the king?

Who is the king in the first thousand two hundred and seventy-one?

The king's field is wide open, and the egg of Qin Qi's body is swaying, and the spirit of the ages fluctuates.

Like a young god, he is also like a **** of purgatory.

The shock of a heavy **** body on his body is the real stretch of the killing.

Prior to this, Qin Qi had never used all his strength, but this void beast gave Qin Qi a huge threat and must go all out!


The emptiness of the beast, the whole piece of emptiness is his territory, stepping into here, is to step into its field.

In the void, the void beast is the innocent king!

That huge mouth, still Zhang Da, they want to devour all of Qin Qi.

The void is crushed and layered, and even the interlocking bomb can't do it.

However, a sword is smashed out, the sword is raging, and the ancient swords of the heavens are sharp and unparalleled. Even if this superposition is empty, it can still be opened.

The tears of the sword, the squatting, the void is divided into two halves.

Qin Qi body, countless words rushed out, full of six thousand, and the word limit blooms, emitting Buddha Jinguang, a pair of Buddha prints, suddenly photographed.

Rage and boundless, can suppress the demon!

The Void also couldn't help but snarl and it was knocked out.

At this moment, the talents really see what it looks like.

This beast, all in the dark, has a **** horny exposed, like a hedgehog, a huge head, a triangle, two long angles, the horrible void power is shaking.

A hit failed, was blocked by Qin Qi, the Void beast could not help but some anger.

It groaned again, and a pair of long angles above the emptiness of the void power, and even the chaotic void around it was pulled.

Deep in the void, this is its field.

It is the king.

However, who is the king, it will be known after the fight.

The king's field is shaken open, and Qin Qi is indifferently looking at the void beast. The king's contempt, even if it is against the empty beast, it is also strong and unmatched!

Who is the king?

The Void beast felt the suppression of Qin Qi, and there was a panic in the face of the emperor.

And this made it furious, a small human being, dare to challenge its majesty in the void, simply do not know life and death.

The two horns shone, and the endless void power was directly crushed.

The void is cascading, turbulent, and devastating.

The power of emptiness everywhere, even the possibility of avoiding.

Twelve Golden Buddha Shield!

Qin Qi put the hanging mirror in his arms, so as not to be directly crushed by the horrible power of the surrounding horror, and on his body, the twelve-faced Buddha shield rose.

When the word is empty, it has its own countless texts, and the Buddha's shield shines brightly. Among them, the Buddha's law is solemn, and it seems to have a chanting sound.


The Buddha shield was in front, but it also began to shatter. The power of this void was too violent, and it could hardly resist it.

A layer of Buddha shield broke open, turned out to be eleven consecutive layers, until the last layer, only barely resisted the power of the void beast.

However, the Void Beast obviously cannot accept such a result. In the void, it is the king!

It slammed forward, the giant claws slammed, and the void trembled again and again, which could instantly turn people into blood fog.

Qin Qi snorted, no shadow.

Qin Qi quickly avoided, and the raging emptiness could not stop him, and he could keep himself intact.

However, a long tail, slammed, the **** cockroaches above can almost open the black iron mountain, if it is hit, the wild animals are afraid to eat.

Qin Qi once again evaded, but it was still smashed by the void, and it was difficult to stabilize the figure.

The Void beast is not gaining momentum, and once again rushed, the terrible power above the double horns fell again and again, not giving Qin Qi a chance.

In the void, the power of the Void is too strong.

Qin Qi gritted his teeth, and immediately snorted, his body suddenly changed, the soul surged, and even the emptiness of the void was washed away.

Two stars Wu Sheng!

Qin Qi’s direct promotion, the strength of time, is more than just multiplication.

Whether it is the human king field or the contempt of the king, Wei Neng has once again raised a level.

This void beast, the six-star saint, but because of the special blood, the combat power is not comparable to the general six-star saint.

Especially in this void, even if Qin Qi has a big fruit, it is not an opponent.

Moreover, the eggs of Longzhong are still not exposed for the time being.

However, if you enter the two-star Wusheng, it will be different.

People king field!

The king of the king rises up and shines, as if he is the master of the world, and the void beast will surrender to him.

Wang Zhizhao.

Wherever the line of sight passes, in the position of the king, despise the gods!

The Void screamed a few times, this time it felt the pressure.

In the depths of this void, it is its home, only it suppresses others, but now, it has been suppressed by others.

Even the human king field cuts off its connection to the void, making it difficult to use this void to confront the enemy.

"Give me a surrender!" Qin Qi cold drink, photographed by Luo Xia Yin, a total of 7,000 words, completely gathered in this print.

A Luochao law rises from the sky and is pressed by one hand. It is like the five-finger mountain that the Buddha has lowered. It directly crushes the empty beast.

The Void beast roars, but the power of this Rakshasa is also much stronger than before.

The ancient powers of the above shocks, as well as the power of the eggs of the creation of the power.


Qin Qi, who was still at a disadvantage, was suppressed by the Nether Beast. At this moment, it is necessary to directly crush the Void.

Stupid humans!

The emptiness of the emptiness beast, the blood of the body that belongs to the emptiness of the beast began to boil, and the endless void power began to converge.

Its body is simply a collection of emptiness. Once it breaks out, this void can be annihilated directly.

"Void grinding disc!"

The emptiness of the beast roared, and the double horns turned into a light, condensed into two pieces of grinding discs, from the top and bottom, crushed down, grinding the heavens and the earth.

And between the two grinding discs, it is the most terrible emptiness of the void. When the grinding disc is close to one point, this emptiness is twice as strong.

So empty, what else is it impossible to break?

The emptiness of the emptiness of the beast, let it cast the magical power of the emptiness beast, this human being is indeed powerful enough.

However, above the void, it is the king!

"Who is the king?"

However, Qin Qi’s cold drink sounded, and a sword light directly came out of the virtual sand plate.

That sharp sword light seems to be able to smash even the heavens, and the divine power is stirring, and the connection between the two grinding discs is directly cut off.


The Dragon Buddha and the Rakshasa rushed, and one Buddha and one seal rushed up and down, and two large mills flew out.

The Void beast couldn't help but widen his eyes. Its bottom card tricks, the virtual sanding disc, was so broken!


A sword, Qin Qi's human king field once again enveloped the void beast.

And he stood on the top of the void beast, looking down and down, as the king despised everything!

The ancient swords of the heavenly order stimulated the empty beast to smash every inch of nerves, and it was like it on its head.

Even if the emptiness beast is famous, it can resist the horror of the emptiness of the void, and at this moment, there is no sense of security for the emptiness beast.

The sword, surrounded by words, is sharp and unparalleled, and seems to penetrate its head as long as it is willing.

"Submission, or death!" Qin Qi's voice is very cold.

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